Getting psyched UP for my way in...not psyched OUT!

So, here is the thing. Prior to having my son four years ago, I have always been one of those "fortunate" people who could just say the word "diet" and automatically drop 5 -10 pounds without batting an eye. I'm not certain that is the case anymore though. I have to admit that I have been very diligent about my diet this week and have worked really hard to get rid of those extra calories through a bunch of cardio. But I'm terrified. The thought of getting on the scale and seeing that I haven't lost even apound or two terrifies me. I need to maintain my focus and my motivation, but honestly, I'm not certain that I will be able to "stay strong" and keep fighting this battle if I don't see even the smallest result.

So, here is my in the world do I keep my focus/determination to get healthy if I'm not noticing any results? What do you do to stay motivated???


  • Jenph20
    Jenph20 Posts: 134 Member
    hide the scale! if you are eating well and working out, it will happen for you. take measurements and pics. Go by how you feel and how your clothes feel. If you are looking for some extra support, i have a ladies only supprot group on fb. Just send me a message :)