Just Started - I Don't "Hate" My Body



  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    Love your body because it works! After I had a stroke and was partially paralyzed, I longed for the days when it was fat but worked. It least I can lose weight! Getting the paralyzed to work is not so easy. I try not to judge people's journey's but if you are looking for bones sticking out I think that is looking for skinny- not healthy! I agree with "love what you have now and work on improving" and "Beauty comes in all types of packages" I wish you all luck & peace on your journeys.

    Thanks for this post. You really put it into perspective- I'm duly humbled by that first thing you said. You are so right...wishing you all the best on your journey too! :)
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    Love your body because it works! After I had a stroke and was partially paralyzed, I longed for the days when it was fat but worked. It least I can lose weight! Getting the paralyzed to work is not so easy. I try not to judge people's journey's but if you are looking for bones sticking out I think that is looking for skinny- not healthy! I agree with "love what you have now and work on improving" and "Beauty comes in all types of packages" I wish you all luck & peace on your journeys.

    True! My baby brother (now 26) was paralyzed when he was 22 (it was a terrible accident that involved him, my (nearly) 3 year old daughter and a 3 story fall). I've never appreciated my functioning if chubby body so much.