Discouraged :(

I need help, encouragement, and a friend... I am on day 2 of the Insanity work out and feel so out of shape. I couldn't even finish the work out; let alone fully complete any of the moves.

I've come a long way from where I was 2 years ago. Having lost 43 pounds ( 180 to 137) in a year, I look good in my new smaller clothes, but when they come off, I'm not happy. I want to tone up and despite having lost so much weight, I am SO out of shape :(

I feel like I could cry. Insanity is SO hard and I feel like giving up already. There is no way i can get good results by day 60 if I can't even finish the 2nd work out. Has or is anyone ever felt this way about Insanity? If so, please respond and feel free to add me as a friend on here.

Sidenote: My beachbody coach sucks.. she's never online and her profile is blank.. no pictures of her own progress or anything..


  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    Do you maybe need to get to a base level of fitness for Insanity? I've heard it is pretty hard. No reason taking it slower, getting a base of strength established so it isn't so killer, and then coming back and really kicking *kitten* in it. If it is discouraging you so much, maybe the more realistic answer is to build up to it.

    I'm sending a friend request now. We can support each other in our slogging on to meet our mutual goals. Sound like a plan?
  • sunny_curls
    sunny_curls Posts: 12 Member
    Do you maybe need to get to a base level of fitness for Insanity? I've heard it is pretty hard. No reason taking it slower, getting a base of strength established so it isn't so killer, and then coming back and really kicking *kitten* in it. If it is discouraging you so much, maybe the more realistic answer is to build up to it.

    I'm sending a friend request now. We can support each other in our slogging on to meet our mutual goals. Sound like a plan?

    I thought about that, but I just wanna do it. I thought about doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred first and THEN Insanity, but I don't know.. Maybe you're right. I feel like crap just thinking about giving up already though.. I'm not a quitter, I just wanna know if I'm the only one that's ever felt like this :(
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    Why don't you try Jillian Michael work out before progressing towards Insanity
  • ocukor1
    ocukor1 Posts: 66
    Friend here, help is on the way... :) Well...first of all, when you start exercising after a long time of sedentary life it will always suck, especially if you start off too hard. Secondly, your body will eventually adapt to it and it wont feel as bad. Also, there is an alternative to hard core workouts, it's called just healthy lifestyle with healthy eating and a little bit of exercise once or twice a week, it would work just as good.
  • sunny_curls
    sunny_curls Posts: 12 Member
    Why don't you try Jillian Michael work out before progressing towards Insanity

    Seems like the smart thing to do I suppose.. thanks
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eat way more on Insanity days.
    Start out with a HUGE breakfast.
    It sounds like you are dealing with skinny-fat and thats okay!
    It's just something that happens when someone:
    1) Loses the weight too fast.
    2) Doesnt work out properly when losing weight.

    I would set aside 3 days a week for insanity and on those days know what your TDEE is and eat above TDEE.
    So I burn about 1277 cals a day.
    On an insanity day i'd eat about 3k.
    Those extra calories wont get stored as fat because of the intense workout.
    They will go towards recovery.
    And for the next 30-48 hours just about everything I eat will go towards recovery.
    You have lost the weight but the only wat to "tone" is to build up some lean muscle.

    Check my profile for a link to get you your TDEE and calories.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I feel like I could cry. Insanity is SO hard and I feel like giving up already.

    My motto: "Replace your motivation with dedication and you will succeed." Are you motivated to exercise or are you dedicated to exercise. This is the difference of separation between the people you see in really good shape and the people who wish they were in better shape. Dedication means doing it even when you don't feel like it. I know Nike's slogan "Just Do It" is thrown around a lot but it's entirely true.
    There is no way i can get good results by day 60 if I can't even finish the 2nd work out.
    First you finish half the 2nd workout. Then you'll finish 3/4 of the 2nd workout and soon enough you'll be able to do all the 2nd workout. You'll see. You're conditioning your body and getting stronger. Each time you work against resistance you'll get better and better at beating it.

    You should have seen me struggling with chin ups a couple months ago. I felt really stupid trying to do them in the gym. I was sure that everyone was wondering why I was even bothering when I obviously could barely do them. Now I walk up to the bar and can crank through 8 of them the first set and people just stare like "I wish I could do those". It feels so good and all the humble pie I was eating getting to where I am today I can now feed to everyone else. Of course now I need to work on pull ups but I have this think whooped before I even start in my mind. I'm going to do them because I choose to do them.

    “If you think you are beaten, you are;"
  • sunny_curls
    sunny_curls Posts: 12 Member
    Friend here, help is on the way... :) Well...first of all, when you start exercising after a long time of sedentary life it will always suck, especially if you start off too hard. Secondly, your body will eventually adapt to it and it wont feel as bad. Also, there is an alternative to hard core workouts, it's called just healthy lifestyle with healthy eating and a little bit of exercise once or twice a week, it would work just as good.

