Eating what you want and losing weight



  • mnlght535
    mnlght535 Posts: 84
    Thanks for the suggestion. I forgot about that. I have heard that from a few people about the applesauce. Do you have any suggestions for the cream cheese frosting lol. :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    <<<< washes pop tarts before consuming just so I can eat clean 100%.
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    I've read countless amounts of crap from people on this forum that just doesn't make sense, for example in order to lose weight you need to eat wholesome foods and NO junk food, to lose weight. But the truth is, you can eat what you want and lose weight - no, it's not ideal, you obviously need X amount of vitamins, protein etc, however anyone can lose weight eating what they want, as long as it's within their calorie allowance.

    There is an interesting read on the link below, a scientist eats nothing but Twinkies and junk food for two months and, would you believe it, lost weight. He took tablets for his vitamins and what not, but it just goes to show that these "only eat wholesome to lose weight" preachers are people who fell off a bandwagon somewhere along the way.

    Moral of the story? You CAN eat junk food (although it should be in moderation IMO) and lose weight - please do not listen to these ney sayers who claim eating junk food will result in not losing weight.

    Congrats on selling type two diabetes... That's the moral of your story.
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    No foods should be considered 'bad' foods. everthing in moderation. With that said, I typically save some calories/do a bit of meal planning (whatever you want to call it) so that I can fit in the 'junk' food. I have also found healthier alternatives for some of my favorites (such as Blue Bunnies Sweet Freedom ice cream-90 cal/half cup). I know my body well enough to know that if I deny myself a certian type of food long enough I will either go 'crazy' and eat a bunch of not-so-healthy foods, or I will not eat at all as nothing will satisfy me. It all boils down to just knowing your own body and mind.
  • akaporn
    akaporn Posts: 231 Member
    Yeah, right, I'd like to see his numbers again if he dares to do it for a year. two months is a short time. Of course, the calories deficit is going to work. After a year, all those malnutrition gonna start affecting your health. I want to see the comparison between his numbers and a guy with similar body condition who did eat proper clean diet. Did anybody got obese over two month period? No, it's life long process. It's interesting article. It sells advertising. CNN is all about selling advertising and everybody knows it.

    If loosing weight is all you care about, go for it -and unfriend me. But, I want a lot more than that. I want an Olympian athlete body. I'm gonna treat mine like one. Guys, use your common sense.

    Addition: Twinkies once in a while is OK. Twinkies everyday is OK too if you know what you are doing. Take a look at Michael Phelps' Diet.

    The point is HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING. Don't just read an article and spin it the way you want and come back a year later and complain that it doesn't work. It your body, it's your responsibility.

    And if you have kids, please stop feeding them those junk foods. You may say that it is none of my business. Of course it is, I am the one who is spiting your health insurance bills. Of course, it is my business.
  • davidsgirl145
    davidsgirl145 Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion. I forgot about that. I have heard that from a few people about the applesauce. Do you have any suggestions for the cream cheese frosting lol. :)

    Ummmmmmmmmmm, nope. LOL maybe just spread it thinner? but, that's just not possible for me! LOL
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I've read countless amounts of crap from people on this forum that just doesn't make sense, for example in order to lose weight you need to eat wholesome foods and NO junk food, to lose weight. But the truth is, you can eat what you want and lose weight - no, it's not ideal, you obviously need X amount of vitamins, protein etc, however anyone can lose weight eating what they want, as long as it's within their calorie allowance.

    There is an interesting read on the link below, a scientist eats nothing but Twinkies and junk food for two months and, would you believe it, lost weight. He took tablets for his vitamins and what not, but it just goes to show that these "only eat wholesome to lose weight" preachers are people who fell off a bandwagon somewhere along the way.

    Moral of the story? You CAN eat junk food (although it should be in moderation IMO) and lose weight - please do not listen to these ney sayers who claim eating junk food will result in not losing weight.

    Haven't read all the replies so I apologize of I am repeating what may already have been said.

    Some people lose weight to look hot. Others lose weight to get healthy. If health is not an issue, then sure, even a diet of cheeseburgers and milkshakes will get you to lose weight if the calories you expend are more than the calories you take in.

    I want my liver and arteries to be healthy too. Therefore, I stick with clean eating.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I agree as well. The main difference is that its easier to be in calorie deficit with whole foods than with junk since the latter contains empty calories plus additives that would make us crave for more.

    However losing weight on twinkies won't necessarily give us the physique that we want, let alone the improved health. You can be thinner but at the same time with clogged arteries or elevated blood sugar levels which no one wants right? As we all know, its 80% nutrition & only 20% exercise.
  • MaverickUK2K
    I personally think you are kidding yourself, but to each their own....

