Grocery Lists? Budgets?



  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    My husband and I have a grocery budget of about $150-300 a month, so I feel ya. I buy store brand mostly, unless a national brand is cheaper. Coupons are your friend! Don't be shy to use them. I keep stocked instant rice, pasta, lots of different spices, canned tomato sauce no salt added, and 97% fat free cream of mushroom soup. Veggies, I get frozen, last longer and is cheaper. Dairy I get light yogurt, natural cheeses, and skim milk. Meat, I buy rolls of ground turkey and skinless boneless chicken breast in bulk, then bags each breast individually in sandwich bags, so it's easy to just grab and thaw. I'm not much for fruit, I will eat bananas and apples. I go to bread stores to buy my bread, like Sara lee or Wonder bread. You can save 1-2 dollars a loaf. My towns Sara lee outlet, has a thing were every $10 you spend you get a free item. I do all the cooking and I have yet to get the cooking for 2 thing down, but I always put away leftovers to eat later. I work at a daycare and my lunch is provided. I will mark the menu on days I can't have what the kids are eating, then just bring my own lunch, which is just my leftovers. That saves us some dough too.