there goes my motivation....



  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    There goes your motivation? How about working harder so you can do more of these exercises? Each new thing hurts and pushes you in a whole new way. Did you think the bike was the same as lifting weights or running or swimming? That is why it is best to have a well-rounded workout routine.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I cant get through those exercise video's either. Look at the people in the videos...I sure dont look like them NOR am I in that great a shape. I do as much as I can and stop. Eventually, I will be able to get through them. In the meantime, I use my stationary bike too. So dont get discouraged....I'm not.
  • Chantal34
    Chantal34 Posts: 128
    When I first started working out again back in January, I couldn't get past resistance 7 on the elliptical. I was dying after only 15 minutes. Now I can do resistance 20. That never would have happened had I given up back then. That should be your motivation to keep going and persisting. Do you want to look back in 6 months and see how far you've come?
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    "This is it for my motivation... I just feel like driving to mcdonnald's a get a big fat burger" :-S

    McDonald's sucks!! You've received some great advice on this thread. Hope your motivation increases after reading all the encouraging comments. All the best to you!
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Those workouts are insane. Doable, but you have to get into the right mindset. Also, you can't expect yourself to be able to do every single exercise the same way they do them right off the bat. Those people are in top notch shape. It will take time to get there. They didn't just wake up one day and they are tip top shape. The first time I did the 30 Day Shred, I probably stopped 10 times to catch my breath and felt sick afterwards. I didn't give up though. I knew going into it, it was going to be hard and probably way over my head. Now, I'm on level 2 which is absolutely kicking my behind. Yeah, I have to stop sometimes and take a breather, but that's ok. I know I'll build up stamina. Don't give up!
  • Beana21
    Beana21 Posts: 91 Member
    OP was referring to Power 90, aka P90. I've been doing it and it's tough but it's not too crazy. It's the predecessor to P90x and is geared towards beginners and overweight people. If my former 301 lb tail can do it, it's possible. lol
  • pfdn
    pfdn Posts: 8
    Thank you all for your words. Yesterday, I went for a cold shower instead of McDonnald's and then started searching for youtube videos of people that went (or was going through) p90... maybe I was just too tired from the insanity experiment and that way I couldn't go through the first p90.
    Today and tomorrow will serve as another test as I'll be out abroad and will have to eat what I can get in the hotel and airports (no weights or bicycle allowed on the luggage as well :-D) .
    At least I didn't go to have junk food yesterday... Thank you all once again.