Help needed to keep me.....

.....on track.

I seem to have fallen off the wagon in the last 2 months, and have piled 10lbs back on! I originally lost 58lbs from healthy eating and exercise (running, kettlebelling, and walking, taking part in competitions to keep me motivated!)

I need to get back to it, and today have gone out and bought a load of fruit to snack on instead of crap, and i am going back to my exercise classes tonight so i am determind to get to my final goal (which i never actually reached).

I have 20lbs left to loose. And a half marathon run to train for which will no doubt help but need all the motivation, ideas and support i can get

Please feel free to add me if you have any wise words, motivation a plenty and support :)


  • debbysatit
    debbysatit Posts: 125 Member
    I think summer has a way of doing this to us. I have not been able to get it together at all but am going to try to check in to keep it up. It sounds like you have made a great plan to get back on it. Remember how far you have come. Maybe ask yourself what is stopping me from getting to it a subconcious sabbotage or have i just been so good that now I am struggling? 58LBS IS AWESOME! KEEP IT UP! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • KatManx
    KatManx Posts: 168 Member

    anyone wanna be my friend? :) hehe
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    I friended you! Hey, don't dwell on the slip, part of the process I think for many! Look how far you have come, celebrate that and start up again! Great job not letting things get worse!