    In what respect?

    the title of your thread. Like i said, it hasnt worked for me in the past, so i am of course basing my opinion on my own experience. Maybe some people can, maybe you are one of those lucky ones ... I am not so lucky, so i have to lose weight the hard (and healthy) way

    Read some of the success stories, all the ones i have read include changing you eating habits and eating better

    I'm not kidding myself, it's a given fact that you can eat what you want and lose weight - it's not something I'm advocating and neither is it something that I do myself, but I'm saying it's possible. People seem to think you can only lose weight by totally cutting out junk food, which isn't true and whoever says it is true, is a liar.

    So in essence, the title of the thread is true. I'm not kidding myself at all, maybe you're the one kidding yourself in to thinking junk food, within moderation, is do-and-die thing. And FYI I'm losing weight eating healthy foods, with a few what most on here would call "junk" foods used sparingly.
  • romach79
    romach79 Posts: 277 Member
    I think you maybe extrapolating a single instance and generalizing its application. Yes, caloric intake is important - but the type of calories are important as well. For example eating foods laced with refined sugar triggers the release of insulin in your body to control your blood glucose levels. Insulin in your body inhibits the metabolism of fat, which is not what you want to happen if you are looking for a permanent loss of weight.
  • Lulubear511
    HAHA Grumpy Old Men! LOVE IT.

    Oops..forgot to quote.... :blushing:
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I think you maybe extrapolating a single instance and generalizing its application. Yes, caloric intake is important - but the type of calories are important as well. For example eating foods laced with refined sugar triggers the release of insulin in your body to control your blood glucose levels. Insulin in your body inhibits the metabolism of fat, which is not what you want to happen if you are looking for a permanent loss of weight.

    If you're eating within a reasonable range of calories and macronutrients, it's not really going to matter whether or not you throw in a twinkie or another item with refined sugars provided you're using some common sense. Should you eat all twinkies? Probably not.

    If you've got normal insulin function and you're eating in a caloric deficit, fat oxidation will exceed fat storage.
  • Lulubear511
    Every morning I wake up and I smoke a cigarette. And for breakfast I eat five strips of bacon. And for lunch a bacon sandwich. And for a mid day snack...BACON. A WHOLE DAMN PLATE. and I usually drink my dinner. Now according to all those flat belly experts, I shoulda took a dirt nap 30 years ago! Just goes to show ya.

    HAHA Grumpy Old Men! LOVE IT!
  • Lulubear511
    Thanks for the suggestion. I forgot about that. I have heard that from a few people about the applesauce. Do you have any suggestions for the cream cheese frosting lol. :)

    Greek Yogurt Frosting

    A light frosting made from Greek yogurt might make for a sweet topping to a tart, fruit-filled cake or cupcake, suggests the Cupcake Project website. Bakers can substitute the traditional cream cheese or sour cream with Greek yogurt, which has a similar thick texture but without the fat and higher amount of calories. Use one 6- or 8-oz. container of vanilla or plain Greek yogurt and mix with ½ cup of confectioner's sugar. Add a teaspoon of vanilla, almond or rum extract for extra sweetness. Allow to thicken in the refrigerator for 30 to 60 minutes before spreading on cake or cupcakes. Keep frosted cake out of sunlight or heat, as this frosting easily melts.

    Read more:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I think you maybe extrapolating a single instance and generalizing its application. Yes, caloric intake is important - but the type of calories are important as well. For example eating foods laced with refined sugar triggers the release of insulin in your body to control your blood glucose levels. Insulin in your body inhibits the metabolism of fat, which is not what you want to happen if you are looking for a permanent loss of weight.

    If you're eating within a reasonable range of calories and macronutrients, it's not really going to matter whether or not you throw in a twinkie or another item with refined sugars provided you're using some common sense. Should you eat all twinkies? Probably not.

    If you've got normal insulin function and you're eating in a caloric deficit, fat oxidation will exceed fat storage.

    This man speaks the truth.

    And insulin is a storage hormone for cells other than fat cells also, like muscle cells :)
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I've read countless amounts of crap from people on this forum that just doesn't make sense, for example in order to lose weight you need to eat wholesome foods and NO junk food, to lose weight. But the truth is, you can eat what you want and lose weight - no, it's not ideal, you obviously need X amount of vitamins, protein etc, however anyone can lose weight eating what they want, as long as it's within their calorie allowance.

    There is an interesting read on the link below, a scientist eats nothing but Twinkies and junk food for two months and, would you believe it, lost weight. He took tablets for his vitamins and what not, but it just goes to show that these "only eat wholesome to lose weight" preachers are people who fell off a bandwagon somewhere along the way.

    Moral of the story? You CAN eat junk food (although it should be in moderation IMO) and lose weight - please do not listen to these ney sayers who claim eating junk food will result in not losing weight.


    While it may be true that you can eat whatever you want as long as you are expending more calories that you are taking in, you will never have a fit, healthy, good looking body if you do that. And I think you're chastising without realizing the reality of these forums and the people on them.

