60 days until College Starts. Which program would be best?

I have the following programs:

- 30 Day Shred
- Biggest Loser Kinect
- Jillian Micheals Kinect
- Biggest Loser Cardio Max
- Hip Hop Abs
- Wii Zumba

Which program(s) do you think will give the best results? I want to change me a little before school!


  • 1badvan
    1badvan Posts: 5 Member
    In all reality any exercise program will help you, especially if you are not at an advanced fitness level. The key is to do something rather than nothing. So do the one you find the funnest or the most enjoyable for your style, or switch them up on different days.

    In 60 Days you should be able to see good results if you eat right and do any type of regular exercise. After a few months you may need to worry about changing it up.

    Good luck on your progress, and your start at college!
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    wii zumba and 30 day shred.

    also instead of hip hop abs you could try Insanity
  • I'm not willing to purchase any new programs as money is VERY tight and I do have a lot to choose from already.
    Also I am a beginner at fitness! Insanity wouldn't work with me to well.
  • Also I am a beginner at fitness! Insanity wouldn't work with me to well.

    Don't sell yourself short. You have to push yourself to get stronger and fitter. (You can also download Insanity, if you don't want to buy it, which is an insane amount of money. But I probably shouldn't be encouraging pirating...)

    Out of your choices, I like the 30 Day Shred. But use the 8lb dumbbells, not the 3lb that are used in the videos.
    I wouldn't recommend Hip Hop Abs at all... it's not a challenge!
  • owl92
    owl92 Posts: 74
    walking 2 hours is best, you dont want to jump into intense workouts because that will demotivate you when you dont see a loss on the scale because your muscles are retaining water because they hurt and want to protect your bones and push on the nerve endings plus you want to lose it fast so walking wont shock ur body into a stall because its "adjusting"