9 lbs and 91 to go

tlonie Posts: 29 Member
My sister in law has lost over 80 lbs and told me about this site. I have a long way to go and have struggled with weight my entire life. I have joined the gym, have a personal trainer, trying to eat clean, and tracking calories.

I need this site to keep me motivated since starting is always the easiest part for me. Any tips or friend request are greatly appreciated!


  • tilishamichelle
    tilishamichelle Posts: 34 Member
    Girl i understand. Just focus on the small successes first. If you can't do 10 pushups and then you can...celebrate! LOL. Also try to clean up your eating but don't be strict. I lost the majority of my weight with Weight Watchers. it helped me learn to eat better and make wise decisions. Then go from there. You can do it!
  • I completely understand! I'm trying to loose weight but it always seems as if I do good for about a week or so, then I fall back :(
  • Marlietta
    Marlietta Posts: 13 Member
    Great job! Keep it up. It's hard to watch family members who are ill and know you may be heading down the same path. Kudos to you for working towards a better tomorrow!
  • SwtMelissa86
    SwtMelissa86 Posts: 165
    you will love it here..I have been very successful with MFP... add me if you need a friend for some support! :)
  • WTF7
    WTF7 Posts: 140 Member
    You are already at 9% of your goal! Thats a great statrt!
  • pnwgurl
    pnwgurl Posts: 5
    i can tell you from experience: do it while you are ABLE. if you lost your health or mobility, youd be hating yourself for not taking advantage of your TO DO it.... .
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    Take it 5 pounds at a time, mama! You'll get there! You have everybody on MFP standing behind you! :)
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    First congrats on the 9lbs gone! Secondly, congrats to joining this site. It has saved me countless times. You can do this and you've got a community here of nothing but supporters.

    Make yourself mini goals and stick to them, it's easier than looking at 91 lbs to go. I've got 20 to go until my next goal and then I'll have another 25 after that. It totally helps you keep perspective.
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Take it 5 pounds at a time, mama! You'll get there! You have everybody on MFP standing behind you! :)

    I agree, those smaller goals work really well.
  • mercymarque
    mercymarque Posts: 450
    One step at a time. Make sure you track your calories and exercise. Doing it with a family member or friend can be fun. Switch up your routines at the gym and stay consistant. Remember putting the weight on was easy taking it off will take hard work and consistency.
  • ksun10
    ksun10 Posts: 76
    You will stick to it if you find a way to ENJOY the journey!
  • w8sarge
    w8sarge Posts: 4,013 Member
    Keep up the good effort, you're doing great! Like you, I've spent much of my life trying to stick to a diet, but each new diet I started, I was at a higher weight at the start than the one before! I found MFP so doable. For once I've had success beyond a few pounds weight loss, and am continuing mfp in maintenance. Best of success to you!!