Lost Hope but needs to lose 30kg Please Help

So i started trying to lose weight when I weight 94kg about 2 months ago.
I joined the gym.
Went ..probably 2 or 3 times a week for an hour.
But somehow I've let my weight sky rocket to 101kg.
I can't believe myself...
Ive NEVER been over 100kg.
Im my heaviest I've ever been and I have my sisters wedding come up.
I no longer fit into my bridesmaid dress.

Its times like these when you just want t give up.
It seems like theres no hope for me.

I wonder if anyone has some good tips to stay positive and motivated.
Please help me <3


  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Keep going to the gym. Make small changes at a time. Drink plenty of water. Eat lots of veggies and fruits. Avoid the white foods like sugar, rice, bread... You can do this. Feel free to add me.
  • Dragonflybjm63
    Hi. Im 111 kgs and used to be very fit, now having an illness I just starting to exercise. I started yesterday. I did 10 mins @ 3.5 rested for a couple of mins then did it again x 3. I felt so proud of myself i had exercised for 30 mins !!! My tip is to break it up, pretty soon we will be doing 30 mins straight up.
  • CeCe_oceansoul_420
    CeCe_oceansoul_420 Posts: 59 Member
    Hiya! I need to lose about 180 pounds (I weigh over 300, and my goal weight is 140-150). I began my journey "officially" eight weeks ago, but I'd been making small changes (quit smoking, quit drinking soda, started eating whole grains) over the last several years. Now I've gotten serious. What I've found has helped is to think of this as a permanent change, and to make small changes. It also helps to set smaller goals; break up your weight loss into ten or 15 pound increments. Set your diet and exercise goals daily, or weekly. Focus more on forming healthy habits that will not only help you lose the weight, but keep it off permanently so that you're never in this position again, instead of focusing only on the weight itself.

    And most of all, never, ever give up hope or think that you can't do it. You can, and as long as you stick to it, you *will*!

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I love the opportunity to motivate and be motivated by others. Best of luck to you!