Working mom/wife syndrome

nsanville Posts: 28 Member
I am new to the site, so bear with me if I ramble :blushing:

I always thought I was fat, when I was a teenager to the time I had my son. I had what i refer to as "Soccer player legs" with nice calves and a little bit larger than proportionate quads. Now when I look at the pictures from my teenage years, I would be willing to lose an arm to look like that again!

Reasons why I need this site:
-I noticed from when I was preggers that my stomach streched soo much that I am left with hangy skin and a TON of stretch marks
- I went from waitressing and being on my feet all day, to being a desk jockey, and only walking as far as the water cooler in my office, and the only curls I do are snacking from desk drawer to my face
-I LOVE chocolate, cheese and potato chips
-I quit smoking

-Now that I dont smoke (almost 4 years!!), I CONSTANTLY need to be eating something, the hand to mouth urge is just too much!
-I eat when I am bored, aggravated, or angry. Total emotional eater!
-I tried WW twice and lost 14 pounds, but everytime I think I am good and try to eat well on my own, I gain it all back
-I need to be accountable and need a support system, so if I backslide, or whatev, there is that little voice saying "hey whats going on over there" :flowerforyou:
-I am hoping that by using this site and making friends on here it can encourage me to keep with the eating right and exercise.

-I work from 8AM to 5PM, Monday and Wed, 8-8PM on Tues and Thurs 8-7Pm on Friday and 9-2PM on Sat. When I get home at night, I clean the house, make dinner, do laundry etc. I don't get help from my hubby as he works 2 jobs, and my son is less than helpful. I find it hard to find time to work out, and I have been trying to get up at 5am during the week to go walking, so hopefully that will stick too!
-Anyone who is looking for the motivation that I am, friend me and maybe we can finally get to where we want to be!!!!!! :heart:


  • wwpecker
    wwpecker Posts: 13
    Hi - I stopped smoking too, about 17 months age and wow did i get an appetite!! – but the plus side is i have loads more energy :) – welcome!
  • LucyFordxo
    LucyFordxo Posts: 62 Member
    That's a BIG DEAL.

    I'm going on three years without a cigarette-I smoked for ten years :noway:

    Keep logging in everyday, you're going to get the support here you need. I've been here for 12 or so days and it's like MFP is my personal trainer. I've also done WW and had small success (I've been on and off that program since I was in the 6th grade) and I find this to be a lot more FUN. I get more support online here than I did from group meetings (I found the "leaders" to be a joke) and I don't have a pen and paper to write everything down on.
    Everytime I've been on a diet aka lifestyle change-I've been a reflector. I like to journal ect ect. But to count my points (which I didnt have an app for. I did it by hand and had to be really coy about doing it at work, it was my private journey) and then journal at the end of the day..too time consuming and not so fun for me!
    HERE I get to log my calories everyday, and even if I'm not posting anything,...I am reflecting when I read a thread on the message board. I'm healing and strengthing myself when I support my friends here and get there support back <3

    So WELCOME girl!!!!


    -ps: this place is way mor exciting to me than facebook!! :p
  • sudbrinkak27
    sudbrinkak27 Posts: 5 Member
    My goal is to get up at 5 to work out too! It seems so early but that is when my baby usually gets up to feed so my goal really is to stay up after he is done so I can work out. Good Luck!