Muscle and Tone as the Goal- and support for all goals :-)

I realize a large portion (and the original purpose) of this site is to loose weight and get in shape. I see and use this site as a tool for self-betterment, to improve my health, to build good habits, and to reach my fitness goals.

I am hoping for some connection to people with similar goals to mine. I want to get good muscle tone, not too much bulk, but more than I have now. Lean muscle. For me, this means I actually need to put on some weight. I'd like to hear and share tips, tricks, workouts, food suggestions, and ways to put on healthy muscle weight.

If there are others with this goal (either immediate, or as a secondary goal after or along with loosing weight), I'd like to hear from you. Add me as a friend or send a message, or respond here, anything is appreciated. It is just helpful to have encouragement to keep at the gym, to vary workouts, to eat right to reach goals, no matter what they are. I'll do my best to support anyone else as well, no matter your goals.

I believe the ultimate goal for everyone is the same: to better yourself and be healthier. We all have different goals, motivation, strengths, weaknesses, and means of reaching out goal. We all have off days where we need support and motivation, and good days that are made better by encouragement to the the same. So, I am asking for encouragement & support in exchange for the same.

No matter your goals, or if I hear from anyone who sees this, I wish you the best success!