Hi, I need help.

I am currently on week 6 - Day 3. It is the 22min run.

I did 10 mins @7.2kms (I am treadmilling it) I was knackered! I HAD to stop. :(

I think I may have lost some conditioning due to an illness that kept me off the treadmill for 1 week. Only 1 week!

Is this normal?

I am more worried about my speed, honestly, even though not being able to progress is upsetting too.

So 2 questions

1. Did this happen to you? You had to stop a workout early.

2. If you're as slow as me, how did you pick up speed? I'm thinking about starting over from the beginining and making myself run 10kms per hour right from the get go.

Please help! I am pretty lost, this is my first time seriously trying to run.


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Don't stress about it - I've definitely had times when running was just HARD... like yesterday's long run which turned into a run/walk because I just didn't seem to be able to keep going at a steady pace.
    But, I covered the distance (near enough anyway) even though it was SOOO much slower than I wanted to do.

    My theory is that speed is not as important as endurance - you really have to get strength in your legs and your lungs before you can pick up speed, and 6 weeks just isn't enough for that.

    Keep running at whatever pace you can do. If you are just too tired, then walk for 2 mins and get back to running again.
    Most important of all - don't give up, keep going but make it at a pace that suits you body. I hurt my hip flexors last year and I think it was because I was pushing myself to increase distance and pace at the same time and I just didn't have they fitness to support that. This year I'm focussing on getting the km in my legs and letting the speed come alongside, but not pushing it.
  • johnsummerton
    johnsummerton Posts: 86 Member
    I remember getting to running for 22 minutes and thinking I can't do that . Gave up . But a few weeks later started again now realize in was a mental thing . Dont worry about your speed , it will come in time . Btw I can now run for an hour still not very fast . :smile:
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    I am on week 6 day 3 as well today and I am a bit worried - but if you think you are slow - I am far worse lol- I am intending on doing it at 6.5 km/hr - I know for most folk that is more like a brisk walk but i'm 5ft 2" lol - I am just trying to get throught the distance and I am intending on just going at the best speed I can and then I will go through the programme again and just increase the speed as I can - and I intend to just chip, chip away until I can do the5k in under 30 mins - hope that helps :)
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I did it last year and I didnt bother about my speed - I did it outside on the roads though so didnt know my speed. My aim was to run for the 20/22 mins, even if it was very slow. Once I knew I could do the time I was planning on upping my speed. I fell pregnant just after that so have really been running (just walking). Im planning on starting again once I recover from having baby.

    Good luck and dont beat yourself up. I would continue at a slower pace and repeat the week until you happy then up your speed.

  • leopard_barbie
    leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
    I've read that with running you're not meant to try and increase speed and distance at the same time as pushing yourself too hard could lead to injury. As you're already focusing on increasing your distance with C25K I'd say just focus on getting through the run and work on speed after you're done with it. With C25K everything I've read on the forums seems to suggest that you should do it at a speed that is comfortable for you, as long as you're running the running bits and walking the walking bits. I'm only on week 3 and can't imagine a 22min run at this stage, I'm nervous but excited! Good luck with it x
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    I remember getting to running for 22 minutes and thinking I can't do that . Gave up . But a few weeks later started again now realize in was a mental thing . Dont worry about your speed , it will come in time . Btw I can now run for an hour still not very fast . :smile:

    ^^^^^^ Exactly...

    I started C25K in Feb, stopped twice, due to ill health, each time I started from beginning again, Yesterday I did 5K in 29 minutes, if I can do it anyone can, I was rubbish at sports in school and never could run AT ALL.

    STICK AT IT...

    TIP:- If you want to see just how far you've come do W1D1 and see how easy it is compared with when you first did it.

  • writinwater
    I'm just beginning C25K, but I read on the website (on the treadmill bit) that you should run as slowly as possible;

    "I am often asked how fast you should run and walk on the treadmill. The answer is that you should run as slowly as possible. In fact, if you can run more slowly, you are probably running too fast. Speed will come over time (after you have finished the program). "

    So I'm doing it at 6.5 (I walk at the same speed and just do a slow jog in the intervals). Slow and steady wins the race, eh? :)
  • vespertinestar
    I've also heard (and been told by the nhs choices c25k program) that finishing the run and building endurance is the most important thing. As long as you keep on jogging you'll pick up speed over time . Keep up the good work :D