    Most people equate losing weight with getting the body they want. They equate losing with getting healthy and getting fit and trim. You're upset because you think in literal terms only and you don't see what most people see.

    The FACT is that HEALTHY, SUSTAINABLE WEIGHT LOSS can only be done eating healthy, wholesome foods. And even your twinkie-eating scientist has to admit to that one.

    Oh btw, if all I ate was twinkies...even if it was only 1200 calories...I would blow up like a balloon. So perhaps they should have used a wide range of people for their little scientific test so it would be a real test and not a total, non-scientific, absolute fail. What that scientist did proved only that HE could lose weight eating that way. It proved NOTHING about the majority of the population.

    A fair point! While it is vital to look at the method used in any study, I do think it is important to take from this an air of validity. No one should live off of Twinkies... if they do, obesity is not their only health concern! That said, a Twinkie craving every week or so won't kill you. I'm like this with popcorn or sour cream and onion chips. Sometimes I seriously crave these savoury treats, and if I skip a protein shake or have less oatmeal with breakfast, I can incorporate it.

    Of course my chip habits will not provide me with a toned; gorgeous, Jamie Eason-style body. :grumble: I know that to look like a top of the line fitness model, my cheating habits will have to change. One day, perfection may be an attainable goal... but for myself, and most of the people here, I'm sure a gradual lifestyle change will provide more success than a restrictive diet based on will-power. A bowl of chips or a bit of whipped cream with my berries once a week keeps me sane enough to eat oatmeal, rice, and meat for the rest of the week. As long as the number on the scale and the circumference of my waist keep shrinking, I will work hard not to feel guilty about those little leniencies. I believe they shouldn't be viewed as mistakes.
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    I think everything Moderation is good. I am not here because I ate too much fast food but because my portion sizes were way off. I can now enjoy healthy eating and enjoy my food in moderation. In my Cuban culture, we tend to eat lots of carbs. Like rice, beans, & plantains for dinner. Well I used to eat more carbs than protein. I know really try to balance it out. I am not cutting the foods I like just to eat healthy. Life is tough & too short to not enjoy what you like to eat. I try to limit my sweets to once a day after dinner. Yes, I can go eat fast food and not say its the end of the day just because I ate one box chicken nuggets. Its not going to kill you. I hate when people make a big deal out of it. Eat it & move on, work it in your calories & macros. I do believe in not only staying in your calories but make sure your carbs/protein/fat are balanced.
  • JozefTorba
    JozefTorba Posts: 17 Member
    Eating only junk food within your calorie allowance is BS.. Eating a bacon cheeseburger meal from BK is over 1000 cals. So you want to say that you would have a burger and fries for breakfast and thats it for the whole day?? Good luck with that. I would like to see a report regards the health of this idiot...cholesterol levels would be interesting... So before you post some dumb **** like that think about it first!!!
    I've read countless amounts of crap from people on this forum that just doesn't make sense, for example in order to lose weight you need to eat wholesome foods and NO junk food, to lose weight. But the truth is, you can eat what you want and lose weight - no, it's not ideal, you obviously need X amount of vitamins, protein etc, however anyone can lose weight eating what they want, as long as it's within their calorie allowance.

    There is an interesting read on the link below, a scientist eats nothing but Twinkies and junk food for two months and, would you believe it, lost weight. He took tablets for his vitamins and what not, but it just goes to show that these "only eat wholesome to lose weight" preachers are people who fell off a bandwagon somewhere along the way.

    Moral of the story? You CAN eat junk food (although it should be in moderation IMO) and lose weight - please do not listen to these ney sayers who claim eating junk food will result in not losing weight.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    LOL mmmm carrot cake is so yummy but it is packed full of calories....anyone have a healthier carrot cake recipe they want to share...see what you have started with the whole carrot cake thing haha :laugh:

    There you are:

    They are heavenly! And the protein more than justifies them :wink:
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I've read countless amounts of crap from people on this forum that just doesn't make sense, for example in order to lose weight you need to eat wholesome foods and NO junk food, to lose weight. But the truth is, you can eat what you want and lose weight - no, it's not ideal, you obviously need X amount of vitamins, protein etc, however anyone can lose weight eating what they want, as long as it's within their calorie allowance.

    There is an interesting read on the link below, a scientist eats nothing but Twinkies and junk food for two months and, would you believe it, lost weight. He took tablets for his vitamins and what not, but it just goes to show that these "only eat wholesome to lose weight" preachers are people who fell off a bandwagon somewhere along the way.

    Moral of the story? You CAN eat junk food (although it should be in moderation IMO) and lose weight - please do not listen to these ney sayers who claim eating junk food will result in not losing weight.

    There seems to be a number of people disregarding the bolded part. I'm willing to bet that the OP is not recommending a diet consisting of 100% junk food.