    This is true also. I think I'm just going to do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and see how I feel after that. Thanks for your response! Friend requests on the way!
  • sunny_curls
    sunny_curls Posts: 12 Member
    So many suggestions I don't know what to do first! Thanks everyone!
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    I definitely know your feeling. I'm stubborn, and don't like to entertain the notion that there is nothing I can't do. And while we can do more than we typically think we can, there is a limit to what we can do. Push beyond that limit, you risk hurting yourself or becoming so discouraged that you quit completely. It isn't worth it if it makes you give up completely. If this were a friend, and you knew how much she was struggling with Insanity, and you know what her physical capabilities are, what would your advice be to her? Take that advice--whether it would be to try something different to build up to Insanity, or slog along. Also, you aren't quitting Insanity, you are delaying it until you are better prepared to do it successfully. You wouldn't take calculus without having taken algebra first. Think of it along those lines.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Please make sure you eat more or you may end up retaining fat and losing lean mass.
  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 215 Member
    Sent a friend request. It is very easy to get discouraged but please don't. I think you have set the bar too high right now., Definitely start off with 30DS and work your way up to insanity. You will feel better about the workouts and be able to do more of it and feel accomplished,
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    I love the 30 Day Shred. I have an injured shoulder, so I can't do it right now, but when I can, I'm going to incorporate that into my workout rotation.
  • sunny_curls
    sunny_curls Posts: 12 Member
    I definitely know your feeling. I'm stubborn, and don't like to entertain the notion that there is nothing I can't do. And while we can do more than we typically think we can, there is a limit to what we can do. Push beyond that limit, you risk hurting yourself or becoming so discouraged that you quit completely. It isn't worth it if it makes you give up completely. If this were a friend, and you knew how much she was struggling with Insanity, and you know what her physical capabilities are, what would your advice be to her? Take that advice--whether it would be to try something different to build up to Insanity, or slog along. Also, you aren't quitting Insanity, you are delaying it until you are better prepared to do it successfully. You wouldn't take calculus without having taken algebra first. Think of it along those lines.

    Very true as well :) thank you!
  • sunny_curls
    sunny_curls Posts: 12 Member
    Sent a friend request. It is very easy to get discouraged but please don't. I think you have set the bar too high right now., Definitely start off with 30DS and work your way up to insanity. You will feel better about the workouts and be able to do more of it and feel accomplished,

    My only issue with 30 day shred is how monotonus (sp?) it gets after a while. At least with Insanity I'd be doing something different and not getting bored with the workouts, you know?
  • pdanko1972
    pdanko1972 Posts: 13 Member
    I started the 30 day shred 3 days ago and the first day I had a hard time finishing , each day it has gotten a little easier. Let me tell you though I feel EVERY muscle on my body right now every muscle on my body right now, even my butt hurts. I would someday like to do insanity myself , but personally i believe you have to work up to it or you could get hurt.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    just do what you can do and eventually you will work up the stamina to finish. Way to go by starting, just don't stop. You are welcome to add me as a friend, but be warned I can be brutally honest, lol
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Why don't you try Jillian Michael work out before progressing towards Insanity

    I was going to suggest this, too.

    Not all workouts are suitable for beginners. If your "coach" tells you differently it's time to fire her. I like Jillian Michael. Start with 30 Day Shred. Each level has modifications for beginners, and the moves are not too complex, but you still get a butt-kickin' body transforming workout. I only did 30DS for a week, but I've been in a lot of other programs. I found some of her other workouts and LOVE Extreme Shed & Shred and Ripped in 30. I am thinking about trying Insanity, but only now, when my endurance is already building and I have a fair level of resistance training already behind me.

    If you can afford it, it might be worth it to work with a personal trainer for a few weeks. It's helpful to have a live person who can tailor workouts to your level and goals, correct your form, and then point you in the right direction. (I did this a few years ago, and it was a great help!)
  • devonparks
    Insanity is the hardest thing I've ever done - well, except maybe that Spinning class that nearly killed me (literally) last year. Anyway, it's mind over matter. I grew up playing sports and I still coach today, but the reality is, my fat body doesn't let me do all the things I want. I'm on Day 17 and I just keep going because I want to achieve my goals. When I'm doing Insanity, there are some things I just cannot do because my belly is still too fat or my knees won't allow me to. When that happens, I at least try to jog at the same intensity as they're doing whatever they're doing. Sure, I'm losing a little bit of the actual workout, but it's better than quitting. I'm still averaging over 1100 calories burned. I just did the Fit Test for a second time Friday and I was better by a lot in 7 of the 8 tests. So, I guess my point is, keep trying, do the best you can, and if you can't - just keep moving; you'll get results either way. =)
  • hardy27
    hardy27 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm doing the 30 day shred now. In day 7 and it's a real good workout. I'm building my way up to insanity. I would love to try it but knew I wouldn't be able to keep it up. It looks like the name " insane". Jillian Michaels is a good pushers as well so I believe it would be a good first step!!!!