
So I've been using MFP for about 3 months now and I'm down about 8 pounds. I'm starting my first round of Insanity on Saturday July 6th. I would love some support from anyone, especially those who are also doing the program!


  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    good luck and if you dont like it dont feel discouraged just remember most forms of training are simply a means to an end just find something you enjoy and stick with it, wish you the best
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    you are braver thank I am and I am a beachbody coach! Someday I will work up to Insanity but for now I am finishing Chalean Extreme and then starting TurboFire. After that I think I may be ready to attempt Insanity. Best wishes!
  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 154 Member
    I'm getting ready to start the second month of Insanity on Monday! It's a killer workout but I can tell a big difference in my body just in 4 weeks!! Good luck!!

    The biggest piece of advice I can give you is don't get discouraged if you can't do the moves exactly like they do or as fast as they do. Go at your own speed and just keep doing it!! Eventually you'll be able to keep up with them
  • lisanxd
    lisanxd Posts: 93
    I just started Insanity yesterday. I'm torn on my calories, the number I came up with using the numbers from the book was somewhere around 2k calories. I've been using MFP for 2.5 years and counting calories, so 2k to me is scary. I haven't decided if I'm going to follow it, or do a middle ground number. I'm also a vegetarian which means I have to be a little more creative for the meal options.
  • maddiey
    maddiey Posts: 231 Member
    Hey! I'm doing P90X which is similar. I'm about to finish my 3rd week. Friend me if you want :)
  • nopudgepoot
    nopudgepoot Posts: 63 Member
    I was actually just looking at the Insanity website today. I'm contemplating doing it, but I'm scared!! I am not in any form of good shape right now, so it has me scared off until I condition my body a little :/
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    I am planning on starting Day 1 on July 9th. Feel free to add me! We can compare horror stories.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Insanity changed my life! I LOVE it so much I did four straight rounds. :smile:

    It is hard, but worth it to finish. Just do what you can do and don't worry about keeping up with the machines in the video! Good luck!
  • mstclair03
    mstclair03 Posts: 151
    Starting my second month, and love it! I go at my own pace, but definitely push myself! I'm always panting and covered in sweat when it's all over, but it has been super fun, and I notice that my cardio has definitely improved!
  • I am in month 2 of Insanity and it is the hardest workout I've ever done and I use to spin a lot!! Go for it you can do it! Don't get discouraged if you do not lose weight initially like I did...just keep pushing through. Like one of the other poster some of the moves I just do at my own pace...also Insanity is scary but it's also addictive. Good luck!
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    So I've been using MFP for about 3 months now and I'm down about 8 pounds. I'm starting my first round of Insanity on Saturday July 6th. I would love some support from anyone, especially those who are also doing the program!

    #Pre-Insanity Today is July 6th!!! Jk, good luck. it's tough as hell but if you're dedicated you can get it done.
  • edoeding
    edoeding Posts: 1
    Wow! Lots of you all starting up Insanity. That's great!

    I did that workout last year and its just as tough as you think it will be. But the cool part, you're tougher! Accept that it will be tough. Handle it. And then that level of intensity becomes the norm for you. You get better! The program doesn't. So we've got the advantage.

    Make sure you all eat enough! DON'T UNDERCUT YOUR CALORIES! This will not only go against your goals (yes, weight loss too), but it will harm you. Think long term!

    Above all, enjoy the journey!



    PS - If I can be of any help, let me know. We've got a team on Facebook of over 180 people pushing play on P90X, Insanity, Turbofire, Body Beast and more. Remember....TOGETHER, WE'RE STRONGER!
  • lisanxd
    lisanxd Posts: 93
    Wow! Lots of you all starting up Insanity. That's great!

    I did that workout last year and its just as tough as you think it will be. But the cool part, you're tougher! Accept that it will be tough. Handle it. And then that level of intensity becomes the norm for you. You get better! The program doesn't. So we've got the advantage.

    Make sure you all eat enough! DON'T UNDERCUT YOUR CALORIES! This will not only go against your goals (yes, weight loss too), but it will harm you. Think long term!

    Above all, enjoy the journey!



    PS - If I can be of any help, let me know. We've got a team on Facebook of over 180 people pushing play on P90X, Insanity, Turbofire, Body Beast and more. Remember....TOGETHER, WE'RE STRONGER!

    So you think eating over 2k calories is fine for a female? It just seems like a crazy amount for a girl. But I will try.
  • muroo
    muroo Posts: 68
    Started it a few days ago. At the outset I wasn't planning on "doing it", but rather just kind of browsing the videos and using them when I don't get a workout in otherwise. I've only done 3 days but I already can't wait to go home and do day 4! Who knows how long I'll stick with it. Maybe I'll check in on you guys and it'll motivate me. =P

    I probably take more breaks than I'm supposed to, but I'm not looking for specific results but rather fun ways to break a sweat. :-) I don't remember which review said this, but I think if you were a former athlete, a lot of the drills feel familiar and remind you of your younger springier days. =P I try to channel Tanya from the Fit Test video and just churn out extra reps if possible, even if there are 5 second breaks in between, which keeps my heart rate up just fine. You'll see.

    Obviously not speaking from experience specifically regarding the Insanity workout, but just remember to have fun! Yes, you want to push yourself, but everyone has different limits. Don't make it so painful that you won't want to do it tomorrow. Just doing the high knees during the workout tends to get me straight to over-exerted nausea-ville so I replace it with high knee marching. Pretty sure that doesn't invalidate the whole workout. :-)
  • i started on july 2nd and im loving it. let add me if you would like. maybe we can movtivate each other.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I'm on day 5..getting stronger each day! friend me if you like :)
  • Gordie580
    Gordie580 Posts: 154 Member
    today is day 60. so will be finished in acouple of hrs. it is hard work but work through it and it will get better. It doesn't get easy, because you work out harder.
  • tzeoli86
    tzeoli86 Posts: 75 Member
    The biggest piece of advice I can give you is don't get discouraged if you can't do the moves exactly like they do or as fast as they do. Go at your own speed and just keep doing it!! Eventually you'll be able to keep up with them

  • i'm about to start insanity as well! please add me (if you'd like) , I will support you!

    we got this! :)

    together as one!!
  • itsgood
    itsgood Posts: 85 Member
    Today was Day 5 for me. I LOVE IT!!! Definitely hard, and you will sweat! I agree with others who say go at your own pace and just remember that you will improve every single day. It's just about the most amazing feeling to finish a workout and know you pushed yourself just a little more than you normally would!