C-section, scars and stretch marks, oh my!



  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    all scars and strech marks will fade in time war wounds i am afraid! they are there for keeps! :noway: wear them with pride! :drinker:


    There is no lotion or magic potion that will rid you of stretch marks. I am learning to embrace them as a part of my journey. I mean I wouldn't have them if weren't for my twins.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Perhaps this isn't the right board to post this on, but my question is aimed at women that have been losing weight for awhile and therefore have some experience. I have had 3 c-sections and my scar runs north-to-south. To be blunt it looks like I have a butt on my stomach with the scar being the crack. I am in my 50's, have 100lbs. to lose and I have seen stories on TV and in magazines about women that have to have saggy skin surgically removed or can't seem to get rid of their pouch. Is it possible to have a flat stomach after gaining so much weight and having c-sections? If you have done it, to what do you attribute your success? I appreciate your help.

    I've had 3 C sections also, north to south. I know what you mean about the "butt" on the stomache. Eat right and exercise and it will definately go down, although I don't know if it will ever be "flat" again, maybe. I haven't reached that yet. I still have 25 pounds to go, so we will see. I have also had surgery in that area twice after that and have west to east scars across my abdomen, so I have quite a few battle scars in that area and am just doing the best that I can do. We will see what happens. When I reach my goal weight, I'll let you know how much has gone down. Good luck!
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Thank you for this post - I have had three c-sections west to east and it is the roll that hangs over the scar that brought me to MFP. I am hoping through proper diet and exercise it will eventually dissapear. My husband says the stomach area is the last to go so we'll see. I await responses from women who have had c-sections and now have a FLAT stomach (except for the six pack abs of course) :)


    I to had 5 c-sections, all east/west and have the over hang. I am currently doing cardio and will begin doing more an work as soon as my OB gives me my release on Monday. it's only been 6 weeks since #5 was delivered. That being said, I've also got 17 years of being overweight to contend with.

    Right now I'm making sure my water intake is high because I've hear that helps with your skin bouncing back. I've heard that you'll never be flat, but I'll take smaller over what I have now.
  • Ashley870910
    I have had 1 natural and 1 east to west c-section. After my c-section I had that roll over the scar. I have about 40lbs to lose, but luckily for me, the roll is the first to go. Dont know how i got lucky for that to happen. I drank TONS of water, cardio at least 5xs a week for the first 6 weeks, and eating at deficit. Now, I am doing 30 day shred. I am on day 7. 7 days ago was the first I have actually done anything other than cardio. I am no where near a flat stomach yet, but I wanted to let yall know that my "roll" has disappeared. Might not go first for some people, but it is possible for it to go. Oh, and this is starting the "diet" 2 years after the c-section, and 3 and 1/2 after first pregnancy.
  • mlowe513
    mlowe513 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started losing weight and I am so glad to hear that the "roll" over the esat to west c-section scar goes away. I have been so worried that I would have it forever. This inspires me! :)
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thank you for this post - I have had three c-sections west to east and it is the roll that hangs over the scar that brought me to MFP. I am hoping through proper diet and exercise it will eventually dissapear. My husband says the stomach area is the last to go so we'll see. I await responses from women who have had c-sections and now have a FLAT stomach (except for the six pack abs of course) :)

    Mine was flat. When I said it didn't go back to normal, what I was thinking was that my belly button looked a bit different. I didn't have a six pack, but it was flat. (Sadly, that was several years ago and it isn't any more!). I know some people's doesn't go flat, and it probably depends on various things (fat levels, genetics, etc.), but I didn't find the C-section in itself prevented me having a flat tummy. I didn't actually TRY to get a flat tummy. I think mummy tummies look fine :).
  • Candida1983
    Is there an admin on that can keep lady ^^^ from spamming people's posts with her attempts at selling her wraps? These are true weight loss success stories, not wrap people. They worked their butts off (literally). You can't wrap your way to being healthy, but you can work for it. These ladies are living proof.
  • AnneU93
    AnneU93 Posts: 114 Member
    Unfortunately your skin isn't as elastic as a 20-year-old's and therefore many women in their 40-50's whom has lost a good amount of weight will need surgically removal of excess skin also if you have been overweight for many years, the skin is stretched. It is like an elastic band if you have ever found an old box you have had in story for many years which has an elastic band around it to hold it together you will find that the elastic has become dry and is stretched out and when taking of it might break (stretch marks) and it won't go back into it's original size. :ohwell:
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    When my mum had me, I was born via emergency c-section north to south, so I know exactly of what you speak, the belly bum thing XD
    She is also in her 50s now and has always had a pooch belly in that area, despite losing lots of weight (she went from an 18 to a size 8, but since gone up to a 12).
    I can't give you any advice really, other than to try skin firming creams? Bio Oil, or Shea butter might help?
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I think I got my tummy to be as flat as I can make it. I had a c-section in 1993 and then another child afterwards not via c-section. I wish I could use my children as an "excuse", but the truth is I got my loose skin from letting myself get fat. I had a tiny little pooch over my c-section scar before I gained weight, but the loose skin that I have now is from my poor lifestyle choices.

    I have heard that strength training, staying hydrated, and keeping it moisturized helps, but it remains to be seen for me. I have just come to accept that I will have loose skin, but most women my age (42) have some sort of issue with their bodies and we all just need to embrace what we have. I'm looking forward to strutting my stuff in a bikini this summer. :-)
  • nytius
    nytius Posts: 173 Member
    bump! Very interested to see some pics here. I have twins and stretch marks galour plus a low east to west c-section scar. I did have a flat tummy after I first lost the weight from my pregnancy but I was 19 then and have gained much more weight in the years since. Now that I am 30, I would just like to know that my stomach can still go down to flat. I doubt a six pack is possible but I'd love to have a flat belly again.
  • MrsGinaTaylor
    MrsGinaTaylor Posts: 13 Member

    Because I had a emergency Low Vertical C-Section due to having Cord Prolapse on 8/6/2014.
  • morethenjustmum
    morethenjustmum Posts: 170 Member
    I didn't take any photos but after having my 3rd east to west last June i measured from the scar to my belly button just to see. 9inches of overhang as I call it.

    then i measured it every two months. I am proud to report that it is now only 5 inches. It still looks pretty yucky to me but I love knowing how far I've come.

    i do plan on posting tummy pics once i get to goal
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