First 5k race in 2 weeks

I can't believe I am actually typing this right now. I just signed up for my first ever 5k race. I finish the c25k program tomorrow. I'm so excited, nervous and proud all at the same time. I have 2 weeks to continue running and training. I hope I am ready and have a wonderful experience. I have a feeling there will be some tears after crossing the finish line.


  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    That's fantastic!
    Have a great race.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Sounds perfect - you finish c25k tomorrow, so you know you can do the distance! And you have two weeks to continue training before race day. :smile: You're going to love it!

    Check out this thread for some great tips on getting ready for your first race: He covers everything from a 5k to a full marathon, but lots of good info on what to expect, and things to do (or not do) to get ready.

    I have my second 5k race on the 14th! I'm excited!
  • sarahruizfitnessjourney
    Thanks for all the support everyone. =) Also thanks Amy for the great thread link. I'm for sure going to check it out. I'm not exactly sure if I'm doing a full 5k when I am doing the c25k program. This week is week 9 and I've been doing time not distance. I run for 30 minutes straight. I'm pretty sure it's a full 5k distance. Tomorrow is run 3 of the last week. After that next week I'm going to map my run to make sure I'm going the distance I need to.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I did the same thing with c25k - did the time, and once I was through the program, started using Runkeeper to make sure I was covering the distance. If you're not all the way to 3.1 miles, you've gotta be dang close, so the race should be no problem, especially with two more weeks to prepare. Plus race day adrenaline is very helpful! :bigsmile: I made sure to hold myself back and not get caught up with the crowd at the start, let all kinds of people pass me. By the last half mile of the race, I was passing quite a few people - it felt great.

    For my first race, and my plan for the next one - I did my last run before the race on Tuesday (race on Saturday), so I was nice and fresh and strong for race day. I did other workouts, but nothing major.
  • AngelofMusic13
    AngelofMusic13 Posts: 105 Member
    Good luck! You can do it! I just finished C25k a week ago and have my first 5k when you do (mine's the 21st). Let's knock this out! :)
  • dnk2311
    dnk2311 Posts: 3 Member
    That is awesome for all of you sticking to the training and signing up for a race! You should be so proud of that and yes so much more proud when you do cross the finish line. I started running last August and 68 pounds ago. I started with the C25K program but ultimately signed up with a 5k running group with Fleet Feet. It was fabulous motivation and I met so many people who were just starting out too. I have since "gotten the bug". I have since done 3 5k's and 3 10k's including this last Wednesday I did the Folsom Firecracker 10K and ran the whole thing! That was a very exciting moment for me. I am also trail running now and will be starting to train for a half marathon at the end of this mont. Yes I said it, a half marathon. When I was starting the C25K program I was struggling to get through the runs, wondering if I would ever be able to run a 5k and I definitely didn't think I would want to do a half marathon.

    Stick with it, find people who enjoy it too and just plain have fun!!!! :smile:
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    Good luck! You're going to have so much fun!