Evening food binges



  • Stac2004
    Stac2004 Posts: 88 Member
    Great topic. My diet gets sabotaged after 4p.i eat great all day, not craving anything. But this switch goes off after 4p. I am pretty sure it's because I'm a comfort eater, and after a long stressful day it's my way to relax. I recognize this, but it still is a battle every day. I think to some other people's points set up a routine at night if you can. Night is the only time I don't have something on my calendar, so my mind is free to wander...hmmm, what can I eat? So, now I get home, cook the dinner I've already per-determined. Then relax with a book and a cup of tea on the back porch (when it's not a million degrees like its been in Chicago lately), maybe a hot bath or shower before bed. I also recognize since I don't have kids this is possible for me. For you Moms out there will small kids, I respect the heck out of you because I know it takes a whole lot of energy and you have no time to yourself. Anyway, that's my two cents. Feel free to friend me and we can keep each other on track ...
  • pinkglitz
    pinkglitz Posts: 28
    I am the same way, I can keep myself and mind occupied during the day but find in the evening my tendency to over eat kicks in so I try to limit what I eat in the day and save my calories for the evening when I know I will pick more, I still eat breakfast and lunch but keep it small and simple so i don't go over my overall cals in the evening.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    From my own experience, the things that lead me to bingeing in the evening were...

    - depriving myself of the foods I wanted
    - not eating enough during the day
    - not drinking enough water
    - being tired

    A lot of the time when I felt like eating at night, I realized it was just because I needed to go to sleep instead! These days I snack on a cup of cereal or a handful of dark chocolate chips in the evening. And if I still feel like I want something sweet, I'll sip on some tea or a Powerade Zero, to get some flavor for no extra calories.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I don't binge but I purge, after dinner is one of my trigger times and what helps me is getting out of the house. Take a walk, go for a run, sometimes having a nice hot bubble bath helps me too. Why have you stopped drinking water before bed? Are you eating enough during the day? Are you drinking enough during the day? What are you binging on? I know for some people they can't do moderation and I know I have never experienced what you are going through, but I'm a firm believer in moderation and I think if you are not already doing so, maybe try and include a portion of your typical 'binge food' in your daily diet, if you can. I think this would benefit you and eventually those binge cravings should decrease as you would be allowing yourself things you enjoy in normal quantities, make sense? Hope I have helped a little, take care and good luck, you've got this xxx
  • bullisnn82
    I totally feel ya. I can do so well all day and then mega blow it in the evening. Usually, I think it's because I'm bored, but part of it is because I just want to. I mean, who doesn't want to eat some cheesecake or a Snickers bar in the evening? If weight loss were not an issue I bet everyone would do it. Sometimes I just have to go to bed, but if you wait long enough the craving will actually pass (my prob, however, is that it's usually followed up with another one)
  • Han987
    I really used to struggle with this, I'd sit on the couch and could only think about eating! Here's a couple of things I've done which have seem to done the trick. Have dinner later so there's less time between dinner and bed. If that's not an option (kids or can't sleep on a full stomach) have something low in cal's but is actually sweet. I normally blend up some milk, yoghurt and berries and have a small smoothie. I find it very filling and also sweet enough to stop cravings.