frustrated with doctor attitude

:heart: Hi. I have had a lot of problems over the past couple of months with my primary doctor not being very supportive with my weight. Lately, I have been exercising 2 hours a day (cardio for 1 hour, weight lifting for the other hour), and eating right. But, not seems like no matter what I do, the scale either says a higher number, or it doesn't change at all! I know something is being lost, because I am losing inches.

2 weeks ago, when I went to see my doctor for a follow-up, I got weighted and clocked in at 284 pounds. I was shocked, considering the amount of exercise and healthy eating I was doing. My caregiver says that I am gaining muscle. But, my doctor isn't convinced. She still keeps telling me that I am obviously doing something wrong in my eating habits to keep gaining weight not have it not go down. When she said it, it was like a slap to the face. I am trying my absolute hardest to lose weight, because my GI doctor wants to redo my ileostomy (so it will stop leaking), and wants to put a smaller button-style feeding tube in me for gastroparesis (instead of a long big tube like I have right now). For all of those who are curious, I am still able to eat ground-up solid foods, but the feeding tube has to be used for medicines, 2 cans of very high protein formula daily, and extra water during the night.

My doctor is super skinny and it doesn't help when she thinks that my weight should be instantly gone in a month. I am trying my hardest and hearing this just makes me more depressed and wanting to eat bad foods due to feeling so badly.

Any advice? I can't change doctors, due to my insurance.



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    This sounds like a tough situation - can you ask for a referral to a dietitian to help with the nutrition issues?
  • twilks11
    twilks11 Posts: 29
    I went though this with my secondary doctor. I would suggest taking your mesurements and keep them in a diary. Every other week log in the new measurements. I would also keep your own diary of the foods you eat so you can show her what you eat and how much. Don't worry about what she says shes only going by the number on the scale. Sometimes losing inches is just as important. I have a very supportive doctor who helps a great deal and thank god never puts me down. I would try and work things out with her and explain to her that her last remarks hurt and that your trying and if she had any POSITIVE feedback that it would be helpful. See what she says. If you can try and walk a few days that will help with the pounds..Good luck and keep us can do this..