Eating too few calories.

amathus Posts: 49 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I'm a full-time student, and on days when I'm in class all day, I tend to not eat much and just drink coffee and/or water, because I don't have the time to find real food. This means that when I get home at night, and I've had my dinner, I'm still short 300+ calories (of my 1200 calories/day goal).

What should I do at these times? I don't want to starve myself, but I'm not hungry either, and I don't want to eat 300+ calories of unwanted food or junk, just to fill the gap.

If it's not an everyday thing, is it going to hurt me to fall short of my calories once or twice a week? Should I be looking at 1200 as a limit and not a requirement, like my sister says?

Created by - Calorie Counter


  • bapaige
    bapaige Posts: 18 Member
    I too am doing 1200 calories/day. I have had the same problem with not eating the total calories every day. My trainer said that once a week would be fine but not to make a habit of it as it will put your body into starvation. One days that I don't eat the 1200, I try to eat at least the 1200 the next day. I don't know how others feel about that, but so far it has worked for me. I have lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Think about on the go food - protein bars, fruit, cut up veggies.
    Something that you can throw in backpack, lunch bag or leave in car.

    I have placed a few protein bars, instant oatmeal packets, fruit cups at my office cubicle for times that I see I'm falling short.

    I received advice that I wasn't eating enough. I was in a similiar situation as yours not hungry - falling short of calories as well. A fitness trainer told me I wasn't eating enough. Now, I mentally force myself to think eat more.
    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • vraehn
    vraehn Posts: 1,008
    I don't think too few calories is the issue--I think how balanced and nutritional is the meal. Also, most places have a microwave you can use so try a Healthy Choice or other low calorie balanced meal. Check out the frozen food section. It's cheaper than buying lunch and controls your calories.

    Many movie stars eat prepackaged meals to control their weight.

    Good luck!
  • It's important to eat more during the morning and afternoon, especially important for full-time students like us! You can't live off of coffee or water! Food should be plentiful at the college food courts no and don't the coffee places serve food? There's always to go things that I can get if I'm running out of time at the food courts/dining halls at school. Or do you have classes back-to-back? Bring nonmessy things to eat. Nuts are especially good and they aren't messy!
  • i'm a college student so i can relate. i actually just got out of a session with a nutritionist (a program put on by my sorority) and she was mentioning things like that as far as stuff to eat/bring with you when you're in class all day. some things she mentioned that were easy and portable are granola/protein bars, fruit+protein (apples with peanut butter or cheese), crackers and peanut butter, fruit in general, nuts, veggies (carrots, for example) etc.
  • I remember college. I carried a bag with me every day filled with nutritious snack foods.
  • get a snickers marathon bar and break it into pieces and eat it through out the day. 290 cals 20 gr protien....look it up on here in the food diary for the rest of the nutr. info or go to their website.

    hope this helps
  • Protein bars are a great way to add calories with out any fuss and can be eaten while changing classes.

    good luck,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Someone who lost a lot of weight said, "if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail"

    Ditto to all the things that were said about planning things to bring with you and searching for ways to eat nutritious food during the day.

    The nutrition of what you eat is as important to consider as the calories.

    Take baby steps, you will find a solution
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • bapaige
    bapaige Posts: 18 Member
    I have been eating protein bars. The Power Crunch Bars are really good. They are around 200 calories each. That can give you added calories and can be something easy to carry to school. I always carry an extra in my pocketbook when I feel the urge for something sweet (they are good!).
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