overwhelmed by all the conflicting information out there

I'm so overwhelmed and confused, and I'm starting to lose motivation a little bit. :-/

Why is it when it comes to weight loss everything one does is wrong or incorrect? It's so aggravating. I like to run, so I run. I was doing a little surfing to find a hill repeat schedule only to find running is a waste of time, and you won't lose any weight. Great. Don't even get me started about diet because it's the same thing. It also seems that strength training MUST be done in a gym, or at the very least with weights. Anything else is sub par and a waste of time.

After a while it's like, "Well, what the hell am I supposed to do to lose weight?!" That leads to sitting on the couch trying to figure out what to do, also know as analysis paralysis.

What are some things you have done to get past allll the conflicting information? How do you make sense of it all and actually lose weight?

I have been losing, but, of course, that's supposed to stop and stall out any day now. Arghh!!


  • YoYo1951
    YoYo1951 Posts: 370
    bump, I feel the same way. Just do what works for you. Read the info, think about it, and filter out what you don't need or want. Keep reading entries, and you will find friends that you want to know more from. You can do this, it is one day at a time. Be patient. Best of luck
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    Keep doing what you're doing, if it is working. The amount of conflicting advice is staggering. I mostly ignore it in favor of a general calories in/calories out philosophy. It is hard to argue physics. Don't let the conflicting advice discourage you--that used to happen to me, and it makes it harder to stick with things that are working, even when you know they are working.
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    personally, I read all I can, get all the information/advice Ican get, then use what I feel like. I may try something for a while and if it works, stick with it. The problem is, that maybe somethign works magic for me, wont do poo for you! Im stuck in a 9 week platuea and working my butt off and eating like an angel. I workout til I seriously almst throw up and burn a measly 225 calories while someone else does an easier workout (and idk if they wanna throw up...lol) but THEY burn 550 calories!!! All bodies are different and respond differently . I say, and Im NO expert, but if you find something you like....do it! Take in the information, nothing is the golden ticket., use what you like and smile and say thank you to the rest!!! just my 2 cents :)
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    First of all if you like to run who the hell cares if it won't help you lose weight, do it cause you like to do it. And second of all I don't believe for one minute that it doesn't help you lose weight, your moving which ='s burning calories.
    You have to find what works for you and stick to it. Don't worry about what others say or do, that's on them. When it stops working for you then you need to figure it out again. Mix it up, lower calorie intake, higher calorie intake, mix up your exercise routine add something or take away something.
    You need to ignore most of what you read especially if they are trying to sell you something. It's their job to lie to you to get you to do what they want or purchase what they want you to purchase from them.

    Don't try to read everything out there. It can get really confusing and just make you give up. If giving up isn't an option for you then do what works for you. Even asking questions on here wil get you the same results as the web, different answers based on what each on of us does that works for us. Just stick to what's working and I know you can do it.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I've been fortunate to work with some very good trainers. And as difficult as it was, I put my trust in them, and would say I've been successful. Sure there have been bumps in the road - injuries, platueaus, but we worked through them. I would be skeptical about anyone who suggests an all or nothing approach. I can tell you from experience that I've been successful with a combination of running and strength training. If you have found exercise that you enjoy, and it is working for you, then stick with it! If you are losing weight then what you are doing his working. When you hit a plateau, and you will because we all do, just know that you will have to change up something.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    Don't freak out. Some things work for some people and not for others. Unfortunately, a lot of it is trial and error to find what is right for you. Of course, people who have found what is right for them will shout it from the housetops that it is the ONLY way to do it and that all other ways are wrong...examples that I have seen: paleo diet, vegetarian/vegan, clean eating, low carb, meal replacement shakes, weight training only, cardio only, eat more, eat less, eat nearly nothing, HCG, etc.

    Personally, I do a lot of cardio, including C25K, and count my calories. I try to keep my diet mostly clean...lots of vegetables and lean meat, though I do use some processed foods as well. I like weight training, but I don't get a very high calorie burn from it (and I have not seen a significant afterburn, even though I REALLY hoped I would). I do, however, want to keep my muscles, so I will be doing more weight training...but I don't go to a gym and I get very good results from using either bands or free weights. Actually, when I did go to the gym, the machines didn't help me much.

    Try out what feels right to you, use some intuition. It may take some time, but you will find what is right for you if you keep trying.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    When I started, I read over the success stories thread. Many of the people post exercise habits, staple diet items.

    But remember, everyone is different. There is conflicting information because there is no right answer.
  • jamiealdridge02
    jamiealdridge02 Posts: 93 Member
    Sorry you are feeling so frustrated. I agree with what another said, if you enjoy running, run. If you like to walk, walk. I feel like there is a lot of confusing info out there too and i think some very well meaning people give some of us who are just trying to be healthy too much info lol. I love to run and won't stop regardless of what anyone says :)

    Just based on my experience, drinking lots of water, getting moderate amounts of cardio and weights (even if it is just body weight at first), and trying to cut my portions and eat more natural and lessed processed foods have worked.

