cant eat that much!



  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    My goal is 1200, some days I hit 2500, some days I struggle to get 900...depends on my mood I think. I find looking at my weekly goals gives me a better representation.
  • mommab23k
    mommab23k Posts: 35
    You also might want to make sure you are calculating your walking distance correctly. I powerwalk an hour a day, street not treadmill, and I can barely manage 4 miles in a hour. If you were walking 5 miles in an hour, you would be almost jogging. Are you using a treadmill to monitor your mileage? Or if not, a pedometer that you know is working properly? I would just double check to make sure you are covering the ground you think you are, because if you are under then it'll definitely affect your calorie needs for the day.
  • libertyfaith
    May be my pedometer is wrong, for sure. I'm not on a treadmill, I walk around my neighborhood. Maybe it's time for a new one.
  • redrook29
    redrook29 Posts: 10
    It's ok if you gain 1 pound, especially if you are exercising. Your body can be losing fat and gaining muscle. :)
    Don't just look at the pounds, use other measurements as well to track your progress. You can measure your hips, thighs, etc. once a week.
  • kamiAK
    kamiAK Posts: 100 Member
    Ortega - Taco Seasoning Mix W/Ground Beef, 3 Tb 76 calories.... this was your dinner with some lettuce? did you have tacos? where is the meat...and anything you had inside of it.,..and what did you wrap around it?
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I do not understand you people who can not eat. I recently had a 3,000 calorie day and was still hungry at the end of it. WHAT IS YOUR SECRET?????

    Don't know about anyone else but I eat raw veggies with my lunch and dinner. You try munching through a plate of cucumbers and carrots plus some meat and a big glass of water then some fruit for, you will be very full even though such a meal probably won't even be 500 cals. Even when I eat out, for example tonight for dinner I had subway, I'm hard pressed to reach 2,000 in cals. If it wasn't for the slushie I got I would have been around 1700 cals today.

    I recently started eating protein bars daily to help me with calories, as I'm set at 1400 to eat but exercise 1300 daily. I'm aiming to eat at least half my exercise calories back, so I need to eat 2k daily.
  • mommab23k
    mommab23k Posts: 35
    liberty, if you consistently walk the same route(s) you can use your cars odometer to verify the mileage. Check it against your pedometer to make sure it's registering your steps correctly.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    May be my pedometer is wrong, for sure. I'm not on a treadmill, I walk around my neighborhood. Maybe it's time for a new one. has a GREAT tool! I use it to map my various routes. I do a walk/jog every morning. Today, I covered just over 5 miles, and it took me just over an hour to complete (1 hour, 1 minute, 22 seconds for 5.36 miles). That was doing some running, some fast paced walking, and some very brisk walking in intervals...
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    Im having the same issue. My BMR says to eat 1608 I believe. However, between me and my dr. we would be happy with min. of 1200. I have ED issues, and about 30 yrs of eatting 500-700 calories. Because of the ED and consistantly low calorie intake, It is difficult for me to eat 1200 calories.

    I eat well. My husband recommends I stop eatting low cal low fat food. Im not sure I will ever be able to do that. I am shooting for a min. of 1200 calories eatting as much unprocessed foods as I can. I love everything fresh.

    Just be aware of eatting healthy food like butter nut squash which issues 82 calories a cup. Fresh produce is nutrient dense and calorie low.

    So those of you who do not understand how someone can eat 1200 calories a day or less. Above are some reasons. and to answer the ??? some one else had, No I do not have hunger pangs. I am now using an alarm system on my phone to remind me to eat. I have x number of calories per meal or snack.

    I hope this will help some of you. Im sorry if it was just a rant. Commit to be Fit, Keri
  • libertyfaith
    Thanks for the info!