Sorry if this in a moaning post, but i'm really struggling to be positive about my body / getting where I want to be and a healthy lifestyle.
A little background info...

I have always been a healthy weight (like average teenage girl) When I moved out to university I lost a serious amount of weight and was extremeley underweight (this happened in 6-7months so really qucikly) I'm 5'8 and I went from 138 pounds to less than 100 and looked ill, I did not do this intentionally and never wanted to be really skinny but as I was working alot I didn't see it get out of control and never realised until it was too late and I was in hospital for 3 weeks.
I managed to regain the weight, and put on a little extra so was back to 140pounds. HOWEVER once I got to this I felt way bigger than I should, it was the comparison to have been so thin so although I was a normal weight I felt huge. I then started training and started to feel better as I was lifting weights. My training forced 'low carb' on me, which meant eating no more than 30grams a day. I struggled with this as my mental state with dieting was not how it should have been. This led to me one week basically eating really little and trying to follow it then the next week binging and eating way over. This went on for a good 4 months (was hell).
I have just got back from my holiday and i'm determined to get to a healthy balanced diet and a weight i'm comfortable with. My focus now is more on being healthy. I'm fed up of bouncing from one extreme to another.

I just feel really fed up and can't see this happening, but I know it CAN. I'm lucky in the sense I love healthy food, but since the attempt of low carb I feel messed up as to what is healthy anymore.

I'm 148pounds now and want to take a slow approach to losing weight so I can adjust and become comfortable at a weight.

Has anyone gone through anything like this before??
I feel no-one gets me as they just see me as a 'normal' weight but its not that simple.


  • Was just wondering if anyone had been through a simular position as had any advice on getting back on track. I fell for fad diets which now I can see where not good considering what I had been through.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    When I started I was 5'9 and weighed 180.. To most, it looked normal.. to me I was huge and needed to lose weight. So I did!

    It seems like you know what to do... you just need to get back on track. Eat at a moderate deficit(half a pound to a pound a week) and exercise.. it literally is as simple as that. I'd set your ratios at 40/30/30, 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. From there, just eat like your normally would.. as long as fits in your calorie goal/macros, you can eat it.

    Since you are weight training, it may come off slower but it will come off.
  • Hey, :)
    I think I know exactly what you mean as I am trying to do the same right now. Like you I was already a thin girl but then started to lose a lot of weight really fast because of private problems. After I slowly began to eat normally, I put on weight as my metabolism has slowed down a lot. Now I would like to get where I began, but it's not easy. First I don't want to fall back into my old eating habits and my body is still in starvation mode so I would have to cut down a lot on the calorie intake to lose weight at all.
    It's nice to see that there are other people who know this situation :)
  • QueChulaYo
    QueChulaYo Posts: 71
    150 is my goal weight.

    Sorry I can't say I have been through what you have. I agree sticking to your caloric goal will get you to your long term goal.
    maybe low carb is not working for you, if it is making you bing. Finding a balance between food, water, exercise and sleep is the key to the healthly life you want.