Best and worst foods



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Lol not this again.

    French fries and potatoes have some of the best glucose levels in them.
    Amazing for building muscle after lifting weights.
    Soda fits but only if it fits your macros.
    I personally dont drink it but as long as you are at a deficit its fine.
    Red meat is fine as long as you are in a a deficit.
    Red meat also contains more creatine, 2g every 16oz, and we know what that **** does!
    Great for rest days if you are hitting the fat.
    Good for building muscle.
    Processed meats arent the best but fine if it fits your macros.
    White bread is okay but wheat and whole grains are better.
    Fruit juice is fine as long as it fits your macros.
    I know plenty of lean guys/gals, sub 10%/17% BF, who drink fruit juice as a part of their carb ups.

    As for the other posts that will come later.....

    PS i'm not trying to be a **** but these posts have been popping up daily and its a little silly to say this food is better than that food etc...

    Heres the one from yesterday.....

    Fried foods <----true but if it fits your macros then why not?
    Hamburgers & French fries <---I eat hamburgers and if i'm in a deficit I lose weight.
    Table sugar <---true but if it fits your macros then why not if you like it.
    Plain Jam <----if it fits your macros then why not if you like it?
    salted nuts <---ate nuts like this every day. Sodium wont stop you from losing weight.
    smoked nuts <----nothing wrong with smoked nuts.
    refried beans <
    heavy carbs can still fit in your macros.
    Baked Beans <
    if it fits your macros then why not if you like them.
    Chocolate Fudge <
    if it fits your macros then why not?
    Candy <
    if it fits your macros then why not?Toffee
    Gums <----I chew gum every day and still lose weight.
    Boiled sweets <----WTF is a boiled sweet? Anyway if it fits your macros then why not....
    Mint Sweets <---better than big sweets in some instances but if it fits your macros then why not?
    Liquorice <----In women this is actually great to have as a dietary supplement. IIFYM then why not?
    Honey - Honey has minimal nutritional value & has the same calorie content as sugar. <---some people prefer honey and IIFYM then why not?

    Soft drinks <
    If it fits your macros then why not?
    Tinned fruits <----unsweetened or sweetened IIFYM then why not?
    Chutney <----I ate all sorts of indian food including chutney and lost weight. IIFYM then why not?
    Pickle <---Really? At <3cals? Really?
    bacon <----Bacon fits into rest day macros easily.
    sausage <----I ate sausage almost every day and lost weight as long as I was ata a deficit.
    cured meats <---some of the best protein is from cured meats. Never avoid this. Easy to bag and go!
    ham <----ham is a fatty meat so should be eaten on rest days. Or IIFYM eat it!
    fatty cuts of steak like T-bone & rib-eye <----Bull****. Again the fat isnt bad and helps with testosterone uptake.
    Puddings <
    really? Even the 100cal ones? Bull****.
    Corn syrup <
    this is true.
    Fruit juice - It's better to eat raw fruit instead of fruit juice because fruits contain more fiber and the juice will always contain more sugar than the actual fruit. <----but if it fits your macros than drink it.
    Cake <---IIFYM eat it.
    Bread made with white flour <
    wheat is preferred but IIFYM then eat it.
    Soda pop, such as Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc. <----IIFYM drink it.
    All baked goods made with white flour <---wheat is preferred but again IIFYM eat it.
    Coffee <---coffee has been proven to be one of the best and cheapest supplements on the market. So many studies that I couldnt even begin to print them all. This was the biggest BS i've read on this article so far.

    Biscuits <----IIFYM eat it.
    Fast foods <---Fast food fits into my cutting calories daily.
    Pasta made with white flour <----wheat or rice preferred but IIFYM eat it.
    Canned fruits w/added sugar <see canned fruits above.
    Most packaged cereals <---I ate 2cups cereal every night in bed and lost weight.
    Alcohol can slow your metabolism down by 73% <----BS it actually causes the body to only focus on getting rid of the alcohol. Drinking on an empty stomach thern waiting for the alcohol to be expelled will have zero effect on metabolism or nutrient uptake within a 24 hour period. This is BS.

