Im BORED..Tell me something good....

DaGsGirl Posts: 194
Im BORED....tell me something good, weird, odd, interesting. :glasses:


  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    I once read about five monkeys that were placed in a room with a banana at the top of a set of stairs. As one monkey attempted to climb the stairs, all of the monkeys were sprayed with jets of cold water. A second monkey made an attempt and again the monkeys were sprayed. No more monkeys attempted to climb the stairs. One of the monkeys was then removed from the room and replaced with a new monkey. New monkey saw the banana and started to climb the stairs but to its surprise, it was attacked by the other monkeys. Another of the original monkeys was replaced and the newcomer was also attacked when he attempted to climb the stairs. The previous newcomer took part in the punishment with enthusiasm. Replacing a third original monkey with a new one, it headed for the stairs and was attacked as well. Half of the monkeys that attacked him had no idea why. After replacing the fourth and fifth original monkeys, none had ever been sprayed with cold water but all stayed the **** away from the stairs.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Nearly all humans experience pinworms, a parasite that causes itching around the *kitten*, at some point in their lives. To determine if you have an infestation, have a partner gently touch around your *kitten* with tape while you sleep, when the worms are most active. They will stick to the tape and should be visible.
  • DaGsGirl
    DaGsGirl Posts: 194
    I once read about five monkeys that were placed in a room with a banana at the top of a set of stairs. As one monkey attempted to climb the stairs, all of the monkeys were sprayed with jets of cold water. A second monkey made an attempt and again the monkeys were sprayed. No more monkeys attempted to climb the stairs. One of the monkeys was then removed from the room and replaced with a new monkey. New monkey saw the banana and started to climb the stairs but to its surprise, it was attacked by the other monkeys. Another of the original monkeys was replaced and the newcomer was also attacked when he attempted to climb the stairs. The previous newcomer took part in the punishment with enthusiasm. Replacing a third original monkey with a new one, it headed for the stairs and was attacked as well. Half of the monkeys that attacked him had no idea why. After replacing the fourth and fifth original monkeys, none had ever been sprayed with cold water but all stayed the **** away from the stairs.

    EXCELLENT! I think we were friends on here before...I was Cherrycandy. :flowerforyou: ( I left for a while)
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    Nearly all humans experience pinworms, a parasite that causes itching around the *kitten*, at some point in their lives. To determine if you have an infestation, have a partner gently touch around your *kitten* with tape while you sleep, when the worms are most active. They will stick to the tape and should be visible.
    I wish I stopped reading after pinworms LOL
  • DaGsGirl
    DaGsGirl Posts: 194
    Nearly all humans experience pinworms, a parasite that causes itching around the *kitten*, at some point in their lives. To determine if you have an infestation, have a partner gently touch around your *kitten* with tape while you sleep, when the worms are most active. They will stick to the tape and should be visible.

    YES!!! I used to get these when I was a kid!!!! The medicine was NASTY!
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 2,073 Member
    They paint the dozers and things at landfills blue so the gulls won't poop on them. Apparently they think the dozers are water and they don't want to contaminate their drinking sources.
  • DaGsGirl
    DaGsGirl Posts: 194
    They paint the dozers and things at landfills blue so the gulls won't poop on them. Apparently they think the dozers are water and they don't want to contaminate their drinking sources.

    I did not know that! See, learned something in my boredom! :smile:
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    They paint the dozers and things at landfills blue so the gulls won't poop on them. Apparently they think the dozers are water and they don't want to contaminate their drinking sources.

    Apparently the same is not true for egrets, because I had a royal blue car once and an egret pooped on it and it looked like someone threw a 5-gallon paint bucket on my car.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Humanity is the only species on this planet, yes I assume there is life elsewhere, in which the females do every damn thing possible to attract the male.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Uranus is a very strange planet. When it was first discovered, people wanted to name it Dumbbell. This was because the planet made scientists look like dumbbells by going undiscovered for so long.

    Uranus is the only known planet that rotates, or spins, on its side. Scientists think that Uranus was knocked onto its side during formation by an Earth-sized object. There is an ongoing battle between scientists about Uranus' North and South poles. Neither one is up, so you can't tell which is which!

    Here are some other weird facts about Uranus. One of Uranus' moons, Umbriel, has a bright ring on it called the Florescent Cheerio. From what they've seen, astronomers think it is the bottom of a crater.

    Uranus is also one of the brightest planets when viewed from Earth. This is because of its glowing gases. Uranus is equivalent in brightness to a sixth magnitude star. Its North and South poles have alternate 42-year periods in sunlight. Although Uranus appears bright, it is pitch black on the surface of the planet. Someone once compared taking a picture on Uranus to photographing a ball park at night by the light of one candle!

    Uranus is also very big and windy. Fifty Earths could fit inside of it, but they probably wouldn't stay inside because the 200 mile-per-hour surface winds would pull them out!

