C25K completed, but still not there yet

This week ends my c25k plan with my group, but I'm not "running" yet. I'm still needing those breaks and honestly I feel like I'm stuck at 6 run/1 walk or 7/1 intervals. I don't know what to do now. I *really* want to get where I can run a full 30 minutes so do I start the program all over again? Or do I pick it up where I know I'm at and push?

We had training this week for speed and hills where we ran at 80-90 RPE for 3 mins and walked for 2 and I rocked it. Should I start there and keep myself at the 80-90 RPE?

I have races planned for end of September and mid-November and I'd like to be a much stronger runner by then.
Thanks guys!