15lbs left and stalling?

Why is it so hard to loose 15lbs? I'm didn't start this lifestyle change because I was extremely over weight, I actually caught myself before that could happen. Although I allowed my body to gain 20lbs before I chose to do something about it. I am 18 years old, 5' 7" and weigh 143lbs. I started out MFP at 150 but my heaviest was 153-154. So technically I've lost 10lbs. This has taken me 6 months. My goal is to get into the 130s again before school starts back up. I am becoming very discouraged due to the longivity of my weight loss. I know I can lose 5lbs before summer is over but less losing than .5 lbs a week is very depressing considering I stay under my calorie goal 6 days out of 7 and workout (cardio and strength) 3 to 4 days out of the week. All my weight is in my thighs, which is normal for women, but I noticed that I'm losing in other areas instead of my thighs. I'm eating enough calories (1500/day), I'm not going under that, I've already tried, it leaves me tired and reduces my metabolism rate.

So, with all of that, I know I don't have 50-100lbs to lose and I do understand that when someone has that much to lose the process is a bit faster. But I didn't think it would take this long.

Does any one have any tips for me? I'm so close to my goal (135lbs), why is this taking so long?


  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    I know its really frustrating, it seems like the closer you are to your goal the harder it is. I don't have that much to lose either but its always a struggle.

    This time I am having lots of success lowering carbs and cutting out dairy, I did that for 8 weeks and now I am bringing back the dairy, and in 3 weeks upping the carbs. So I have been eating lots of lean protein and veggies, and 1-2 servings of fruit per day.

    Also, drink lots of water, and maybe adding another workout day???

    Can't see your diary so I don't have any additional advice ....