Greetings from Australia

JPattyD Posts: 3 Member
Hi I'm new to the site and thought I'd introduce myself. After a bit of information and maybe some guidance.

A bit of history:
I first tipped the scales at 100kg when I was 12 years old (~180cm tall). After putting up with the weight for years, while maintaining a low-fat, low-sugar, but high carb diet (breads and pastas) with a fairly active life style (played 3 sports, worked on a farm). For the last 6-7 years I've been anywhere from 140-156kg, but remained relatively fit and still able to play sports such as tennis and cricket, and work physical 12 hour days on the farm.

After some illness (causing chronic fatigue) which absolutely wrecked my fitness and left me weighing in at 156kg (343 pounds) I've developed a much stronger will to be stronger and fitter than ever, and started doing Pilates early in 2011. It was also found that I have "insulin resistance" and I was shifted onto a high-protein, low-carb diet in November of 2011 (Weighed 145kg at that point).

Now I'm weighing in around 115kg and have been stuck between a low of 112kg and 115kg for the last few months. I've lost shirt sizes and noticed increased muscle tone in this time though, so not terribly worried, but still want to kick the weight loss off again as I've gained 3kg in the last month and it scared me a bit.

I have a "bad back", or more technically I have Sherman's Disease, Scoliosis, hyper-mobility and had some extremely weak stabilising muscles before starting Pilates. Since starting I've improved my hunch-back by 22mm (nearly an inch less) and I'm much stronger and more stable, very rarely do I have any back pain, compared to an almost constant ache that was there before I started.

I can't really tweak my diet at this stage, as it has been medically prescribed in order to fix the lingering problems from my illness and to get around the insulin resistance problem. So I'm more in the region of looking for some tips for exercise and motivation. Since I've dropped most of the weight and have gotten stronger everyone around me (except the Pilates instructor) seem to think I've reached the "goal" and can just maintain now, but I want to be "unstoppable" and never feel that my body is holding me back again.

I probably need more in the region of Cardio sort of work-out tips as the Pilates is handling the sculpting and strengthening aspects nicely, the muscle tone I'm starting to notice probably has something to do with me not having lost any weight for the last 3 months.

Probably should mention I'm around 195cm tall (6'4"-6'5") depending on the curve in my back and have a large build besides. I currently fit into XL-XXL clothing, I was in 6XL before the illness, and that was tight on me after it.

My target is more in the fitness and appearance than a certain weight I'll be happy with. If I look healthy and can do whatever I want without feeling restricted I'll be happy. I want a subtle muscle tone and no flabbiness, but don't need to go to washboard ads and rippling muscles everywhere to feel like I've achieved the goal.


  • Jane827
    Jane827 Posts: 1
    :smile: You go girl never lose your momentum if you ever feel down know that you have alot of supporters here at my fitness pal. yell out and will be there for support. YOU ROCK!!!!!!