Advice Needed

jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
So since I got a digital cam time to post an image of my biggest "issue". Althought I have decent 6 pack I still have what I refer to as "love handles". Littel rolls right above my hips that go around my back and become "back fat".
I hate them. I try to work out 5-6 days a week. I run a few km's, I'm 4.5 minuts miles but MFP doens't calculate that fast. I also do my own circuit training. I can't afford gym fees. I do a combination of push-ups, dips, ab crunches, hyper extensions, and some dumbell work for my abs. I do about 100 cruches a day.
Alot of you might say I have nothing to worry about, but we are all our own worst critics. Anything else I could be doing at home? My diaries are open. I've been told diet plays a big part too. Any changes I need to make to what I eat?
The circles refer to my "love handles", that arrows are my hip bones.


Apparently photo bucket still hates me. Any other easy to use image hosting sites?