    Make small changes you can live with and soon you will find what keeps you lean and healthy. Good luck to you and don't give up. You will find what works for you!
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    It's natural to want to optimize the way we do everything, and it's a great idea to try to be continually educating yourself to avoid making mistakes, but paramount is this: doing SOMETHING is always going to be better then doing nothing. Even if it's wrong. At worst, you learn that it doesn't work for you. At best, it's just the thing you needed. Either way, it's good.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member

    What are some things you have done to get past allll the conflicting information? How do you make sense of it all and actually lose weight?

    I ignore anything that doesn't work for me and only apply those things that do as long as they are healthy.
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    Thankfully I started my weight loss journey with a doctor and a trainer because the information on the internet and even on these boards has been confusing and conflicting at best. The reality is that losing weight is pretty simple: eating the right foods (MFP has great guidelines) at a caloric deficit. It's that easy.

    Sticking to your calorie guidelines and putting a focus on being more active (be that walking, running, whatever) will result in weight loss.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Well, there's a lot of popular things out there about weight loss. there is a lot of bro-science that runs around your friends mouths. There are so-called experts, and often they don't help the situation. Then, there are actual people doing science and looking to understand how fat is actually burned on our bodies. Those guys, the scientists, the ones conducting the studies in a controlled environment, are the ones to listen to. They know what they are talking about.

    What you might be hearing about running, is that it's really not good for fat burning. First of all, I've never seen a fat runner - you know, one that runs 5 miles everyday. Never seen it. So, screw all those people.

    But, I do know what they are talking about. From a fat burning perspective, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is where it's at. At least, that's what the science says. What is it? Look it up. But, if you were running, you'd run really fast for 1/4 mile or something, then slow and jog for 1/4 mile, then run really really fast for 1/4 mile, then slow jog for a 1/4 mile......you get the idea. That is HIIT training. For fat burning, it is superior. So, when people say running is great for weight loss, iot's because there are better alternatives - FOR FAT LOSS. That doesn't mean though, that you wont lose weight.

    For strength training, you do need weights. But, just do your best. The Insanity program doesn't use weights. So, maybe try something like that and see how you like it.


    Education is powerful and important. I think you should always be looking to better yourself in every way. So, reading and learning is a good thing. Maybe right now though, just focus on something small, and work your way into it. I just kind of take what makes sense and what seems to work for me, and do that. When I get bored with that, I look for something new, or for a slight modification to what I am doing to add a new dimension.

    It's funny when you work out for a while, and you think you're all badass, then a friend say, Hey, why don't you come and try out my yoga class, and you laugh and think it's lame, then you get there and it kicks your butt, and then suddenly you're all into yoga for a while. It just kind of ebbs and flows. Don't get to mired in the details.
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    I may be wrong, but I look at it like this: It all works, some better than others, if you just DO IT. Burn more calories than you take in. The calculations, systems, methods, tools are all up to you. I there was a magic formula, we would all be fit in no time.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I'm so overwhelmed and confused, and I'm starting to lose motivation a little bit. :-/

    Why is it when it comes to weight loss everything one does is wrong or incorrect? It's so aggravating. I like to run, so I run. I was doing a little surfing to find a hill repeat schedule only to find running is a waste of time, and you won't lose any weight. Great. Don't even get me started about diet because it's the same thing. It also seems that strength training MUST be done in a gym, or at the very least with weights. Anything else is sub par and a waste of time.

    Running isnt a waste of time as long as you have proper nutrition to back it up.
    People have the misconception that you cut calories then run for an hour every day to lose weight.
    It doesnt work that way.
    If you decide to run daily just make sure you have the proper nutrition to fuel the workout.
    Dieting causes stress.
    Running causes stress.
    Stress raises cortisol.
    Cortisol is catabolic meaning you have a hard time growing/maintaining lean mass.

    If you want to run then do HIIT sprint intervals.
    This has shown to have better HGH output at the end of the day and is known to help build/maintain muscle.

    If you are obese, dont run.
    After a while it's like, "Well, what the hell am I supposed to do to lose weight?!" That leads to sitting on the couch trying to figure out what to do, also know as analysis paralysis.

    What are some things you have done to get past allll the conflicting information? How do you make sense of it all and actually lose weight?

