The Biggest Loser



  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    I want to add my dimes worth here. I do not agree with the cursing at the people that is over the top. I know that you have to be stern and not give in to the emotional baggage they have coming into this program and maybe even do reality checks on them. But, no one deserves to be cursed at or made to feel less than human. Abuse comes in many forms and that is a form of abuse it being verbal and emotional not to forget. There were times when I needed a reality check and a push and refocused in my line of thinking and capabilties but at no time did my trainer/coach the friend who was helping me in this journey never once cursed me or made me feel less than human. I did get a few wake up sessions but none of which were abusive in verbal or emotional. If that had happened I would have shut down and refused to even try. This was just my thoughts on this.
    God Bless,
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Oh I disagree. I think that some people work better when screamed at. In fact, I work better that way with physical training. Call me names, call me fat, make me pissed, I only work harder. I'm not saying everyone works better that way, but that's Jillian's style, everyone who went there went with eyes wide open, and knew full well what Jillian would be doing when they got there. If they didn't want to be screamed at, then they didn't have to go. I don't agree with screaming at someone when they have no choice but to listen to it, but in this case, I feel it's more than fine.

    Some people are motivated better this way, and obviously these people are. Did you see Shay? After she walked out, she took a really long look at herself and came back in, talking to her nicely and gently is feeding her neurosis IMHO, you need to shock some people or they will (and I've experienced this first hand) take take take.

    I don't understand where the "less than human" comes in? What would make you say that? From the little we saw on the show, I see (in Jillian) someone who is SO supportive and SO caring that she will stop at nothing to force you to work hard. I find it refreshing to see a trainer not give in when people aren't trying hard enough. Just MHO, but I say to each their own. If they don't like being yelled at, they are free to leave. For me? I say bring it, make me puke, I'll love you for it tomorrow!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I agree with you that kind of behavior is not necessary nor should be tolerated in civilized people. But this is coming from a girl who never heard a curse word until I went to public school. You can be stern and firm and let people know you mean business without yelling at folks... just ask my momma.:laugh:
    I totally agree with kelly_a. There is never a time to use swearing to get people motivated. My husband is a ISSA certified fitness trainer and he has seen tremendous results in his clients who are 200, 300, 400 plus pounds. In 5 months one client lost 60 pounds by pure hard work and dedication without us getting in her face and screaming at her. She isn't on a diet, but made a life change and hasn't looked back. He has also been my coach and pushed me to limits I never thought I could go and helped me break through to freedom. There is so much more to the issue of weight loss than just the "number of pounds" a person needs to loose. It goes far deeper than that to the heart of the person. Until you can realize how and why you got to that point every pound lost is only temporary and over time will climb right back on as you fall back into old habits. You can encourage, motivate and inspire people by believing in them, fighting with them by their side and giving them the tools to succeed for a lifetime. We watched the show last night and it turned our stomachs. I realize that what we saw was only minutes out of hours of workouts, but it was enough to show us that Bob and Jillian are not trainers they are actors and dictators that have a lot to learn when it comes to dealing with people.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I'm such a sap...I watched it earlier and cried when I heard all of their stories. Also, I know someone that's on the show!! Sean, the youth minister, is in a Christian band called Watershed and they used to perform at all of our retreats and even came to our church! So awesome...and he lost 22 lbs. this week! Wahoo!!
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I agree with Sheboss ... some people ( these people who are on the show ) NEED it...
    I would PAY big money to let Jillian yell at me just to have a chance to train with her for one day. She completely 100% motivated me to do what I have done. she rocks ... :flowerforyou:
  • kelfeene
    kelfeene Posts: 78 Member
    TAMI ... OMG YOu are amazing ... 129 lbs!!!!!!!!!!
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    It is also, at the end of the day, a TV show aimed at ratings and revenue. While it's awesome and I love watching shows like this (Last 10 Pounds, etc) always keep in mind that although a 'reality' show, there is still a Director, and a team of Producers, all making sure there is enough drama to provoke responses like this to keep people talking about it and tuning in next week. They've obviously done their job well!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Drama is one thing this show has in Spades! :tongue:
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    TAMI ... OMG YOu are amazing ... 129 lbs!!!!!!!!!!

    thank you very much! I feel pretty amazing these days! :drinker:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Oh I disagree. I think that some people work better when screamed at. In fact, I work better that way with physical training. Call me names, call me fat, make me pissed, I only work harder. I'm not saying everyone works better that way, but that's Jillian's style, everyone who went there went with eyes wide open, and knew full well what Jillian would be doing when they got there. If they didn't want to be screamed at, then they didn't have to go. I don't agree with screaming at someone when they have no choice but to listen to it, but in this case, I feel it's more than fine.

