Support group - women over 55 who have lost weight

Good morning. Yesterday I turned 55 years old. I am presently struggling with weight loss. I am looking for support from women who have successfully lost the 15 - 30 pounds that they gained during menopause - especially weight around the abdominal area. I work full time at a very stressful job that I cannot quit at this time. My job is a desk job although I take as many opportunities to take the stairs during the day as I am able (I work on the 3rd floor) and I try to pack lunch and snacks that are healthy.

Ten years ago I managed to lose 80 pounds through the Atkins diet and walking. I was able to keep the majority of that weight off for about 5 years but noticed my weight slowly creeping up as I entered my 50's.

I am getting married again in 16 weeks and am currently at 153-155 pounds (depending on the day). Ideally I would like to lose 20 pounds before the wedding, but would be happy with 15. Although I was successful with Atkins the first time around, I really prefer to incorporate a healthier, more balanced (and realistic) lifestyle.

I really need some cheerleaders for this new endeavour.


  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    gonna bump this one up for my mama
  • Karen5732
    Karen5732 Posts: 64 Member
    Feel free to add me , I am 55 next week and I had 22lb to lose and am now down by 15lb
  • debinewb1
    debinewb1 Posts: 50 Member
    Feel free to add me. I turned 55 this year and have about 37-40 pounds to lose. I lost 12 then gain half back and now I'm working at getting back in the good habit ~ habit ! I want to have at least 37 gone by my 37th anniversary next July :)
  • ccmandel
    ccmandel Posts: 143 Member
    Feel free to add me...57 and have lost 18 with MFP....much harder in our 50's as there is less room for error...EXERCISE!

  • thingeringer
    thingeringer Posts: 241 Member
    Good luck to you!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Hi I am 55 you can add me if you like.

    I agree it can be difficult but not impossible. I lost about 25 pounds just through dieting (had a back problem) now my back is better and I try to get to the gym 3 times a week and do some heavy lifting. I have lost a further 8 pounds but the most amazing thing is how I feel, so much stronger and fitter. I am losing inches all over and my body is toning up nicely.

    My diary is public so feel free to have a look :drinker:
  • HollywoodDJ
    HollywoodDJ Posts: 296
    Bump (for my mom too)

    Thank You for posting!~
  • DebraRB
    DebraRB Posts: 1
    I am 57 year old woman.. I have serious chronic back problems that prevent me from most exercise, even walking, can't be on my feet for long, need to lie down alot. I have had this since my early twenties and have maintained my weight by swimming, and eating a low fat vegetarian diet. After menopause I had a lot of muscle loss and very crepey skin. I am 5'7 and my average weight has been around 140 lbs before menopause and has only gotten up to around 157 3-4 times, and not for prolonged times, so I have been lucky. In the last year I have been taking care of my critically ill parents and got no exercise and ate mostly junk food, lots of sweets. I went to 145 to 157 in 8 months. I have started eating better and am back down to 145, but everything has shifted. Lots of loose skin, saggy arms, knees. I am trying to work out as much as my back will allow but it is a slow process. I know my situation is minor compared to those of you who have had so much to loose, but I am wondering if anyone else is in the same boat as me. I obviously need to gain a lot of muscle, and that is slow going. Is it possible to get a fairly lean muscular body after menopause when you have severe restrictions on exercise? Even yoga is mostly out of the question for me, though I do do some modified pilates And will my skin start to shrink? Menopause totally changes things. I would like to add for other people like me that have chronic pain, I have found the Total Gym to be my lifesaver. There is so much that I can do on it and still keep my back stablized.
  • faithhoagland
    faithhoagland Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I'm 58 and an RN. There are a lot of us who have chronic pain due to stress and injury on the job. Lots of heavy lifting. Have you tried water aerobics? Also, I've really gotten heavy after menopause. Gained about 40 lbs. I need to stay on track with recording my food and exercise. I'm concerned about heart disease. :flowerforyou: