MFP WAY overestimates calorie burn? Good HRM to buy?

Hi there! I am fairly new here and feel like MFP really overestimates my calorie burn. I usually cut it in half to make sure I am not overestimating what I am burning.

I think I should buy a HRM to get a more accurate number. Any reccomendations on how to choose one or a good one to buy? I just want a good quality, simple, inexpensive HRM.



  • moonbai
    moonbai Posts: 16
    If you want one without a chest strap Omron is a pretty good. If want one with a chest strap get a Garmin or a Polar and get them off of Amazon.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    yes yes yes mfp is not always accurate! dont waste your time with inexp! they dont work and you may as well be using mfp, they r the same amount of accurate! save up and get the polar ft4! its the best 80 bucks youll ever spend. you get used to the strap! i didnt think i would but i did!! i recc the polar FT4!!!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Polar FT4 for around 80-90 bucks! It's worth every penny
  • marnet12
    marnet12 Posts: 73 Member
    I really think one with a chest strap gives you a better number. (keeping in mind that all these numbers a just estimates) I use a garmin for outdoors cuz I'm anal about my mileage but it doesn't work so great indoors, so I found a Gaiam zone trainer on huge sale at Target and like it for my indoor workouts. I hear polar is really good, too. Best of luck!
  • angrodriguez92
    angrodriguez92 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm glad you made this thread, I have been looking for a HRM. The best deal I could find is the Polar FT4. I think knowing how many calories I am truly burning will really motivate me to work as hard as I can.
  • tracyhall63
    tracyhall63 Posts: 84 Member
    I have the polar ft7 and my calorie burn is less than half of what MFP says. I have also discovered that polar works with most of the lifeforce cardio equipment in my gym like the treadmill, eliptical and bikes so it reads your heart rate even if you are not holding the sensors. This is awesome!
  • benonce
    benonce Posts: 1 Member
    Do you really think my fitness watch is inaccurate? I've been relying on that heavily. Even though I don't go over my 1200 daily allowance, I still lose 2-3 pounds a week. Sometimes, I lose more. So, I feel that my watch is accurate. HELP!
  • I have a Polar FT4. I LOVE IT!!! It comes with a chest strap and I got it for 69.00 on EBAY, brand new. It's the best investment ever because it is specific to YOUR weight, height, age and gender... It lets you know when you are in your heart zone and then after your workout it tells you how long you worked out and how many calories you burned.
  • Do you really think my fitness watch is inaccurate? I've been relying on that heavily. Even though I don't go over my 1200 daily allowance, I still lose 2-3 pounds a week. Sometimes, I lose more. So, I feel that my watch is accurate. HELP!
    I believe the above posts are saying that the info My Fitness Pal lists as a calorie burn is often inaccurate and that actually using a heart rate monitor with a strap is a better gauge of the calories you burn while working out. If your watch doesn't have a strap then it may or may not be accurate.

    But bottom line is, if you are losing 2-3 lbs. a week and you've lost 41 lbs ... well then what you're doing is working just fine! :) Keep up the great work!
  • OHHHHHH,, ok! LOL! I was wondering how the machines was picking up my heart rate and I wasn't even holding the sensors...I didn't think it was my transmitter!! LOL!
  • I have a Polar FT4. I LOVE IT!!! It comes with a chest strap and I got it for 69.00 on EBAY, brand new. It's the best investment ever because it is specific to YOUR weight, height, age and gender... It lets you know when you are in your heart zone and then after your workout it tells you how long you worked out and how many calories you burned.

    I agree!!! I just bought the Polar FT4 and LOVE IT also!!! I can't believe how much MFP and even the machines at the gym over estimate!! It's so insane! I did 20 minutes on the treadmill the other day 10 incline and 2.2 speed. The machine said I burnt 260, MFP says 389 and my HRM said 120! That is a HUGE difference when you are recording it. And people eat back their exercises calories. That can make you go over. I HIGHLY recommend getting a HRM of some kind. I wish I would have done is sooner!
  • lisadlocks
    lisadlocks Posts: 212 Member
    what is the difference between a polar FT4 and polar FT60?
  • armishia
    armishia Posts: 34 Member
    I had been depending on MFP to give me the correct calorie count when I workout. I must say that I just started using this 6/19 and I have lost 4 pounds so far. I may invest in a HRM.
  • BackTatJIM
  • I would say to DEFINITELY invest in a HRM! You will be so happy you did!!! It is also a good way to challenge you last recording..
  • Highly recommend Polar products they are reliable and reasonably priced, if you want to spend more there are top of the line choices also but I have been more than happy with the one I have.... the only detraction is the chest strap that can be annoying but it's not that big of a deal. Good luck!