    I have been losing, but, of course, that's supposed to stop and stall out any day now. Arghh!!

    for me and my crew?
    We figure out our TDEE and cut 20% from that.
    If we work out like crazy we eat above TDEE to fuel the workout.
    We also only workout 3-4 days at most a week.
    REcovery is better for you while you cut calories.
    Stress and all that......
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    That is exactly why I have decided to pretend I've never heard any of it. I'm going to do things the way I am able, if I start feeling overwhelmed, that's when I know its time to ask myself what *I* want, what *I* can live with and what will make *me* feel better. If I want advice, I'll ask for it, otherwise I'm doing things how I want to.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Do what has been working for you and screw the rest! Can I be honest here? I have lost over 100 pounds without counting calories or points or anything. I know counting those things works for a lot of people, but I just didn't feel up to it. I had other ways to get the weight off. So, I did what worked for me. I listened to my body. You should do the same thing. If it's been working, stick with it!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    The conflicting info is crazy-making. I learned not to let it discourage me, and to consider my own body as the ultimate authority as to what works and what doesn't. People say you can't lose weight with "walking" as your only specific exercise. My body proved them 90+ pounds of WRONG. People say you have to weight train to lose weight and tone up - in my case that was WRONG. People say you can't lose weight by running - in my case that is WRONG. People say you can't lose weight eating anything but low carb/high protein... my body proved that wrong.

    I've cleaned up my diet considerably along the way, but I've found new healthier foods that I truly enjoy. I'm not eating fad foods to lose weight. I eat for my own particular nutritional needs and control the calories.

    Don't be disheartened. Read, consider various viewpoints and info, and go ahead and do what you think will work best for YOU. It isn't a one shot deal, you know. You can experiment to find out what works for you. Adjust as you go along. It's a lot more fun than going into this thinking you either succeed or fail. We're all works in progress.
  • KristenBru
    KristenBru Posts: 25
    It reminds me of when I had my first child. Everyone was telling me to do do this and do that - to the point that I wanted to scream! After awhile I figured out what worked for HER, and parenting got a lot easier. I still take parenting advice in stride, but I don't feel the need to follow all of it.
    Same goes with fitness advice. Some people enjoy living on 500 calories of lettuce and carrots, others are convinced that they can lose weight by eating at McDonald's everyday - me - at aim for the middle. Just try to workout, eat the best I can, and take advice into consideration when it's sound.
    Just ignore the rest of the noise. :)
  • dreggory
    dreggory Posts: 1
    I have actually lost 28 lbs since I started, I used live strong tracker for a while and the thing is... I eat anything I want but I stay under calories. If I'm with family and there is a lot of homemade food I don't even track that day, I eat what I want and then start back up the next day. Being sad and stressed is the worst for losing. so do what you love, have fun with it and eat what you want; as long as you stay under your daily calorie goal for the majority of the time.

    also remember this: losing weight is 80% diet but only 20% exercise. I'm in a weight loss competition so I actually avoided lifting weights or exercise because I wanted to lose pounds not caring if it was muscle and fat, and it's working I'm currently in first place. but the point I want to make is, unless I start working out before I try to maintain my weight, when I start eating more again I will get fatter than I ever was. But because you are working out, lifting weights and running; you are creating a fat burning furnace that increases your metabolism. don't stop working out and just keep up the tracking. patience is the key and doing what you can honestly do will work. oh and the dreaded plateau is two things: your trading unwanted fat for nice looking muscle (which is heavier than fat) and 2. your carrying less weight around burning less calories, so just lower your calorie goal accordingly.

    being honest with yourself will take you to your goal. example: I don't pick the lowest calories available in the list of foods on the tracker so that I can eat more.

    Lastly, (sorry for the very long comment) diet fads are dumb and most don't work, they are a money making scheme don't buy a gym or pills or anything like that. you have what you need at home, and it's freaking awesome that you love to run. I personally hate it. so I'm impressed. keep it up!
  • tamtamzz
    tamtamzz Posts: 142
    It reminds me of when I had my first child. Everyone was telling me to do do this and do that - to the point that I wanted to scream! After awhile I figured out what worked for HER, and parenting got a lot easier. I still take parenting advice in stride, but I don't feel the need to follow all of it.
    Same goes with fitness advice. Some people enjoy living on 500 calories of lettuce and carrots, others are convinced that they can lose weight by eating at McDonald's everyday - me - at aim for the middle. Just try to workout, eat the best I can, and take advice into consideration when it's sound.
    Just ignore the rest of the noise. :)

    YES! This is it exactly! This a perfect analogy. If I had a dollar for every piece of advice...

    I still have to be a parent. I still have to raise my kids. I can't say, "Ah, to hell with this. Child rearing is too confusing and hard. I give up." I can't really do that, and the same applies to me losing weight. I have two kids, so the second time around I was able to ignore most of the crap and got on with it.

    But when it comes to weight loss, this is my first "baby".