Changing the mental game!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHH

I've been tracking faithfully for just two weeks. The first week I was down 8 - I know it is mostly because my first "TOP" weigh in day came after a massive party weekend (including 1700 calories worth of just alcohol...shush, i know....).

Today I weighed in and I'm up 2 - so it still balances out 6 lbs in two weeks which I know is better than normal. However I found myself thinking my usual old BS "omfg this doesn't work, gotta go back to WW points", etc etc.....nevermind that I look back at my food log for the week and I was over 785 net calories and only "on" target three days and was over the other three days. OF COURSE it's not going to work if I'm over calories half the week.....gah....I need to keep working on the mental part of this, it's ridiculous.

Brief history about me though, I've lost 140 lbs since 2007 with WW points tracking. I've actually lost more, but gained some back, which is why I wanted to use MFP to get a fresh take on things. I'm a video gamer, an aspiring runner - have run two 5k's and have more scheduled in the near future and am an ice hockey player for about 15 years. The three years I didn't play hockey (2004-2007) was when I gained all my massive weight. I do strength training as well. My problem was always binge eating, which is still obviously my battle. 4th of July I ate two days worth (and I was puzzled at first today as to why I didn't lose weight? Lol).

Overall I have a good attitude about things and I do know what to eat and what to do, I just need to do it. I just get so frickin tired of it after years and years of watching and tracking....I know, call the wah-mbulance right? :)

If you need a pal, sports-minded or just in general, add me if you're feelin it. I sincerely appreciate all motivation and support and would be happy to do the same. I do like cheerleader-type support, but if you feel like being harsh for a kick in the *kitten*, I don't mind that at all and would not defriend you lol. I like straight up honesty.

Have a good day - Cheers!