What's Going on...? Need advice please!



  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    up the exercise. i recommend insanity workouts. each is about 30-45 minutes and you do one a day. you will drop weight like crazy. i just started and in 2 days lost 4 lbs.

    I'm looking to do a daily routine that I can actually keep up in the end, not work my *kitten* off and then gain it all back. Plus I work 10 days straight 10-12 hrs of work/travel, not a lot of time to have a life and keep up on 30-45 min on insanity workouts.. lol

    Hate to be harsh but it sounds like it is excuses that is getting in your way.
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    No, that's not the problem, here is the problem: YOUR DIARY!
    You fail to eat back exercise calories.
    I warn people daily, and some get it, some do not.
    Can you hear me now?
    Are you ready to succeed? Try doing this the right way.
    If your calorie deficit is too great, you can easily suffer from
    loss of muscle mass (slows down your metabolism) and impaired general progress.
    You have to find what is right for you but you also need to remember that your body
    is a machine and without the right type and amount of fuel there could be problems
    either with loss of muscle, loss of energy, less weight loss/plateaus, etc.

    Stick with the MFP recommendations.
    Here's a great group right here on MFP:
    Eat More To Lose More

    Join up and connect with other for support.
    Good Luck

    I eat the majority of my workout calories back and I've been at a consistent loss. I'm currently down to 129lbs and every week I lose around .8. When I started this journey I didn't know about eating back calories burned and I had taken a zumba class for 5 days straight plus worked out with my trainer 2x that week. When I weigh in I didn't lose anything. Not even an ounce. I saw a nutritionist and she told me that i was probably netting 300 calories a day after all my workout. I then changed that and the following week I had lost 1.8lbs. You don't have to eat them all back. i would also try to fit in some weight training. I know it can be hard with your work schedule but if you start to build some muscle, that will help you lose some weight.

    Best of luck in your journey!
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    up the exercise. i recommend insanity workouts. each is about 30-45 minutes and you do one a day. you will drop weight like crazy. i just started and in 2 days lost 4 lbs.

    I'm looking to do a daily routine that I can actually keep up in the end, not work my *kitten* off and then gain it all back. Plus I work 10 days straight 10-12 hrs of work/travel, not a lot of time to have a life and keep up on 30-45 min on insanity workouts.. lol

    Hate to be harsh but it sounds like it is excuses that is getting in your way.

    You're not being harsh, just stating your opinion. At the same time IMO doing insanity work outs everyday is not the norm, sleep is personally more important to me and already with just my walk or quick workout I only get about 7ish hrs of sleep. I don't want to be a muscle machine, I just want to lose some excess weight.
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    Before we can actually make a recommendation on your caloric needs we need to know what you do for a living and what do you do for exercise. Also do you know your body fat?

    Lol I was just about to ask this.

    What I do for a living: Sit infront of a computer mainly, walk around maybe 5-10% of the time (10 hr shifts, rarely with a break, usually eat and work at the same time)

    What I do for exercise: Usually just walks 20-40 min a day, but I just started 30 day shred on the 4th of this month.

    Body fat percentage last I checked I think was 32.4
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    No, that's not the problem, here is the problem: YOUR DIARY!
    You fail to eat back exercise calories.
    I warn people daily, and some get it, some do not.
    Can you hear me now?
    Are you ready to succeed? Try doing this the right way.
    If your calorie deficit is too great, you can easily suffer from
    loss of muscle mass (slows down your metabolism) and impaired general progress.
    You have to find what is right for you but you also need to remember that your body
    is a machine and without the right type and amount of fuel there could be problems
    either with loss of muscle, loss of energy, less weight loss/plateaus, etc.

    Stick with the MFP recommendations.
    Here's a great group right here on MFP:
    Eat More To Lose More

    Join up and connect with other for support.
    Good Luck

    I eat the majority of my workout calories back and I've been at a consistent loss. I'm currently down to 129lbs and every week I lose around .8. When I started this journey I didn't know about eating back calories burned and I had taken a zumba class for 5 days straight plus worked out with my trainer 2x that week. When I weigh in I didn't lose anything. Not even an ounce. I saw a nutritionist and she told me that i was probably netting 300 calories a day after all my workout. I then changed that and the following week I had lost 1.8lbs. You don't have to eat them all back. i would also try to fit in some weight training. I know it can be hard with your work schedule but if you start to build some muscle, that will help you lose some weight.

