Anyone do at home workouts?



  • kelleymj
    kelleymj Posts: 102 Member
    I walk, hike, climb mountains, treadmill (have one at home), bike...have some dumbells that I use to. I do squats, lunges etc.
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    I do all my working out in my living room! I'm a stay at home mom and rarely ever get to go anywhere because of no babysitter..... I'm currently doing TurboFire and I do Leslie Sansone's 5 mile fat burning walk when I feel like I need to get in a little more exercise or I'm having a lazy day.
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    I have an elliptical, a bowflex machine, a set of adjustable dumbbells, and a variety of videos and yoga mats. What I can do now is limited to cardio and lower body strength work due to a shoulder injury, but I've worked out a good strength training workout that hits the major muscle areas in the lower body (abs down) and can be done mostly without weights. I use the elliptical for cardio workouts, and then supplement it with walking the dog in the evenings. It is mostly easier on the wallet now a days, though the set-up costs were significant. If I stick with the current strength training regimen, I'll eventually need to get heavier adjustable dumbbells, which are going to be expensive.

    I just restarted my weight loss efforts, so I haven't exactly lost a ton (1.8 lbs for my first week), but it is much easier to convince myself to work out at home than it was to convince myself to drive to the gym. Also, I don't miss not having to pay $50 per month for a membership that I only sporadically used.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I have been doing the Leslie Sansone 5 mile Fat Burning walk alternating days with a cardio DVD and a resistance tube workout. I'm coming off a knee injury (50% patella tear about a year ago) and once I get the okay for something more strenuous from my Dr. my cousin is going to mail me her P90X dvds.
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    I also want to add that haven't purchased, nor will I, a fitbit or HRM. Not necessary. I'm losing weight fine without the high tech gadgets as well.

    I'm such a gadget geek. I have both a fitbit and an HRM. I love data. The number of fitness/weight related apps on my ipod is also almost embarrassing, given my weight and my general physical condition.
  • tcchasse
    tcchasse Posts: 20
    Yea I have an elliptical and an xbox kinect and I do dance central & zumba fitness, hand weights, jog the stairs, crunches, swim. I also have some videos that I do. Have lost 21lbs before I started MFP and 19 more lbs since being on it.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    All my workouts are done at home. I have weights and a bench, a recumbent bike and a rowing machine for indoor workouts. For outdoors I either walk/jog or ride my bicycle. The nearest gym is over 30 miles away, so having my own home gym is much more convenient.
  • andreashawty100
    I hate working out at home. but any tips so I can motivate myself?
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    I hate working out at home. but any tips so I can motivate myself?

    Do it early, get it out of the way. Set your clothes and shoes out the night before, roll out of bed, and get moving. The less time you give yourself to talk yourself out of it, the easier it will be to stick with it. I demotivate myself if I don't work out early. Also, when you workout early, you can have that nice warm glow of self-righteousness at how healthy you are. I'm not being sarcastic. I do feel very pleased with myself and slightly superior at the fact that I worked out. It is a nice feeling.

    Also, consider rewards. If I work out X times this week, then I get Y. Also, consider the alternative--staying smooshy even if you lose a bunch of weight because you have no muscle tone. Being the first dead in the zombie apocalypse because you have no cardiovascular stamina. Who wants that?
  • MzBritt327
    MzBritt327 Posts: 17 Member
    I use Zumba, Just Dance, Wii Fit and Wii Active to keep it interesting. I like working out at home and sometimes with a friend, either at her house or mine.
  • BarbBlue
    BarbBlue Posts: 251
    I do and I like it much better than the gym. I walk, use my stationary bike, play the wii actives and started using power 90. I find I stay more consistent this way.
  • candice382
    candice382 Posts: 60 Member
    I do 60 min on my treadmill at 2.5 miles an hour now. I'm starting out. I have a few excercise videos but don't have much room to move in my living room right now. I just plan to increase my intensity on my treadmill for right now.
  • KyliAnnHobson
    KyliAnnHobson Posts: 551 Member
    I love Jillian Michaels workout DVDs! I've done the 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, and am currently doing 6 Week 6 Pack. I've had great results with all of them!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I finished Turbo Jam, Fat Burning Elite & Turbo Fire. Currently I'm doing Chalean Extreme. I've lost 51lbs so far :)
  • kcmcd
    kcmcd Posts: 239 Member
    Mm hmm. Pilates, 30 Day Shred, and my husband's weight machine. That and a whole lot of pacing with my 17lb 4 month old. I'm thinking I might join the YMCA when my baby is a little older and friendlier. Right now he acts like anyone other than me is trying to kill him. Of course then I'll have to learn to keep my pants on when I'm working out, which will be hard for me... lol
  • 152dbs
    152dbs Posts: 116 Member
    i do jillian michaels, c25k, or spartan workout...

    my car gets 18mph when i drive it like an old man...and with gas creeping back up again, im getting too cheap to drive when i dont need to.
  • SnuggleXPuff
    SnuggleXPuff Posts: 22 Member
    I've never (and probably never will) used a public gym for a number of reasons. Instead I go for jogs/walks, do yoga, circuit training and Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.

    I've lost 20 pounds since January so I'm doing something right.

    Then again, I also cut A LOT of nasty food from my diet.
  • Blondefitbarbie
    I use the Nike Training Club app on my iPad. It's amazing! Really great workouts, but you do need a medicine ball and dumbells for some of them.
  • jkm1783
    jkm1783 Posts: 21
    Go to Walmart and buy the elastic exercise bands. They are $10 and they work. I love using them and they are cheap!