DISGUSTING foods/meals you now love&help you lose weight

I NEVER like steel cut oats. Now I LOVE them plain, no salt, no butter and I love them luke warm or cold.

My favorite way to eat them is what I call Green Oatmeal;

1/2-1 cup of steel cut oats (luke warm or cold)
1 scoop of Amazing Grass Amazing Trio Powder Alfalfa, Barley & Wheat Grass
tons of blueberries (1/2-1 cup)
tons of strawberries (1/2-1 cup)

YUM!!!! This is soooooooo delicious and sooooo good. This time last year, eating this or even considering eating this would have made me ill, literally. Now I LOVE it! The steel cut oats are VERY high in protein and calories too, which help me meet my calorie goals. The Amazing Grass Amazing trio tastes like dirt and took a wee bit of getting used tom but now I LOVE it and my oatmeal looks like an ugly scary mess, but it's so good. I have tons of energy after eating this concoction too. It's fabulous in an ugly and earthy kinda way :love:

How's bout you....What have you considered disgusting foods/meals that before your lifestyle change, you would have never eaten let alone learned to love and actually helps you with your weight loss?


  • takechances
    Plain cottage cheese.
    It grossed me out before, but I LOVE it now!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    nothing really. i was brought up on healthy stuff,. so i like it all.
    brussels sprouts maybe.
  • wwpecker
    wwpecker Posts: 13
    I’ll second the cottage cheese. Grated carrot! Which is strange as I don't really like whole carrot..
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    Oatmeal as well. I NEVER liked it because of the texture. Every time it hit my tongue, I wanted to puke, but it smelled SO good and I LOVED the flavors. I actually CRAVED oatmeal because of its flavors, even though I knew the texture got me bad. I forced myself to start taking tiny bites and at first it would take me over an hour to eat an entire packet of instant oatmeal... now I love it and eat it all the time. I don't know what the hell it was about the oatmeal that made my mouth water so much, it was so weird!!

    Green beans are another one... HATED them! Especially frozen/canned, YUCK! But then I saw a cooking show and someone sauteed FRESH green beans with garlic and some other things, decided they looked REALLY good... went home, made some fresh ones with garlic, onion powder and crushed red peppers... now I'll eat it by the pound just by itself. Only fresh though!!
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    All types of veggies and fruits:

    green beans, butternut squash, cauliflower, peaches, zucchini, brussel sprouts, avocado - none of which I liked before getting healthy. :)

    Edit: And oatmeal!
  • sofia0586
    sofia0586 Posts: 71 Member
    fresh green juices (with parsley, celery, apples, kale, chard, etc)
    brussel sprouts
    egg whites only
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I really didn't care for quinoa at all the first time i tried it, had to mix it 1/3 with 2/3 rice just to get some in my system (about a year ago). Now, for 4th of July I made an amazing quinoa and veggie salad that was sooooooooooo good. I don't know what I was thinking before!!! I feel like I never need to make white rice again.
  • starla5881
    starla5881 Posts: 190 Member
    I really didn't care for quinoa at all the first time i tried it, had to mix it 1/3 with 2/3 rice just to get some in my system (about a year ago). Now, for 4th of July I made an amazing quinoa and veggie salad that was sooooooooooo good. I don't know what I was thinking before!!! I feel like I never need to make white rice again.
    Same here! The earthy flavor of quinoa threw me off at first, but then I learned how to prepare it to my tastes, and now I LOVE it. I find myself craving it more than sweets, and it's a craving I don't usually feel the need to deny. I can hardly eat rice anymore; it just seems mushy and bland by comparison.
  • EAlexandraB
    EAlexandraB Posts: 98 Member
    People who say you hate brussels sprouts: try cooking them by sautéeing in butter and adding garlic, rather than steaming or boiling...makes ALL the difference!

    I was raised on healthy food, so I don't have any major aversions that I've since gotten over. My problem has always been portion control and mindless/boredom eating.

    However, I've managed to change my mindset about meals pretty substantially:

    Breakfast is now protein + complex carbs (usually unprocessed oatmeal with a protein shake, sometimes with fruit) rather than breakfast cereal with milk.

    Lunch and dinner are usually lean protein + veggies rather than protein + starchy carbs (or worse, just starchy carbs - I used to be all about pasta).

    I also eat things like hard-boiled eggs that I wasn't averse to before, but had never really included in my diet.
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    Food I used to hate that I now prefer for weight loss is less food.
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    Food I used to hate that I now prefer for weight loss is less food.
    HAHA! Amen to that!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    I never used to eat almonds or any type of nuts before I started eating healthier and now I really like them... I also never used to like cottage cheese mixed with fruit but I eat that too now.

    I still refuse to eat celery though :-P Never liked it, NEVER will!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    LOVE these replies....

    I too hated cottage cheese with All of my :heart: ...so disgusting--UNTIL I tried it mixed up with some peanut butter and coco powder--WOW!!!!! It tasted sooooooo good, like a healthy Peanut butter cup or some yummy designer chocolate candy or something--THE YUM!

    I hated ALL veggies and especially brussel sprouts...now I love them More than sweets. What I do is stir fry or steam or sautee them with veggie stock (or chicken stock if you prefer) and lots of herbs and spices (like lots of garlic, onions, ginger, herbs de providence and tons more stuff ) and ya talking about good--I don't even need butter with them prepared like this. When I do use butter (which is rare) I use Earth Balance Soy Free vegan butter, coconut oil, sesame oil or Bragg's liquid aminos.
  • theblackbirdtree
    Hated raw tomatoes until I had them sliced with either a) scrambled eggs, or b) mozzarella cheese. Now I love them, and pop cherry tomatoes like gum drops! :tongue:
  • soozy84
    soozy84 Posts: 118
    Eggs used to gross me out when I was younger but now I love them and find that they really fill me up in the morning. Also, kale. I wouldn't have eaten it before because I thought it was boring. Now I spray it with oil, drizzle lemon over it along with salt and garlic pepper and cook it in the oven until crispy. I love it served with fish!
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    plain egg whites....im getting to like them LOL
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Greek Yogurt. When I first started eating it I literally had to choke it down...now its a treat to me. LOVE
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    liver and onions. I've had it every sunday for the last month. I'm ready to pack this meal plan in for something else. 1 more month to go!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Ditto cottage cheese!

    I also liked tuna there for a bit but may have over done it because it's back to making me feel pukey at the moment, lol.

    Natural yoghurt is another thing I have every day now, used to hate the flavour.

    More recently, oranges! My mum has a tree and they are so full of flavour!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Raw avocado...I eat it every morning and actually crave it now...used to have to hold my nose to get it down. Other things include:

    Cottage cheese
    Baby spinach (still hate cooked spinach...gross)
    Steamed fish
    Brown rice