    Best of luck in your journey!
    I also know this from experience. We all tend to overreach; it's human nature.
    When people are ready, they usually abandon the platitudes and get to the work of living well and achieving their goals.
    It's time to unlearn some things, and do it right.
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    This is a tricky one because I just calculated your TDEE and 1400 is right about 20% below it, which is perfect for steady weight loss, so ignore the people who say you aren't eating enough. You are.

    It's also unlikely to be a plateau this early in your journey, imo.

    And it's probably not water weight because looking at your diary, you keep your sodium very much on track and stay hydrated.

    Sooooo what's going on?

    Three possibilities I see:

    1) something medical - have your doc check you out for any issues that can prevent normal weight loss - thyroid, blood sugars etc. It shouldn't take more than a simple blood test.

    2) understimating intake - are you using a food scale and strictly measuring what you take in? It's really easy to accidentally go over by a few hundred cals if you are guesstimating.

    3) Overestimating burn - to make sure you are logging your exercise cals as accurately as possible, consider buying a good HRM like a Polar FT4 or FT7.

    Hope that helps!

    1) as for the medical aspects of it, I just had some blood tests done not long ago, everything came out fine

    2) could be possible, I'm not huge on using scales but I do try and accuratley put things in on MFP, so could be possible

    3) could also be possible

    Didn't know losing weight would be such a task.. using scales to make sure food was exact for calories, and strapping me in with a HRM.. thought guestimating would do the trick as long as I was within the basic guidelines.. lol
  • F__7
    F__7 Posts: 371 Member
    way too much sugar!!!...THAT IS A BIG PROBLEM!... stay as low as possible... that will make a big difference...
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    definitely get a digital scale to weigh out portions, that may make a difference
  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    Looooots of women (women especially) will disagree that it's as simple as calories in/out. I looked at your diary and I think the reason you are losing so slowly is that your carbs are too high. Try upping your protein and lowering your carbs to under 100g NET per day (start tracking fiber instead of sugar, net carbs are your total carbs minus total fiber).

    I was going to say exactly this, try to get at least 100 g of protein/day, and lower carbs to less than 100g.
    And yes, up your exercise, I am a working mom of two and I find the time, I workout during lunch time, 30-45 min, take a quick shower and have a quick bite, if I can do it you can too.

    Do it not only because it will help your weight loss, but because its good for you and you'll feel so much better afterwards.

    And yes, losing weight is not easy, what else is new?????
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    way too much sugar!!!...THAT IS A BIG PROBLEM!... stay as low as possible... that will make a big difference...

    Even if it's a lot of fruit I'm intaking?

    Less fruit?
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    This is a tricky one because I just calculated your TDEE and 1400 is right about 20% below it, which is perfect for steady weight loss, so ignore the people who say you aren't eating enough. You are.

    It's also unlikely to be a plateau this early in your journey, imo.

    And it's probably not water weight because looking at your diary, you keep your sodium very much on track and stay hydrated.

    Sooooo what's going on?

    Three possibilities I see:

    1) something medical - have your doc check you out for any issues that can prevent normal weight loss - thyroid, blood sugars etc. It shouldn't take more than a simple blood test.

    2) understimating intake - are you using a food scale and strictly measuring what you take in? It's really easy to accidentally go over by a few hundred cals if you are guesstimating.

    3) Overestimating burn - to make sure you are logging your exercise cals as accurately as possible, consider buying a good HRM like a Polar FT4 or FT7.

    Hope that helps!

    I really feel this is a fair and reasonable observation. I also feel that maybe you are losing inches just not weight? (ie, fat turning to muscle)

    the other thing I agree with is the carb intake. In my opinion, lower that and increase protein. The protein will also help stabilize your metabolism and help you get through the longer days.
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    For me, it was all about learning about NET calories. Calories consumed - exercise calories = net. If my net is under my BMR, I do not lose weight. Period. You said your BMR is 1400 or so calories, right? But if you eat 1400 and then burn 200, you're only netting 1200 calories for your body to live on. I lost a lot of weight in the beginning eating under my BMR...but I had a lot to lose. After a while, it started to slow down and then stopped completely. Now the only way I lose is to eat an average net of calories OVER my BMR.
  • jmach002
    jmach002 Posts: 113 Member
    if that was my diary i would say the problem is too much sugar and too many carbs. try cutting your carbs back to 100 a day for a few weeks. its not low enough to make u tired and cranky but i think that is what usually helps with me. also try protein for breakfast instead of ceral. i always find my weight loss/ body fat % works better with a breakfast focused on protein. feel free to friend me if you like
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    way too much sugar!!!...THAT IS A BIG PROBLEM!... stay as low as possible... that will make a big difference...

