fat in to muscle?



  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Nope. Your fat won't turn into muscle. The muscle beneath the fat will grow stronger and while you might look a little 'bulky' at first because they will swell {they get injured with lifting, small micro-tears that must be repaired, hence the soreness, swelling, and slight water-weight gain), if you stick with it, you'll get the look you want.

    I suggest lifting HEAVY actually, not light, and lift for fewer reps. I do 5 sets of 5 reps each, but I've also done 3 sets of 8 reps each. Both can work for you. Check out the book New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women. You can probably find it at the library. Even if you don't do the program, it's got some great info in there explaining why you should lift heavy weights. You might pass it on to your husband too, so that he can revise his out-dated ideas (no offense meant to him, but he is using old-school info and passing on some myths).

    Cardio will help burn calories. It will burn fat AND muscle. It's not a bad thing. There are lots of reasons to do cardio. It's just not a 'fat burner'.

    Good luck!

    This is an excellent book. I have the one for men: "New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women"
  • Lennox497
    Lennox497 Posts: 242 Member
    Fat does not turn into muscle. They are completely two different things. As for getting bulky, this is a misconception by quite a few women. There is not enough testosterone in the female genetics to get bulky. It takes an insane amount of discipline and hard work at the gym to get "bulky" even for men.

    I would suggest both cardio and weight training. It is a combination of both, coupled with a healthy diet that gets results. A one dimensional routine will not get you the results you really crave.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i agree with this guy ^

    also fat and muscle and completely different this. it's like saying slice of cake will turn into ham just because i put it between 2 pieces of bread and throw a slice of swiss on top of it.

    i do a combination of heavy lifting and some cardio. the way to not get bulky is to not eat over your maintenance calories or not let your body fat get lower than 15-18% (depending on your definition of bulky)

    so more to the point, lift heavy, do a bit of cardio and tell your hubby to shut his pretty lil mouth about how human anatomy works
  • wisegirl_k
    wisegirl_k Posts: 38 Member
    Oy, the misconceptions around women lifting...it kills me!! First of all, women don't have enough testosterone to get "bulky". Second of all, fat doesn't turn into muscle. You gain "tone" by breaking down the muscle fibers, and rebuilding them. As you burn and shed fat, you can see your muscles better.

    Lift heavy, low reps. Check out the book New Rules of Lifting for Women...it has some great info for people just starting out.

    ^^^ word.
  • ZoobityBop
    ZoobityBop Posts: 22
    What you could do is find a diet routine that works towards your goal. My personal favorite was Customized Fat Loss. Not sure if anybody else tried it but it definitely worked for me. But like anything, you should probably look more into it before you decide, so here's a site where you can read about it here: http://fantasticfitnessreviews.com/customized-fat-loss-review/
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    Adipose (fat) and muscle are two different types of tissue. One can't simply turn into the other. The only way to get rid of adipose tissue is liposuction so what we strive for is to shrink the adipose tissue that we do have and tone muscle at the same time.
  • joeyplatypus92
    I assume by "tone" you are refferring to definition? this is accomplished by burning bodyfat (burning more calories then you consume)

    unfortuneatly you cant get "tone" without having a bit of muscle to begin with, by lifting in the higher rep ranges you are inducing muscular hyoertrophy, aka making them bigger. not bigger as in huge, but a bit so that you can get the desired definition. because to be honest, it looks disgusting when women have bony stick arms.

    lifting low reps with more weight burns more calories, but does less in the way of building actual muscle (leans towards neural adaption).

    high protein/ moderate carbs/ low fat

    sorry i had to really simplify this :)