why doesnt tea count towards water



  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    What about Crystal Light? It's a 5 calorie packet...and I use about 36 ounces of water to mix it in. Does that not count as water intake?
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Why even mess around with it? Just drink water for your requirements. Anything over that from tea or whatever is bonus.

    Why play the wondering game? It's like taking medication that expired. Is it still good, am I still getting enough of what I need? 64 ounces of water a day is not a lot. It is 4 ounces per hour for a typical person that is awake for 16 hours a day. Half a glass. I'm done ranting, sorry.

    You're very passionate about your water! I don't count anything but plain old water from my Brita as water. Other things do count toward your daily fluid intake, but water is still water.

    I am, but not because of why you might think. The question was not what counts towards your fluid intake, it was does tea count as water. The answer is no, it doesn't.

    You think its the same, volunteer somewhere to have the 2/3 of your body thats made up of water drained and replaced with tea, see how you feel after that.

    I might be a little overboard with it, but tea is not water. It's not. No debate about it. Drink tea if you need to to get some hydration, its cool. But don't go saying its the same thing. It's not.
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    I count water with crystal light as water. The water here is nasty, so instead of buying flat after flat of bottled water, I bring one bottle to work and continuously refill it and add crystal light to hide the taste. it is a bottle of water, all I have done is add powder to it. I count the crystal light in my meals though, because at 10 calories a packet x 5 bottles a day= 50 calories. still better than juice or soda.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I count water with crystal light as water. The water here is nasty, so instead of buying flat after flat of bottled water, I bring one bottle to work and continuously refill it and add crystal light to hide the taste. it is a bottle of water, all I have done is add powder to it. I count the crystal light in my meals though, because at 10 calories a packet x 5 bottles a day= 50 calories. still better than juice or soda.

    I was just going to try to correct you and say "No, it's only 5 calories a packet", then I went to double check and make sure I read the packet right...I was half correct, it's 5 calories, but there's 2 servings to a packet! I am glad I read your post and double checked! Not that another 5 calories will do anything, but it's good to be fully informed! :smile:
  • romst19
    romst19 Posts: 100 Member
    How about carbonated water (naturally flavored - no sugar)? What do most of you think about counting that?
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I thought caffeine was a diuretic too but it turns out it isn't. They've done a bunch of studies on it and consuming liquids with caffeine doesn't increase your urine output over a 24 hour period compared to not consuming it.

    So I count it. (What little I consume of it anyway.)
  • metalpalace
    I count it--I figure it contributes more water to the body than the diuretic effect causes water loss.

    Same here.

    You're both right.
  • edolphs71
    edolphs71 Posts: 4 Member
    When I met with a nutritionist, I asked about flavored waters and tea and she said if that's how I would get my water in then she had no problem with it. I mix it up with plain and flavored during the day.
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I count water with crystal light as water. The water here is nasty, so instead of buying flat after flat of bottled water, I bring one bottle to work and continuously refill it and add crystal light to hide the taste. it is a bottle of water, all I have done is add powder to it. I count the crystal light in my meals though, because at 10 calories a packet x 5 bottles a day= 50 calories. still better than juice or soda.

    I was just going to try to correct you and say "No, it's only 5 calories a packet", then I went to double check and make sure I read the packet right...I was half correct, it's 5 calories, but there's 2 servings to a packet! I am glad I read your post and double checked! Not that another 5 calories will do anything, but it's good to be fully informed! :smile:

    Walmart has a knock-off of the Crystal Light tea and it has even less of something (just don't remember what it is at the moment). It's cheaper and I used to like the taste even better than the Crystal Light. I used to drink that to wean myself off of sodas. Anyway...yeah.