Apple Cider Vinegar Diet



  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I think the claimed health benefits are not restricted to apple cider vinegar, you just need to search for the health benefits of balsamic vinegar and you get similar results.

    Don't think I could go for drinking small amounts neat though and will stick to using it for salad dressings etc
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I truly believe taking ACV works. I have tried it in the past and it helped with dropping weight.

    I had forgotten about it and then started taking a teaspoon before dinner a few weeks ago. It seems to have helped with my 2 months old weight loss stall as I have dropped 2 lbs since last week.

    Just so you know It has to be the kind that has the "Mother" in it like Braggs. I also think the ACV pills work when you aren't able to drink it.

    I should also mention I eat "clean" and try to keep my calories between 1200-1500.

    Last year we went to the Canary Islands and I ate whatever I wanted. I came home 5 lbs lighter than when we left! I think it is because I was taking the ACV pills before meals when we were there.

    You probably ate enough to fuel your body. 1200-1500 is low. I can eat a lot and still lose weight. You might be smaller then me but it's still all about calories in versus calories out. Maybe you were more active there and burning more calories? Or maybe your increase in calories gave your body something to burn off, so it did.

    I actually believe in the health benefits of ACV. I don't think it makes a difference for weight loss though. I've lost just as much while taking it as I did while not taking it. what matters is how much you eat and how much you burn.
  • Mfhixson
    Mfhixson Posts: 1 Member
    It works very well. I lost 20lbs but be CAREFUL! !! It caused inflammation in
    my stomach and now I have gastritis. I only did the diet for about 4-5 months
  • LillithM
    LillithM Posts: 17 Member
    I am actually currently doing the ACV diet... kind of. I only have 1 tablespoon in 8 oz of water in the morning. I lost about 2 or 3 pounds in the last week or so. There are so many health benefits so I would definitely give it a try. And probably dilute it more than I am doing :)
  • mbrown1924
    Have it on a salad or cooked green vegetables.
  • jd201424
    jd201424 Posts: 3

    Is anyone doing this diet right now? I'm reading about it and would like to know if it's still popular.

