My Doctor is an idiot!



  • malesha12
    malesha12 Posts: 6 Member
    Well I will b honest. If u do have PCOS , the specialists will tell u similar to what the ob doc told u. It's super hard for us to lose weight and all the research and specialists ( I have seen) say u hav to severly reduce calories and especially carbs. The doc wasn't an idiot. However u should ask a doctor versed in nutrition. Or better yet
    just ask a nutritionist.
  • aamc04321
    aamc04321 Posts: 11
    He's an idiot! His medical student had more sense than him. Good thing you had more common sense and basic knowledge than him! But like the others, I'd be questioning his knowledge & practice on other things medically related. Most physicians have very little knowledge regarding nutrition. I ought to know I'm a Registered Nurse. Many of the physicians I work for have asked me how I'v lost the amount of weight I have and nutritional advise. I would rather have had your doctor or any doctor tell me, 'I don't know, that is not my area of expertise, let me refer you to someone who IS a specialist in that area', than to pretend he is an expert and give negligent information.

    One time a male OB/GYN told me: "PMS was something that most women over exaggerate; yes, there is physiological & biological changes in the body but women magnify the symptoms in their head".......Umm....Doctor your fired and your male ego is bloated!!!! He obviously didn't know what he was talking about!

    Find a new Doc STAT :)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Obviously he believes that "a calorie is a calorie" and "fat loss = calories out - calories in"
  • loki3617
    loki3617 Posts: 10 Member
    It's true that an OB/GYN is not likely to be an expert in nutrition. However a physician ought to know better than to give advice that he isn't qualified to give, and has no backing for. General practitioners know how to consult a dietitian, he should too!
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    I like your doctor.... if you forgo a lot of meat (That incidently causes a LOT of the main problems in society!) You will see a drastic drop in daily calories and still feel full.

    You guys saying blah blah I can eat 2400c so I WILL is stupid...

    Sure you can, but should you? I don't think so, I mean, maybe if you are an uninteresting no going out type of person!

    I can drink and get drunk every night of the week and will be lower than what you guys recommend or just below...

    Had a 6 pack 2 nights ago with pizza etc and barely had 2000 calories! Actually... I didn't! I also had a nice sandwhich before, had eggs and toast for breakfast and potato chips :/ And that amount wasn't even the NET amount, it was the total...

    I agree with the doc.... it's about choices, you can make healthier choices, we as a society eat as much as we do, because you my friends are gluttons, you were raised as gluttons, meat eating meat loving gluttons that will always I'm guessing see more as better.

    Did you know if one or two farms for cattle were closed you could food pretty much the rest of the world with what was being fed for such a tiny amount of meat?

    Society is to blame for everything including this gluttony, we do not need as much food as people think, how do you think the caveman survived? He didn't eat meat everyday that is for sure, he likely didn't eat much compared to the work he had to do, but he was fine and survived longer than the other human species..... That is why we are here today, because we as the remaining human species has a system that adapts very well for survival and has been for generations, you can eat as much as you want and claim your body is not used to eating less... well... generations of adaptation and genetic mutations etc ha changed our bodies for survival, what you can do in a lifetime wont even dent how we were genetically made up...

    So yea, I agree with that doctor... being overweight you can claim you are healthy, but that is very rare, more rare than finding a burger king in a desert.

    Just suck it up, lose the weight and eat NORMALLY, you do not eat to eat like pigs... seriously.... I barely post because of this communities stupid ideas towards body chemistry and physiology....

    I like this site, but the people need to learn to study and not be sheep! I want to know who the piper is that is leading everyone so can take the idiot down lol...

    Have your own ideas, experiment with your body to find what works for YOU, we are all different, however we weren't made to be consuming the excess society has us believe we need to... I've never seen a healthy old body builder (Who would eat back calories) I've seen lean ultra-distance runners who are old however...
  • loki3617
    loki3617 Posts: 10 Member
    Jack Lalaine. old healthy bodybuilder. he had a great diet though.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Jack Lalaine. old healthy bodybuilder. he had a great diet though.

    Exactly :)

    Good diet, that works for him. We all need to find the same thing for us :)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I went to the doctors (OB/GYN) today to get my test results. The results were perfect. I asked him what he would reccomend for diet. I was being tested for PCOS, cysts, ect. He asked me what I was currently eating. I told him that I was eating 1500 calories a day, working out 5-6 days week. I assured him that I made sure I netted 1200 calories and that I recently dropped my carb intake to 100g sticking to mostly clean eating.

    He then went on to tell me that I could easily eat 1000 calories and work out. I told him that I believed that would make me net 500-600 calories most days. He that was fine. He then went on to ask me how often I weigh myself. I told him probably 2x/week. He then reccommends that I weigh myself everyday to see the gains/losses. He told me that when he sees a gain from the day before he will not allow himself a treat such as ice cream that night.

    What the eff!! I think I was just perscribed anorexia!! I have 40 pounds to lose, not that much. The medical student behind him was stunned and shaking her head, "no" to me as he was speaking.

    I am horrifed. Not just for me, but what about a younger, less knowledgable girl? He just green lighted an eating disorder. I think I am going to call the office manager on Monday. I had just switched OB's as my private practice provider retired.
    The search is on again.

