The Final Meltdown 9.15.09

smadag1 Posts: 1,368
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Mornin all

Had a good night last night, did level 2 of the 30 day shred,(it kicked my butt). Stayed under my cals because DH pushed me until I got up and did the workout.:flowerforyou:

Goin to do it again tonight or maybe my WII depending on what is going on

Hope yall have a great day:drinker:


  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I did level 2 of the shred yesterday too - I try to rotate between the levels so I do different's an awesome workout when time is crunched! Got up very early and went to my Group Power class - it started at 5:45am....but by getting up so early I got so much done this morning at home and feel really good about it all - and I didn't even wake up the puppy when I left so everyone still got to sleep...both kids have the "crud" and hubby just getting over it so I am dosing on Emergen-C to keep from getting it. I was very proud of myself for getting this butt out of bed - I really hate mornings but so far this one's going very well!!

    If work is slow today I may go for a 5k run at lunch - we'll see...

    Trying to cut out sugars and like a dummie got a mocha this morning - at least it's half the norm that they use with the chocolate but didn't even think about it til after and at $4 I am drinking it!! Oh well at least I am looking at it and realizing it!

    Happy Tuesday!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am afraid to try level 3 because 2 is still kicing my butt, but I am curious about the moves on it. I have a hard time with the squat moves because they hurt my knees
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    try it - you'll be surprised and the great thing is you can modify to do some of the moves a bit easier - not quite so much jumping - and keep going - I really try hard to keep going but I think level 2 is as hard as level 3!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    OK I think I will try it tonight if I do not hit the Wii
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