I just love my co-workers *eye roll*



  • rachellem86
    rachellem86 Posts: 62 Member
    My coworkers are the same - always bringing in sweets to work (which are my downfall) and asking if I want any, even though they KNOW that I only allow myself a treat on Tuesday and Thursday evenings after a lengthy workout.
  • Erinbopeep
    Erinbopeep Posts: 4 Member
    We office dwellers totally get it and hear you loud and clear!!!!! I get the eye roll and stupid remarks all the time.... There is some sort of party/celebration at least 1x a week in my office, and when i refuse to have a cupcake or cookie... it never fails! I really don't give a sh&* when a co-worker tries to make me feel bad about it, like i am depriving myself or living an unrealistic lifestyle.... (and quite a few of them should probably be limiting their caloric intake as well which is what drives me even crazier).... i'd rather say no to the cupcake to "celebrate" with my co-workers so i can sit down at night with my husband and relax over a glass of wine or two.

    Glad to hear i'm not the only one that deals with this sense of shame people try to make me feel when i deny bad food choices. amazing how that works.
  • Gapwedge01
    Gapwedge01 Posts: 494
    Misery loves company. Just smile because you know what is going on.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Why do people find it fun to try to make me fail?!

    Maybe because your success is proof that it can be done, and this makes them feel like failures for not doing it too. But your failure would mean that it really is too hard for "normal people" and this would make them feel less of a failure for not even trying.

    They don't want you raising the bar.
  • GeneveSparkles
    GeneveSparkles Posts: 283 Member
    People are ****s.
    People in my life STILL after like 8 years of not eating meat try to get me to eat it. The jokes were funny the first 500 times but it does get old. Having to explain/justify the choices you make is annoying but hopefully they will get bored of it and lay off a bit soon.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    Why do people find it fun to try to make me fail?!

    Because they are intimidated. When one person in a group begins to make choices that go against the "rules" of the group or! what the group would deem acceptable behavior... the other members of the group try to bring the boat rocker back into the fold.

    One reason may be if they are successful in doing so, they can more easily ignore that nagging little voice that tells them they should follow your example.

    I've been on both sides. I think most human beings have. :wink:

    Just keep doing what your doing and know that their actions are not about you. You're doing great! Keep up the good work!

    Ditto! Great Job! I have a lady at work that buys CAKES! and brings them in, and I love frosting.. but now I have the small office on the healthy way, so no more snacks!
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    First of all Pizza is not all that bad for you (like anything in moderation). Pizza with veggies is one of my favorite meals. Now if you are talking a Meat Lovers style or eating 4 slices in one sitting that is a different story...

    Secondly, although many people are nice at face value (especially co-workers), there is an epidemic in this country called "Schadenfreude" and that is - taking pleasure in other people's failures and misfortunes. To put it in words of the Rap culture - "Haters".


    Why are people like this? Because people basically suck. Seriously, I think it is because when you do something to improve yourself it makes other people (who know in their heart they need to improve too, but still choose not to) feel worse about themselves. If they see you fail (or make you fail), then it makes them feel better - AKA misery loves company.

    As I have made my fitness journey since January I have encountered this (to my surprise) everywhere - sometimes it is overt and sometimes it is subtle. It could be a small comment from an overweight family member ("I liked you more beefier") or friends at a bar who order a giant plate of wings and potato skins and try to badger you to eat with them and make fun of you if you don't or make comments like "we will see you in here next weekend woofing these things - who are you kidding?".

    All this does for me is make me more feisty and more determined and work out more focused and intensely - my journey is about my long term health how I want to look and feel and the lifestyle I wish to lead and I don't care who I make feel badly about themselves by making the choices I do and doing it openly and publicly at work or at play. My attitude is you can join me or get out of my way but you are not gonna change my direction - I am a focused laser at this point.

    Keep making their eyes roll - it's fun
  • vcorbin01
    vcorbin01 Posts: 130 Member
    Make a video yourself... eat a slice of pizza right before you turn around and squat 300 pounds or so. Then invite them to try it. :tongue:

  • tracyjoys
    tracyjoys Posts: 69 Member
    Sorry for the work situation. I'm not going to say anything that anyone else hasn't already. Just keep being the example; secretly your friend that wants help is just jealous. He'll come around, or he won't, depending on how badly he wants it.

    Keep on keepin' on! Awesomesauce!
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    Because they want your willpower. So if they see your willpower waver, they can feel better about themselves.
    It's funny how eating good, clean foods is considered bizarre these days.

    totally this^^^ they think maybe if you can't do it then they shoudln't feel bad about having poor willpower.
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