Carb Counts? All of them?

gayje Posts: 230 Member
I was told by a friend that carbs that come from fruit and veggies are not counted in NET CARBS. Now, before I go all crazy with the fruit today, I want to hear from those of you who eat low carb, say...100 net carbs or lower. What carbs do you count and what type of carbs do you NOT count? Do you ONLY total your daily carbs and subtract your fiber for your NET CARBS?


  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Count them ALL. Net carbs, that is. Thats carbs minus fiber. I eat berries and the occasional orange. I started with 20 net carbs, and have slowly moved up and have kept the weight off and continued to lose. Sugar is sugar. I'll get bashed by some for this, but that's my story and I'm'stickin to it! good luck!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I count ALL carbs, then subtract those that are fiber. many people stall their weight loss because they eat a TON of fruit and think that the carbs magically don't count because it is FRUIT...and it is healthy, right? The truth is, your body doesn't know the difference between a kit kat and an apple--it's ALL sugar.

    I eat 100g net carbs or less per day. I have lost 14.8lbs since May 7th doing this
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    I count ALL carbs, then subtract those that are fiber.

    Ok, so I count every carb I eat and then subtract my total daily fiber from it to get my net carbs, right? I don't know why this is not so easy to wrap my head around. Perhaps my friend explained too in depth of the wrong theory, lol.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I count ALL carbs, then subtract those that are fiber.

    Ok, so I count every carb I eat and then subtract my total daily fiber from it to get my net carbs, right? I don't know why this is not so easy to wrap my head around. Perhaps my friend explained too in depth of the wrong theory, lol.

    according to the Atkins method, yes. Fiber is subtracted from the total carbs because it has minimal impact on blood sugar...and it is so important to eat fiber! If your food label lists "sugar alcohols" they can also be subtracted because they have minimal impact on blood sugar.