WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? (Eating back exercise calories)



  • missmarcy1992
    missmarcy1992 Posts: 35 Member
    chlorisaann, definitely makes since. I was stuck at a plateau once (for months) and I would calorie cycle basically my calories would vary from 1900-1700 on the days i exercised and back to 1500-1600 on the days i didnt. I lost 4lbs in 2 weeks back then. Im going to stay away from the exercise cals and see how that works.

    Thanks :)
  • oceanbigwater
    make your diary available to other users so they can see if maybe when and what you are eating is sabotaging your efforts :)
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    chlorisaann, For the days I dont exercise, should I be eating the 1910 cals or eating the 1540 (which is the calorie goal MFP gave me when i put in Sedentary/ No exercise)?

    If you want to do it the way MFP intends:

    1. Choose activity level based on your daily life WITHOUT exercise.
    2. On days you don't exercise you eat that (it ALREADY has a deficit in it for you to lose 2lbs/week if that's what you selected).
    3. On days you do exercise, you STILL eat what MFP tells you to eat (meaning your exercise calories). However, if you are going by MFP exercise estimates, it might be best to only eat 50-75% of those exercise calories in order to account for inaccuracies.

    4. Exercising is not a waste of time on MFP if you eat back your cals. Typical weight loss programs use your exercise to help create your deficit, MFP sets your deficit through daily food intake. Exercising is for overall health and wellness (no matter what program you follow), but particularly on MFP it does not create your deficit for weightloss.
  • missmarcy1992
    missmarcy1992 Posts: 35 Member
    meeka472, Exactly, thanks for the support :) I know I can do it
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    omma_to_3, BINGO :) Thanks .

    Easily remedied. I prefer to set my goals to sedentary so that I'm not overeating on my non-workout days. That, and the extra calories are a big motivation for me to actually work out. It's whether you want to get your extra calories before you work out, or after. I do actually allow myself to eat more than my goal on non-workout days though. I find 1200 just too low if I don't get extra calories so I eat 1400 on non-workout days and net 1200 on workout days (which means I eat 1700 to 1800 on workout days).
  • missmarcy1992
    missmarcy1992 Posts: 35 Member
    rdailey70, right I dont even have a job. Im 20 years old and Im a full time student. I spend the day taking notes and I spend the morning at the gym Lol. I exercise 4 times a week though. So should I change my exercise goal to lighlty active or keep it the way it is?
  • texjenn
    texjenn Posts: 146 Member
    I agree with most of the posts here. Don't rely on your exercises at all! The most important part is the calorie intake. If you do exercising then that is a bonus for your body, but it is not necessary for losing weight. You should be listing yourself as 'non-active' and you should be eating close to the 1500. You will see the weight start falling off. It will be hard but losing weight is not easy. Continue to exercise because your body needs it but don't look at it as the magic cure and the go ahead to eat more calories. :(
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    chlorisaann, definitely makes since. I was stuck at a plateau once (for months) and I would calorie cycle basically my calories would vary from 1900-1700 on the days i exercised and back to 1500-1600 on the days i didnt. I lost 4lbs in 2 weeks back then. Im going to stay away from the exercise cals and see how that works.

    Thanks :)

    But that's like eating your exercise cals, on the days you don't exercise you eat less and on the days you do you eat more. Same concept.
  • missmarcy1992
    missmarcy1992 Posts: 35 Member
    garmashields, You dont wanna know what im eating darling LOL Im eating junk food. Ive actually lost weight while I was eating junk food in the past lol Im eating kettle chips, weight watchers mini burgers, eggo waffles, fish sandwiches on wheat bread, things like that.
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    rdailey70, right I dont even have a job. Im 20 years old and Im a full time student. I spend the day taking notes and I spend the morning at the gym Lol. I exercise 4 times a week though. So should I change my exercise goal to lighlty active or keep it the way it is?

    You should set to sedentary as that is what you are NOT INCLUDING exercise!!
  • missmarcy1992
    missmarcy1992 Posts: 35 Member
    veganbaum, Oh ok. I need to get back into that habit then Lol Thanks :)
  • oceanbigwater
    well I am not saying it's impossible to lose the weight you want eating those things but you are making it VERY VERY difficult on yourself :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    I was exercising every single day except Sunday.

    dont workout every day.
    Workout 3x a week and eat 30% below TDEE for a few weeks till you plateau.
    Or eat 20% below TDEE for months till you plateau.
    Or eat 30% below TDEE daily except sunday where you can have in excess of 30% above TDEE and do this for months till you plateau.

    Again...dont work out every day.
  • missmarcy1992
    missmarcy1992 Posts: 35 Member
    chlorisaann, i didnt know the exercise setting thing was based on my everyday life. I set it including my exercise Lol Guess ill set it to sedentary then.
  • speechsteff
    speechsteff Posts: 21 Member
    You may not need to eat your calories back...but just hang in there. I've always been a slow loser. I remember going on diets with friends and family members and usually you lose a lot in the first week right? Well I never ever did and I would give up. Even here on MFP I was doing everything just like I was supposed to and it just wasn't coming off at all. I stuck with it and now five weeks in I've started to know my body is finally releasing some of the weight. If you are not used to exercising and you are sore you may be retaining water too. Hang in there!
  • MrsSexton2013
    MrsSexton2013 Posts: 98 Member
    Mine is set on sedentary.. which I "think" is right.. on my big butt all day, but I do 5-6 gym visits a week with strength training and cardio. I think it wants the "majority" of your time.
  • missmarcy1992
    missmarcy1992 Posts: 35 Member
    garmashields, Yeah I am :(. I just want to lose the weight like I was when I was on Weight Watchers. I was losing like 8 lbs a month Lol.
  • sizzler0123
    Some people think you have to. I don't think so. But you need to find out what works for you. So maybe give it one more week and if your not seeing what you want to see at the end of next week then quit eating those calories back and see where you are.

    I personally think it defeats the purpose of working out, but I like it on some days cause I'm hungry from my workout and would like something extra.

    You have to find what works for you and let others worry about what works for them.

    FYI....I have one week where I lose next to nothing and then bam the next week I'm losing a lb a day. So don't be so quick to change things just yet. Wait it out. If I have two weeks in a row where I'm not losing then I'd def. mix it up some.

    I am glad to see someone else has this as well. 2 weeks ago I lost 3.3 lbs, then this week, only 0.6. Very frustrating, as I do not eat back my exercise calories and worked out every day, was only over on my set calories one day (but always make sure to eat TO my calories), and for pure numbers in terms of calories in/calories out, I should have lost almost 2 lbs!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    It could be sodium causing you to retain fluid. Check out the group Eat More 2 Weigh Less....It's very interesting and could help you. I figured out my BMR and TDEE and eat 20% below my TDEE and do not eat exercise calories back. I shoot for the about the same amount of calories every day. It really helped me. Check it out and decide for yourself.

  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    garmashields, Yeah I am :(. I just want to lose the weight like I was when I was on Weight Watchers. I was losing like 8 lbs a month Lol.

    You will! Just be patient and remember even if some weeks are not the best, the scale is moving in the right direction!!!