fit it in your daily calories!?



  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    The thing is, you can have a cheeseburger and fries and still be within your daily calories. The trick...COOK IT YOURSELF! A burger made at home and french fries you cut up yourself are so much healthier and have far fewer calories than a fast food burger. Not to mention it tastes better too.

    Of course moderation is key too. Don't eat a bowl of icecream, have 1 serving of the actual serving size.

    i often do make my favorite meals at home altering ingrediants to fit my macros/calories, but sometimes you just want the real deal and i enjoy going out to dinner on date nights with the hubby. and im not talking fast food. i hate fast food. im talking about an upscale restaurant on date night :smile:
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    When I go to restaurants now I tend to steer clear of the obviously highly calorific options. I do eat less during the day and do exercise and if I feel like it, and I know I won't go too far over, I will have a dessert. I think its about educating yourself to eat better and live a healthier lifestyle and that includes when you go out to eat. Don't deprive yourself if you are really craving something but don't go mad. The days of ordering starter, main, dessert and a bottle of wine are over. That's how I ended up overweight in the first place!
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I just listen to my body.

    My body gets really hungry at night. It's not as hungry during the day or when I wake up. I have a light breakfast (Normally Cheerio's or Special K W/ Skim Milk) or an egg with a slice of toast and a slice of low fat cheese.

    Then I eat a light lunch such as salad or soup or occasionally a burrito or weight watchers meals on days when I am hungrier.

    Normally I average about 500 calories before 5 PM. I used to eat LESS then this before I started to force myself to eat breakfast and a real lunch.

    That leaves me with over 700 calories for the day. I eat most of these at dinner and save some for a late night snack.

    If I know I am going to eat something really unhealthy for dinner that's high in fat, or go out to dinner then I'll do at least 30 minutes of intense cardio work out's. If I burn at least 400 calories at the gym and already haven't eaten much that day then I pretty much eat what I want at dinner.

    Only problem I've noticed with this is I end up REALLY bloated...but it goes away by morning or once I use the bathroom.

    I've found it helpful to plan out my days. I like to know the nights I'm going out so I can stay within my limits. Of course there are days when I go over but I don't let it get to me as long as I don't do it terribly often.

    Also it's good to mix up you net calories because then your body doesn't get used to a certain amoint
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    I look at weekly calories, rather than daily!

    is there an easy way to track weekly calories so i am not fixated on daily calories if i am under or over for the day? i dont have the phone app
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I look at weekly calories, rather than daily!

    is there an easy way to track weekly calories so i am not fixated on daily calories if i am under or over for the day? i dont have the phone app

    I track it in excel.