    Is this crazy? What would you do?

    I would definitely consider a discussion with the Practice Manager where an OBGYN without any formal RD-related education is prescribing/advising of an extreme low caloric intake. It is definitely out of their licensure - they are supposed to discuss things with the PCP (holder of the record), and the PCP would make a referral to an RD (if you have an HMO)...

    I speak on experience working within healthcare - 30+ specialties/sub-specialties... About the limit to which they can advise would be common foods associated with said-medical problem, but thats about it.

    Unless you have willingly signed up for a case study or analysis group, I would definitely agree that the PM needs to be informed. And make sure you let the PM know about the Intern's reaction. Clearly the Intern has their act together!!!!
  • kraj8995
    kraj8995 Posts: 28
    You know exception are always there and I read your comment and you know what every doctor doesn't same.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Yep - Doctor Retard.....just say...
    You're FIRED!
    Anybody that daft has no business practicing medicine.
    Good Luck!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Jack Lalaine. old healthy bodybuilder. he had a great diet though.
    And it was simple whole foods, some fish, very little meat.
    "If man makes it, don't eat it".
    That was how Jack lived so well.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    lmao..... wow guess the med schools should come give out the degrees in here since all docs are so horrible according to this thread.
  • Dragonflybjm63
    Where does Dr. think you are going to get your energy from for your workouts?
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Sadly - a lot of people think that way and are seriously mis-guided on nutrition - and therefore shouldn't be giving nutrition advice - like your obgyn!! Definitely keep looking for a better doctor. The med student was right. It sounds like your dr is still brainwashed like a lot of other people that to lose weight you have to starve yourself -- NOT TRUE. I just broke my plateau by UPPING my calories to 2000 a day (was at 1800, and had plateaued a few times over the past year and UPPED my calories each time!)
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    Well to be blunt you went to a doctor that specializes in cooters. Even a generic physician doesn't have that great a grasp on proper nutrition. (And I should know, the diet mine put me on made me borderline anemic) Basically when you ask them stuff like that, it's a grain of salt sort of thing. It's only outrageous if they demand to be active in what advice they've given to see your progress.

    Personally I wouldn't be switching OB's but I'd be asking to speak to whoever is his boss and tell them the information he gave you in the hopes that they will have a talk with him and either have him, in the future, not give advice or have actual advice taken from either credited books or some other source.

    ^^^This...your doctor chose his specialty...and it wasn't nutrition. It's like asking a podiatrist about your heart...while the basic information should be there it's not what they focus on

    ETA: I saw the comment on the top of page 4 with the exact same analogy AFTER posting lol too funny
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    I'd trust any MD over any dietitian or nutritionist.

    I've never in many years of reading about weight loss heard of 'net calories', before landing here last month. Sorry but I agree with your doctors. 1000 calories plus exercise really is nothing extreme or dangerous.

    I sometimes wonder what all the WLS patients who must read here and are on doctor supervised low-cal diets must be thinking of all the eating disorder/starvation fears here, based on diets much less aggressive than their own.

    I know, here comes the pile-on of the internet dieters who know more than the medical profession, thanks to all the great stuff they've read on MFP.

    Yes. I doubt you would hear most doctors ever use the term "net calories".
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I sometimes wonder what all the WLS patients who must read here and are on doctor supervised low-cal diets must be thinking of all the eating disorder/starvation fears here, based on diets much less aggressive than their own.

    WLS patients aren't the 'normal' people who lose weights based on 'normal' advice. They have had their bodies permantly altered and therefore have different needs.
    Well I will b honest. If u do have PCOS , the specialists will tell u similar to what the ob doc told u. It's super hard for us to lose weight and all the research and specialists ( I have seen) say u hav to severly reduce calories and especially carbs. The doc wasn't an idiot. However u should ask a doctor versed in nutrition. Or better yet

    My gyno at 19 didn't tell me that. (when I was first diagnosed) In fact no gyno has told me to eat under 1200 calories. And it's a load of tosh that women with PCOS need to severely reduce calories or even carbs. I've lost 37kg (up today with TOM due) eating at 1600+ calories and eating probably 50% carbs. Just the right type of carbs (i.e. no white, white is the devil!)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Just the right type of carbs (i.e. no white, white is the devil!)

    I totally just thought of Momma from Waterboy...

    The devil.........the devil...the devil, the devil....
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Yes, get a new doc. Not that OB/GYNs are supposed to be nutrition specialists but if he's that dumb then he's probably screwing up other more important examinations too.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    I'd trust any MD over any dietitian or nutritionist.

    I've never in many years of reading about weight loss heard of 'net calories', before landing here last month. Sorry but I agree with your doctors. 1000 calories plus exercise really is nothing extreme or dangerous.

    I sometimes wonder what all the WLS patients who must read here and are on doctor supervised low-cal diets must be thinking of all the eating disorder/starvation fears here, based on diets much less aggressive than their own.

    I know, here comes the pile-on of the internet dieters who know more than the medical profession, thanks to all the great stuff they've read on MFP.

    Yes. I doubt you would hear most doctors ever use the term "net calories".

    I agree. But if i tell him i am burning 500 calories on average every day and then he tells me to consume 1,000. Net or not, not healthy!