    Even if it's a lot of fruit I'm intaking?

    Less fruit?
    i think you should try and eat at least half of your exercise calories try it for couple of weeks you have nothing to lose but weight :happy: :happy:
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    way too much sugar!!!...THAT IS A BIG PROBLEM!... stay as low as possible... that will make a big difference...

    Even if it's a lot of fruit I'm intaking?

    Less fruit?

    Opinions on this are going to vary widely, but I know I definitely have to watch my sugar/carbs in order to lose weight, even if the sugar is from fruit. Some people lose weight with simple calories in, calories out-I am not one of them. I personally would try lowering the sugar and carbs and see if that helps. Try to eat more non starchy vegetables and protein in place of some of the fruit and yogurt. The yogurt you are eating is bumping up your sugar count a lot too.
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    This is a tricky one because I just calculated your TDEE and 1400 is right about 20% below it, which is perfect for steady weight loss, so ignore the people who say you aren't eating enough. You are.

    It's also unlikely to be a plateau this early in your journey, imo.

    And it's probably not water weight because looking at your diary, you keep your sodium very much on track and stay hydrated.

    Sooooo what's going on?

    Three possibilities I see:

    1) something medical - have your doc check you out for any issues that can prevent normal weight loss - thyroid, blood sugars etc. It shouldn't take more than a simple blood test.

    2) understimating intake - are you using a food scale and strictly measuring what you take in? It's really easy to accidentally go over by a few hundred cals if you are guesstimating.

    3) Overestimating burn - to make sure you are logging your exercise cals as accurately as possible, consider buying a good HRM like a Polar FT4 or FT7.

    Hope that helps!

    I really feel this is a fair and reasonable observation. I also feel that maybe you are losing inches just not weight? (ie, fat turning to muscle)

    the other thing I agree with is the carb intake. In my opinion, lower that and increase protein. The protein will also help stabilize your metabolism and help you get through the longer days.

    If it was the case about the losing inches, then my pants would feel a little looser, unfortunately, not the case.. haha.

    Hmm so less carbs (fruit and vegetables as well?) and more protein.. ok.
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    I think with your daily walks and your 1200-1400 cal intake, you are maintaining your weight. You may need to do more than a daily walk. How long are your walks? Can you take about 30 minutes to exercise? Jog or run for 30 minutes? An at home workout?

    I hear you on being busy. I work four ten hour shifts and taking three classes at a time for school. I get up at 5 am to exercise for thirty minutes.

    Hope this helps :)
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    way too much sugar!!!...THAT IS A BIG PROBLEM!... stay as low as possible... that will make a big difference...

    Even if it's a lot of fruit I'm intaking?

    Less fruit?

    Opinions on this are going to vary widely, but I know I definitely have to watch my sugar/carbs in order to lose weight, even if the sugar is from fruit. Some people lose weight with simple calories in, calories out-I am not one of them. I personally would try lowering the sugar and carbs and see if that helps. Try to eat more non starchy vegetables and protein in place of some of the fruit and yogurt. The yogurt you are eating is bumping up your sugar count a lot too.

    Sounds good thanks!
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    I think with your daily walks and your 1200-1400 cal intake, you are maintaining your weight. You may need to do more than a daily walk. How long are your walks? Can you take about 30 minutes to exercise? Jog or run for 30 minutes? An at home workout?

    I hear you on being busy. I work four ten hour shifts and taking three classes at a time for school. I get up at 5 am to exercise for thirty minutes.

    Hope this helps :)

    Yeah I just started 30 day shred as of july 4th.. so hopefully that boosts a little.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    If you do more weight than cardio... it happens... muscles weights more