water weight

im just starting off dieting i drink tons of water i take one a day tablets and along with 2-3 iron pills a day.. i take alot of iron for personal reasons. i lost about 9 lbs and im not complaining im very happy to have lost that. but i know its just all water weight. i have a goal to lose 40 or more lbs this summer but when does the actual losing water weight stop and actual weight lost start? or should i say fat lost start? like i said i dont care if its water or not im happy to get on the scale and see instead of a number going up its going down!!! couldnt ask for anything better. but just curious when does the water weight stop?


  • kikimommy
    kikimommy Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in the exact same boat - lost 11 pounds over about 6 weeks, then nothing the past 4 weeks. I'm thinking plateau, but I'm not sure. I'm definitely curious to see if anyone has any perspective.
  • cryshelle247
    cryshelle247 Posts: 78 Member
    do you work out ? or r u just dieting
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    for me i lose water weight the first 4 days or so, then it tapers off. i would guess it's fat because i measure myself and i lose inches.
  • kikimommy
    kikimommy Posts: 21 Member
    Yes, I'm doing about 20 to 40 minutes of cardio, 6 times per week (elliptical or treadmill) and strength training 4 times per week.