Depressed over my body fat percentage



  • Toomestwin
    Toomestwin Posts: 40
    So I have lost 110ibls but I still have a 52.3% body fat. I weight 187 at 5'3. I feel so discouraged. I used one of those online body fat calculators. I can't believe that after all that hard work and time my body fat is still so high. I don't I've lost muscle because my skin and body is starting to shape up and I dont have much loose skin just fat still. Not sure what to do or how to proceed because I am only 40ilbs away from my goal weight. And I can't help but wonder if these last 40ilbs will even matter. This year FOR EXERCISE, i'VE BEEN walking and doing JM videos for my strength. So I've been trying hard to preserve my muscles. Right now I am doing Killer buns and thighs , ripped in 30, and 6 week 6 pack. I do ripped in 30 5x week and the other two workouts 3x week. I am losing weight. I think I am losing inches based one the fit of my clothes since I did not take measurements in the beginning. I net about 1200-1500 calories a day. Part of me just wants to quit because I still have a long way to go. And it already took so long and so much effort to just get here in the first place. Right now , I just want to binge on my fav foods. Any advice or suggestions thanks

    Numbers Schnumbers!

    Look at what you've accomplished so far! That alone is enough to inspire the rest of us, so hang in there!

    For me, the only numbers that really count are like blood pressure, pulse, cholesterol level and blood sugar count. Everything else is just nice-to-know.

    Keep up the great work!
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    You've made terrific progress - keep in mind that all "measurements" have error in the them and the online BF tools are just estimators. Your muscles are building slowly - that takes more time - and in the meantime the fat is coming off. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll hit your weight mark but developing and maintaining a toned body is a lifestyle change - you will continue to increase your fitness level for a long time after you hit the weight mark.

    Remember this is a journey - you are "recreating" yourself and with the exception of God no one ever did creation/re-creation quickly...the progress you've made is an inspiration to others. Discouragement for a day is fine but then set it aside - I find that alot of discouragement comes from having inappropriate expectations in the first place. You've got a plan - and its a good one - stick to it, have faith - you've already shown that you can do it.
  • ShelfRelianceMom
    I just checked mine and it was way off too. Don't stress it. You can do this! You have worked so hard and built so much muscle. I don't work out as often as you. That is so inspiring. Keep your body strong.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I think it's great that you have lost 110 pounds! You have done a wonderful thing for yourself. However please understand that 187 pounds at 5'3 is still very overweight. Keep going and don't look back!! Don't stop now, what you are doing is not futile! You WILL make it to a healthy weight if you keep at it. Please focus on learning some good coping skills so that you don't turn to food and binging when you feel unsettlIng emotions. It's ok to feel disappointed at your current body fat percentage, it's not ok to overeat in response to that disappointment.
  • warriorsdontbitch
    warriorsdontbitch Posts: 130 Member
    Hey, look at your progress so far!!! You have come a long way! Noone said this was gonna be easy. You need to keep pushing on!!!

    Heavy lifting helps drop body fat. I would strongly suggest doing a turbo fire and chalean extreme hybrid. This is what helped me cut down on a big % of my body fat!
    I'm thinking of doing JM body revolution. But I will look into Chalean Extreme hybrid
  • warriorsdontbitch
    warriorsdontbitch Posts: 130 Member
    You've made terrific progress - keep in mind that all "measurements" have error in the them and the online BF tools are just estimators. Your muscles are building slowly - that takes more time - and in the meantime the fat is coming off. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll hit your weight mark but developing and maintaining a toned body is a lifestyle change - you will continue to increase your fitness level for a long time after you hit the weight mark.

    Remember this is a journey - you are "recreating" yourself and with the exception of God no one ever did creation/re-creation quickly...the progress you've made is an inspiration to others. Discouragement for a day is fine but then set it aside - I find that alot of discouragement comes from having inappropriate expectations in the first place. You've got a plan - and its a good one - stick to it, have faith - you've already shown that you can do it.
    Thanks so much. I agree my expectations are/were too high. I guess I just wanted to be there already. But I am ok now. And I am going to use this information to reevaluate my goals and also to be patient with the changes. Thanks
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Will you share how many calories you eat on the average, a day Kantoi? And how many of your workout calories do you eat. I ask you to share for two reasons. I want to know if maybe you aren't getting the fuel you need to build muscle and burn fat. The other thing is selfish, I am afraid to eat most of my exercise calories and I want to learn what is truly working for people. IF, and that is a pretty big if, but if you have lost other than just fat, it isn't too late. You can start eating the fuel you need and according to some experts(theres all thesed danged opinions you know)if you workout more you need to eat enough to still be taking in at least 1200 calories, give or take depending on age, weight, height, body type etc.

    Keep showing up and sharing, we all need eachother to get this thing done and do it right:)

    So I have lost 110ibls but I still have a 52.3% body fat. I weight 187 at 5'3. I feel so discouraged. I used one of those online body fat calculators. I can't believe that after all that hard work and time my body fat is still so high. I don't I've lost muscle because my skin and body is starting to shape up and I dont have much loose skin just fat still. Not sure what to do or how to proceed because I am only 40ilbs away from my goal weight. And I can't help but wonder if these last 40ilbs will even matter. This year FOR EXERCISE, i'VE BEEN walking and doing JM videos for my strength. So I've been trying hard to preserve my muscles. Right now I am doing Killer buns and thighs , ripped in 30, and 6 week 6 pack. I do ripped in 30 5x week and the other two workouts 3x week. I am losing weight. I think I am losing inches based one the fit of my clothes since I did not take measurements in the beginning. I net about 1200-1500 calories a day. Part of me just wants to quit because I still have a long way to go. And it already took so long and so much effort to just get here in the first place. Right now , I just want to binge on my fav foods. Any advice or suggestions thanks
  • warriorsdontbitch
    warriorsdontbitch Posts: 130 Member
    Thanks for the support and info everyone. I've decided to pick myself up and create some new goals like reducing my body fat to 20-21%. I know it won't be easy but I've come to far to give up or to settle. I guessed I got so overwhelmed by this new info/mountain I was not sure what to do. I am happy to say that I did not binge today but ate well. I still have to do my workouts but I will get to them. Again, thanks for your words.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    Seriously don't get upset about those online BF calculators... I plugged the SAME MEASUREMENTS into several different ones and got estimates ranging from 30% to 65% BF.
  • Toadlily
    Toadlily Posts: 17
    hi - don't be discouraged - i would feel awesome if i had lost 100+ pounds. I bet you have more energy. I bet some of the aches and pains you carried around with you have at least lessened if they are not totally gone. I haven't read through the entire thread, but i would suggest you start adding some weight training. You must be ready now!

    There are tons and tons of workout dvd's - or maybe you belong to a gym or something - you've lost 100 pounds, maybe it's time to treat yourself to a trainer and get a session or two so that you have a program to follow. Just do something that involves lifting weights - don't be like me getting all confused about all the different programs and dvd's and what-not - i know what to do - i just don't do it!

    I use a bathroom scale that measures body fat - it's not terribly accurate - and i have 50 pounds of fat. I'd like to lose 5 pounds of fat - that would be awesome - but i would probably see the scale jump up on overall weight - because muscle weighs more! On the other hand, it takes up less space, so my clothes would probably fit better.

    Anyway - i found a little book of exercises - the exercises look do-able - there are only 4 different ones a day - and my brother has some dumbbells he is going to let me borrow. So i am going to give it a whirl and see if i can keep it up! lose that first bit of fat pounds.
    Good luck to you - you've done great work. Be proud!