    Some people are motivated better this way, and obviously these people are. Did you see Shay? After she walked out, she took a really long look at herself and came back in, talking to her nicely and gently is feeding her neurosis IMHO, you need to shock some people or they will (and I've experienced this first hand) take take take.

    I don't understand where the "less than human" comes in? What would make you say that? From the little we saw on the show, I see (in Jillian) someone who is SO supportive and SO caring that she will stop at nothing to force you to work hard. I find it refreshing to see a trainer not give in when people aren't trying hard enough. Just MHO, but I say to each their own. If they don't like being yelled at, they are free to leave. For me? I say bring it, make me puke, I'll love you for it tomorrow!

    Nicely said. I was doing one of her videos the other day and I LOVED it when she said..there is no modification, no one is doing you a favor by letting you modify & rest. You CAN do this!.......Everytime I want to quit jogging or whatever I think of that and find the strength to do just one more minute or whatever.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Nice, I love Jillian, I think I can actually see the pain in her face when they force her to do those stupid ads about extra sugar free gum and ziplock (or whatever they are). I can see her mind working overtime through the whole thing "better to have the small evils to get the good word out."

    I just hope they address the issue of caloiric deficit to the audience this year. If I hear one more person say "but Jillian doesn't say to eat your exercise calories" I think my head will pop! Jillian uses a different program people, but the end caloric results are the SAME as MFP!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    One thing that you are forgetting. They signed up to do this. Nobody forced them to be there. I can guarantee that for the small amount that get on, there are hundreds if not thousands who wished that they did.

    I for one would be thrilled to have Bob and Jillian yelling and swearing at me and making me lose the weight like they do on that show
  • southernletteXO
    You know what though, if I working out with Jillian, I honestly wouldn't give her a reason to cuss at me like that. I know that they're bigger than normal, but when I saw Shay get off the ladder for no reason, Jillian had every right to call her a quitter because its exactly that !
  • beckyi88
    As always, SHBoss, nailed it on the head! :smile:

    I also think there is a bit of *tearing down* old habits and thought patterns to help them change from the inside out. It works for our military!
    It's going to take something extreme to change people who are so unhealthy!

    And I agree with the poster who said that they volunteered for this and they knew what they were getting.

    As far as treating any of the contestants without dignity or respect or *less than human*????...never once has Jillian said *YOU are *ing lazy, loser, whatever* She's just using some extra exclamations in her sentences. If it offends you, change the channel.
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    I totally agree with SHBoss!

    I think a LOT of people respond to this type of training. In fact, think of Harvey on Celebrity Fit Club (a drill instructor that was fond of shouting) and all of the boot camp style fitness workouts that have sprung up in communities. Some people actually seek out this style of training!

    I know it isn't for everyone.... I personally respond well to it. I want to be pushed beyond what *I* think I can actually do, because I know that I am stronger than I give myself credit for. Sometimes getting challenged in that way provides the adreneline boost I need to push myself beyond the wall.

    And an old coach of mine used to say, "The way to build confidence is to do something that you never thought you could do."
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Just like Beckyi88 said, It's not like she is calling them names, she is just a very passionate person when it comes to health and helping people. So what she screams and curses. I remember last season Bob flipped out too and went off on the one that was kind of crazy, Carlas partner. If they babied someone everytime they felt like they couldn't do an exercise they would never have time to train the rest. When I signed up with my trainer I let her know from the beginning I want you to push me further than I would ever push myself. She does just that. She doesn't curse and yell but I don't give her a reason to. I have never told her I couldn't do something. If I did and she yelled and cursed it would make me work harder to show her I could do it.