New baby...trying to lose weight...

Hello, I just had my 3rd baby (in 4 years) and am trying to lose some of the baby weight. I am nursing so I can`t reduce my caloric intake very much, just have to reign in my pregnancy eating, lol. Anyone out there in the same boat? or have suggestions for me?


  • mrbunsrocks
    mrbunsrocks Posts: 53 Member
    I just had my second baby (3 months old) and am in the same boat. I'm nursing as well, so I'm not as strict on the calories. I'm mostly working off the weight through exercise.

    In terms of calories though, I find that the more whole, natural, real foods I eat, the larger QUANTITY of good food I can eat for fewer calories (i.e., a homemade 600 calorie dinner salad is WAY more satisfying than a burger and fries/slice of pizza). I aim for a 40-30-30 balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat (I don't always hit it though) and I limit/avoid sugar. And I'm not sure how recently you had your baby, but you really do need to start slow with the exercise. I started walking at 2 weeks post-partum, and then started a workout program about 1 month post-partum (Chalene Extreme). A month after that, I added in a beginning running program, and now I'm at the point where I work out for about an hour most days, but it's something you need to ramp up to, not just because of your post-partum body, but also because you're nursing, you don't want your supply to plummet if all of a sudden your energy is all going to exercise. I also eat a lot of oatmeal and drink fennel tea to try to help boost my supply.

    It's working for me, but after the initial weight drop, I'm losing slowly (1-2 lbs a week max). I'd love to drop pounds faster, but don't want to starve my wee one!