    As you can see, Uranus is pretty interesting. Scientists are learning new things about it every day.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    You may not know it, but you have a third eyelid. Pull open the two more noticeable eyelids and take a look – it’s located right in the corner by the tear duct. The third eyelid is left over from what’s known as a “nictitating membrane,” which is still present in animals like chickens, lizards and sharks.
  • DaGsGirl
    DaGsGirl Posts: 194
    Humanity is the only species on this planet, yes I assume there is life elsewhere, in which the females do every damn thing possible to attract the male.
    You know what? Thats TRUE!!!! I never thought about that!!!! In nature, the males are always more attractive and trying to get our attention! EXCELLENT!!!
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Uranus is a very strange planet. When it was first discovered, people wanted to name it Dumbbell. This was because the planet made scientists look like dumbbells by going undiscovered for so long.

    Uranus is the only known planet that rotates, or spins, on its side. Scientists think that Uranus was knocked onto its side during formation by an Earth-sized object. There is an ongoing battle between scientists about Uranus' North and South poles. Neither one is up, so you can't tell which is which!

    Here are some other weird facts about Uranus. One of Uranus' moons, Umbriel, has a bright ring on it called the Florescent Cheerio. From what they've seen, astronomers think it is the bottom of a crater.

    Uranus is also one of the brightest planets when viewed from Earth. This is because of its glowing gases. Uranus is equivalent in brightness to a sixth magnitude star. Its North and South poles have alternate 42-year periods in sunlight. Although Uranus appears bright, it is pitch black on the surface of the planet. Someone once compared taking a picture on Uranus to photographing a ball park at night by the light of one candle!

    Uranus is also very big and windy. Fifty Earths could fit inside of it, but they probably wouldn't stay inside because the 200 mile-per-hour surface winds would pull them out!

    As you can see, Uranus is pretty interesting. Scientists are learning new things about it every day.

    Not to mention that Uranus is also infested with pinworms.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Uranus is a very strange planet. When it was first discovered, people wanted to name it Dumbbell. This was because the planet made scientists look like dumbbells by going undiscovered for so long.

    Uranus is the only known planet that rotates, or spins, on its side. Scientists think that Uranus was knocked onto its side during formation by an Earth-sized object. There is an ongoing battle between scientists about Uranus' North and South poles. Neither one is up, so you can't tell which is which!

    Here are some other weird facts about Uranus. One of Uranus' moons, Umbriel, has a bright ring on it called the Florescent Cheerio. From what they've seen, astronomers think it is the bottom of a crater.

    Uranus is also one of the brightest planets when viewed from Earth. This is because of its glowing gases. Uranus is equivalent in brightness to a sixth magnitude star. Its North and South poles have alternate 42-year periods in sunlight. Although Uranus appears bright, it is pitch black on the surface of the planet. Someone once compared taking a picture on Uranus to photographing a ball park at night by the light of one candle!

    Uranus is also very big and windy. Fifty Earths could fit inside of it, but they probably wouldn't stay inside because the 200 mile-per-hour surface winds would pull them out!

    As you can see, Uranus is pretty interesting. Scientists are learning new things about it every day.

    I've been watching a ton of shows about space/the universe lately and love it! So this one was particularly interesting for me.

    What I didn't know until recently is that the moon is constantly pulling away from Earth and will eventually get flung off into space, if the sun doesn't die and consume us first.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Nearly all humans experience pinworms, a parasite that causes itching around the *kitten*, at some point in their lives. To determine if you have an infestation, have a partner gently touch around your *kitten* with tape while you sleep, when the worms are most active. They will stick to the tape and should be visible.

    Ick. So gross. They fight over this kind of "interesting" stuff at work. One more reason I'm glad I'm not a MT. :X
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member

    As you can see, Uranus is pretty interesting. Scientists are learning new things about it every day.

    But tell me, please, how far away is URANUS???
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    If You Fart Consistently For 6 Years And 9 Months, Enough Gas Is Produced To Create The Energy Of An Atomic Bomb.
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    When I was driving to work this morning, I saw an ambulance approaching in my rear view mirror. I pulled over and the ambulance went around me and took the corner I was at. When the ambulance took the corner at speed, one of the back doors swung open & a metal box fell out onto the road. When the ambulance made the corner, the door closed and it kept going! Since I was already stopped, I got out & picked up the box. I opened it & inside was ice and a severed human toe.
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    If You Fart Consistently For 6 Years And 9 Months, Enough Gas Is Produced To Create The Energy Of An Atomic Bomb.
    Not true. I've tried this and all I got was friends who don't call me any more.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    When I was driving to work this morning, I saw an ambulance approaching in my rear view mirror. I pulled over and the ambulance went around me and took the corner I was at. When the ambulance took the corner at speed, one of the back doors swung open & a metal box fell out onto the road. When the ambulance made the corner, the door closed and it kept going! Since I was already stopped, I got out & picked up the box. I opened it & inside was ice and a severed human toe.

    Are you serious?