    Potato chips <---nothing wrong with these as long as the fit your macros.
    Popcorn <----some of the best carb sources and filling. I suggest popcorn to those who are having trouble making macro goals.
    Cookies <---nothing worng with cookies as long as they fit your macros.
    Ice cream <---I ate ice cream on a daily basis and lost weight. IIFYM eat it.
    Cakes <---IIFYM eat it.
    Pies <---IIFYM eat it.
    All deserts <---all bull****.
    Artificial sweeteners <----IIFYM eat it. I like splenda and i'm losing weight.
    Most bottled green teas have more ingredients in it to help you gain weight than the actual green tea itself to help you lose weight. <----but IIFYM drink it.

    Fear mongering is one of the best tools for creating misconception about food.
    If you like a certain type of food and you want to lose weight, all you need to know is "Do you have room in your macros to eat it?"
    Do you know your TDEE?
    This article would have been good if it stated that all the foods are fine to eat in moderation.
    If it had some type of science behind it to back it up.
    Coffee causes stress?
    Any type of stimulant causes stress.
    Green tea is a stimulant BTW!

    What a bunch of garbage.

    No wonder we have girls on here afraid to eat above 1200 cals and who sit in the corner crying because they had 1 cookie.

    To summarize:

    If the food you like fits your macros then eat it.
    You will lose weight as long as you are at a deficit.

    Rant done.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Once again dan, you are right!!!

    But still my ticker says 0 so who is gonna believe me.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Once again dan, you are right!!!

    But still my ticker says 0 so who is gonna believe me.

    I'll lend some validity to this - my ticker says 38lbs lost, and I eat most of those foods. There are some things I chose to avoid, because that works best for me. However, if it fits in your macros, eat it. Obviously, fruits, veggies, lean protiens, and whole grains (ie: "healthy food") gives you great nutrition. But there is nothing that says you can't have pizza, pasta, even (gasp!) ice cream and candy and still lose weight. It's called moderation.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Once again dan, you are right!!!

    But still my ticker says 0 so who is gonna believe me.

    If they don't believe you, they can take a look at my ticker :happy:
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Once again dan, you are right!!!

    But still my ticker says 0 so who is gonna believe me.

    If they don't believe you, they can take a look at my ticker :happy:
    ^^^ Mine, too !:smile:
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    For me the best foods are natural ones that have to be prepared and cooked (fresh meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts)

    Worst foods for me: anything packaged, bottled, canned, boxed, frozen (exception of fruits and veggies), etc.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    What is up with these BS lists lately????
  • 1ruffles
    1ruffles Posts: 1
    ??? just getting started with MFP. What does macros mean?
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    ??? just getting started with MFP. What does macros mean?

    Macros are macronutrients. Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats. Many people will aim for a certain percentage of their calories from each macro. I'm aiming for 40/30/30, but I'm usually under on protein and over on carbs. As long as I'm still losing weight I don't sweat the small stuff though.
  • slashkiss
    slashkiss Posts: 74 Member
    ... I kinda <3 some of those bad foods and still find a way to squeeze them into my diet from time to time. I have soda at the movies because you just can't watch a movie without a giant soda and popcorn in my opinion. I also love a good steak and I make potatoes weekly at my house for dinner. I do try to avoid french fries but they are sooo damn good so they usually end up in some meal of mine every couple of weeks. I have lost over 50 pounds and haven't completely cut any of those "bad" foods out. Granted I do still have another 40-50 pounds to go to be the "best/hottest" version of myself but I don't plan on eliminating any of those foods for this next half of my journey either. /shrug
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Hook, Line and sinker. LOL eat your twinkies,,,,,,,,,, oh yeah just make sure you are under your calories and you will be just fine.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Dan is not a doctor or nutritionist. He builds bears FFS! All information Dan gives you can be found freely on the interwebs! Thats where he found it! He researches this crap and brings it to you! =D