What's useful and useless in Internet Information

Hey All,

I know we have all had our days of surfing the internet looking for that "Golden Nugget" website that has ALL the answers.

I don't know if such a thing really exists but I think whenever we manage to find something with valuable information, I think we should share it. Just to help everyone out!

So through my surfing expedition today I found this.......Enjoy!


Good Luck Everyone!!!!


  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    So far, so good:

    "As a general rule however it is recommended that a woman get at least 1200 calories per day and for a man this would be 1800 calories per day."

    "Experts say to decrease your calorie intake by 500 calories and no more than 1000 calories to lose weight."