The Post-Baby Platform: Getting back to work!



  • VanessaC
    VanessaC Posts: 126 Member
    I'm in on this too. My little girl is now 3 months old. I also have a 3 1/2 yr old and another one who is almost two. Juggling all three and taking the time to excersise and track what I am eating is hard but "do-able" I will touch base again soon hopefully but have to go for now. Someone always needs mommy with 3 this small.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I'm in on this too. My little girl is now 3 months old. I also have a 3 1/2 yr old and another one who is almost two. Juggling all three and taking the time to excersise and track what I am eating is hard but "do-able" I will touch base again soon hopefully but have to go for now. Someone always needs mommy with 3 this small.
    Welcome Vanessa!:flowerforyou:

    You know, I think you could help to motivate a lot on here, especially those that say they can't find the time to exercise. If a mother of three young children like you can find this process "do-able", I think anyone can!:wink::happy:
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    Bumping the thread.....I need the motivation this week :happy:
  • VanessaC
    VanessaC Posts: 126 Member
    It's 10am and I'm just eating my breakfast now. A yummy egg white and cinnamon french toast with banana, nectarines and honey on top. I'll admitt I was starving this morning and it was tempting to have some of the chocolate pancakes I made for the kids this morning. They do have spinach and blueberries in them with extra wheat bran unsweetened cocoa and just a few chocolate chips so they aren't that bad but now that I am eating in peace while one naps and the other two play, I like the choice I made. I didn't get in the workout I should have yesterday but my husband is working 12 hour shifts this week which means that I am pretty much a single mom this week so I didn't sit down all day. And now after 20 minutes peace (which I swear only seemed like 5) the fighting has began and the little one is awake already.

    Make good healthy food choices today and good luck getting that workout in.
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    It's 10am and I'm just eating my breakfast now. A yummy egg white and cinnamon french toast with banana, nectarines and honey on top. I'll admitt I was starving this morning and it was tempting to have some of the chocolate pancakes I made for the kids this morning. They do have spinach and blueberries in them with extra wheat bran unsweetened cocoa and just a few chocolate chips so they aren't that bad but now that I am eating in peace while one naps and the other two play, I like the choice I made. I didn't get in the workout I should have yesterday but my husband is working 12 hour shifts this week which means that I am pretty much a single mom this week so I didn't sit down all day. And now after 20 minutes peace (which I swear only seemed like 5) the fighting has began and the little one is awake already.

    Make good healthy food choices today and good luck getting that workout in.

    And I thought my job was hard! Wishing you energy to burn :flowerforyou:

    I plan to run in the rain at work today! We'll see how that works out :smokin:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Bumping, I had the best day with my daughter yesterday. She's 18 months and VERY independant. Well, we were sitting on the couch, together, without her struggling to get away and she was pointing to my eyes, nose and mouth. (all by herself.) So I was telling her what they all were as she pointed and she would point to her own eyes, nose and mouth and repeat me. :bigsmile:

    Then, just when I thought she was gonna get up and run away she faced me and gave me a kiss, again, all by herself without me prompting her or anything. :heart: :smooched: :smooched: After that she did run around like a tornado but it was so worth it!
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    Bumping, I had the best day with my daughter yesterday. She's 18 months and VERY independant. Well, we were sitting on the couch, together, without her struggling to get away and she was pointing to my eyes, nose and mouth. (all by herself.) So I was telling her what they all were as she pointed and she would point to her own eyes, nose and mouth and repeat me. :bigsmile:

    Then, just when I thought she was gonna get up and run away she faced me and gave me a kiss, again, all by herself without me prompting her or anything. :heart: :smooched: :smooched: After that she did run around like a tornado but it was so worth it!

    Isn't that the sweetest gift you can get???? My baby is only 6 months and I absolutely melt when she gives me the open mouth slober face kisses! It's like she's trying to eat my cheek and I :heart: :heart: :love: them! Makes it all worth it :flowerforyou:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Yea, it's the best. It's extra special now becuase she HATES doing anything nice for us. :laugh:
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    :flowerforyou: I don't look forward to that :ohwell: I know it's coming soon though. She is soooo grown up already :laugh:

    I plan to run today before our pitch-in at work. Hopefully that will keep my eating in check at lunch!

    Wishing you all energy to burn!!!!! :flowerforyou:

  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    How has everyone been? I hope this thread hasn't been abandoned. :cry:

    So I'm having a great week! My daughter is SO behaved. :noway: I don't know why or how. :laugh: I know it won't last but we're enjoying EVERY bit of it.

    I've officially lost 25 lbs. (26.3 actually.) I'm so excited!

    Hope everyone is doing good! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • VanessaC
    VanessaC Posts: 126 Member
    I'm still here. Just don't get the time very often to write. My middle one is hitting the terrible two (although not officially for another two weeks). I'm having a hard time putting the baby down without her crying. She has gotten so used to being held because the 2 year old, although it is just meant as love, is way too rough with her. Maybe that will help me burn some extra calories though I suppose. I haven't been able to work out muchthe last couple of weeks because my husband is working 12 hours most days from now until mid-November. I have been keeping track of calories though and am seeing the numbers go down. And I take the kids for a walk whenever I can. Every little bit counts right !?! :tongue:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Vanessa, every little bit sure does count!!

    Umm, is terrible two's mandatory at 2? I ask because right after she turned 1 she was a hellion :grumble: and now she's calming down alot. So is is possible that she's past the terrible 2's????? :glasses: :huh:
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member

    We need support (a good bra :laugh: ) and a good friend! Have a great night!

    :flowerforyou: Jessi
  • VanessaC
    VanessaC Posts: 126 Member
    The last post on this was over a month ago. Not surprising really considering the group it covers. Hopefully we aren't writting on here because we are taking the few minutes we might ge tto ourselves to workout instead.

    My little one is taking enough bottles now that Daddy can put her to bed so I get to workout with a friend in the evenings. She has the Chalean Extreme program and although it is really tough sometimes, it seems to be worth it.

    I'm also going to try to fit in a few more crunches in throughout the day on top of a regular workout. Three babies in just over 3 years has done a number on my stomac.

    I hope that all is well with the other mothers out there. And trust me, I know you are busy but support is a great thing so if you have a minute keep writing on this post.
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