Like NO motivation at all. :(



  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    you can try shutting the tv off and telling yourself you can only use it as a reward after you have done exercise. You can also try jogging in place while watching tv, or go for a short walk sometime during the day
  • moonlightturk
    Finding a gym with a hot manager has helped me keep my motivation up. Never been so keen to go to the gym in all my life. Hahahaha.

    Anyway my rules are I have to get in my gym clothes and go there each day. Doesn't matter if I all I do is ten minutes, or do my full workout. I just have to go. 99% of the time after 10 minutes I'm glad I'm there and keep going for the full work out.
  • moonlightturk
    I've heard this before and it's been on my mind lately...You know that feeling when you get done with a workout and your shirt is soaked, you're dripping, a little shaky from the exertion. That's when I think, I did it again, I really di it. And I know I can do it again tommorow. This is exactly what gives me motivation and I also keep reminding myself that I will not be skinny tomorrow, within a week, a month, or two. Change takes time, ecspecially if you want that change to last. You gotta start somewhere...anywhere! If I followed my resolution last year I would have dropped 50+lbs right now....
    I said tomorrow, today I'm working my *kitten* off and you could be doing that too. :) Good luck.
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    You just have to do it. I know it doesn't sound helpful, but it only takes a push to do a full day's worth of good things before you begin to realise you feel much better for it.

    When I've had health issues and didn't feel like carrying on with my routine I set my alarm for different things I had to do during the day; when I had to eat, when I had to exercise, when I had to sleep and wake up. I told myself I'd get through this day and tomorrow would be easier.

    And it was. Enjoyable, even. And now every day is a habit I couldn't shake if I wanted to; my body still decides it's time to wake up at 5am, even if I've only had a few hours' sleep. It tells me when it's expecting food, and when I eat on schedule, I feel a burst of energy right when I'm due to exercise.

    I can't stress the importance of routine enough when trying to lose weight, it shoulders a lot of the burden, both mentally & physically.
  • mishimouse101
    mishimouse101 Posts: 47 Member
    Set some life goals like learning a new language with free internet tools or tapes from the library, plan to lose xx number of pounds in the time off, before fall shopping, etc. Research and plan a dream vacation. I would definitely recruit a local workout buddy or two or three to spend the time with. Look into water aerobics!!! I would do all this, setting up a daily calendar of activity, and work in some volunteer activity too. Have some fun!
  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    I refuse to get cable because of that. TV will suck you in. I do have Netflix though. I learned to entertain myself in other ways because sitting around watching TV is a waste of life for me.
  • mishimouse101
    mishimouse101 Posts: 47 Member
    What about volunteering or interning in the field you want to work in???